Browse Items (1167 total)

Scenario#: 18479     Date: 12/31/1944     Location: Chenogne, Belgium

In late December 1944, while the Germans still hoped to capture Bastogne, US troops recovered the initiative to relieve this city which was partly besieged. The 11th US Armored Division, just arrived in in the western front and totally "green", …

Memoir '44Open de France 2017

Scenario#: 18435     Date: 9/15/1944     Location: Peleliu, Palau

On the 15th of September 1944, the 1st Marine Division landed on Peleliu in the Palaus Islands. In the afternoon, the Marines reached the airfield. At that time, the Japanese launched their counter-attack with infantry and tanks. In spite …

Memoir '44Open de France 2017

Scenario#: 18393     Date: 7/29/1944     Location: Villebaudon, France

On the 29th of July 1944, US troops of General Bradley were advancing towards Avranches after the breakthrough of the Operation Cobra. The German command tried to close the gap by all means. A kampfgruppe (occasional battle group) of the …

Memoir '44Open de France 2017

Scenario#: 17171     Date: 7/10/1942     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

On the 30th of June 1942, the victorious but exhausted Axis units arrived in front of El Alamein, the last British line before Alexandria. In order to weaken Rommel troops, General Auchinleck ordered to attack the Italian Infantry divisions. In …

Memoir '44Open de France 2016

Scenario#: 10838     Date: 2/19/1945     Location: Motoyama Airfield, Iwo Jima

On the 19th of February 1945, after a long naval and air bombing, the 4th and 5th Marine Division landed unopposed on the long black sandy beach of Iwo Jima. But as soon as the Marines tried to exit the …

Memoir '44Open de France 2013

Scenario#: 6977     Date: 8/5/1944     Location: Vire, France

After the success of Operation Cobra and the breakthrough at Avranches, the 3rd US Army advanced out of Normandy. Meanwhile the 1st US Army continued to fight against German 7.Armee. The CCA of 2nd US Armoured Division failed to take …

Memoir '44Open de France 2011

Scenario#: 6969     Date: 7/12/1944     Location: Martinville, France

On the 1th of July 1944, 116th US Infantry Regiment was advancing with difficulty on the Martinville Ridge, repelling the Germans entrenched in numerous hedgerows. With the support of tanks equipped with "Culin" system, US infantrymen advanced…

Memoir '44Open de France 2011

Scenario#: 6923     Date: 7/11/1944     Location: Bellefontaine, France

After a long static period in the bocage, the 29th US Infantry Division was ready to advance toward Saint-Lô. But, in the night 10th to 11th of July, a strengthened company of German paratroopers of the 3.Fallschirmjäger Division attacked the …

Memoir '44Open de France 2011

Scenario#: 6831     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Saint-Clair-sur-Elle, France

After the crossing of the swampy area of Aure river, the soldiers of 29th US Infantry Division who advanced towards Saint-Lô, entered in the normand bocage (hedgerow). On the Elle river, the German defense was stronger. Units of the German …

Memoir '44Open de France 2011

Scenario#: 6817     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Vacqueville, France

Dog Green/Charlie Red sector. Landing Craft of Able Company of 116th RCT (Regimental Combat Team, 29th Infantry Division) landed on Dog Green sector while LCAs of Charlie Company of 2nd Rangers Battalion arrived on Charlie Red sector. US soldiers…

Memoir '44Open de France 2011

Scenario#: 6678     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Vacqueville, France

Omaha Beach at the end of the morning, US units which have survived to the hell of the beach began to reach the plateau. Companies of 116th Infantry Rgt, 115th Infantry Rgt, 2nd and 5th Rangers and tanks of 743rd …

Memoir '44Open de France 2011

Scenario#: 5797     Date: 1/26/1945     Location: Holtzwihr, France

During the Battle for the Colmar Pocket, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Division, attached to the 1st French Army for the occasion, bravely inched through the snow-covered plains of Alsace despite the bitter cold. The 15th U.S. Infantry Regiment had just …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 5735     Date: 7/21/1944     Location: Agat, Guam

On July 21, 1944, the Marines set foot on Guam, as part of Operation Forager. The 3rd Marine Division lands on Asan Beach, north of the Orote peninsula, while the 1st Marine Division lands south, opposite the town of Agat. …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 5675     Date: 10/8/1944     Location: Haaren, Germany

The US Army nears Aachen. Rather than heading straight for the town, General Hodges opts for an encircling maneuver. The 30th Infantry Division, north of Aachen, marches South, while the 1st Infantry Division skirts the suburbs via the South-East. …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 5523     Date: 12/17/1944     Location: Clervaus, Belgium

Colonel Fuller, commander of the 110th Infantry Regiment, is waiting for the enemy in Clervaux : defenses have been laid everywhere, even in the old castle. The German Panzers are closing in so Colonel Fuller decides to send a Sherman …

Memoir '44Open de France 2009

Scenario#: 5521     Date: 6/23/1944     Location: Bois du Mont du Roc, France

After weeks of tough battles, Major General J. Lawton Collins, commander of VII Corps, is eager to put an end to the battle for Cherbourg and orders three Infantry Divisions to attack the "Festung" (fortress). 9th US Infantry Division …

Memoir '44Open de France 2009

Scenario#: 5520     Date: 11/19/1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

After landing in Empress Augusta Bay during Operation Cherry Blossom, the 3rd Marine Division ventures into the Bougainville Jungle. On November 19, the Marines reach River Piva and a crossroads where the Numa Numa trail meets the East-West one.…

Memoir '44Open de France 2009

Scenario#: 5518     Date: 8/15/1944     Location: Provence, France

On August 15, 1944, three Infantry Divisions from VI Corps under the command of the Seventh Army landed on the beaches of Provence. The 36th US Infantry Division landed on three beaches: Camel Red in St-Raphaël, Camel Green on Dramont …

Memoir '44Open de France 2009

Scenario#: 13757     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Mortain, France

"We must strike like lightning!" - Adolf Hitler to Field Marshall Von Kluge 'Operation Luttich' began shortly before midnight on the evening of August 3rd. Under direct orders from Hitler, four armored divisions launched a counterattack westward…

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 6780     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Neffe, Belgium

Lt Col. Ewell's column advanced along the frozen stream toward Neffe, when his column was suddenly fired on by a machine gun breaking the silence of the early morning fog of December 19, 1944. The first burst did little damage …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 1310     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Longvilly, Belgium

Six days before Christmas: German armor has come to within a few miles of the city of Bastogne. Unwilling to give up this important traffic center, the Americans organize a defense perimeter around the town. In the late afternoon, Combat …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 1254     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 1222     Date: 6/13/1944     Location: Carentan, France

The town of Carentan was the key to the American drive west to cut off the base of the Cotentin Peninsula. After two days of fighting and desperately short of ammunition, the Germans pulled their forces out of Carentan and …

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 3468     Date: 1/11/1942     Location: Mabatang, Phillipines

The first major battle of the "Fighting Retreat" occurred south of Calaguiman River. Supported by artillery, the 57th Infantry, set up a line of defense extending from Manila Bay through Mabatang across open ground. The Japanese 65th Brigade and 9th…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1584     Date: 2/15/1943     Location: Kasserine Pass, Tunisia

After the Anglo-American landings in North Africa on November 8, 1942, the Americans remained optimistic about their ability to fight an opponent like Rommel and the Afrika Korps. Although in headlong retreat after the Battle of El Alamein, Rommel…

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1326     Date: 12/1/1942     Location: Tebourba, Tunisia

On November 29th and 30th it was tough going for the still largely green Allied Combat Command. The Allies had launched two unsuccessful attacks to take the town of Djedeida and clear a path for the march on Tunis. Then …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1253     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1252     Date: 12/30/1944     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

On December 30th German High Command's plan to capture Bastogne called for a push from the west simultaneously with another from the east. The object of these two forces was to pinch the corridor at Assenois south of the town. …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 1225     Date: 6/11/1944     Location: Carentan, France

Rommel realized the danger to the Axis defenses should Carentan fall, for it was the link between the two US beaches and also the key to an American drive west to cut the base of the Cotentin Peninsula. The defense …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: 42     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Utah Beach, France

The American plan was that following the air and naval bombardment, the 8th Regiment would land first followed by Duplex Drive (DD) tanks. Utah was divided into a northern beach 'Tare' and a southern beach 'Uncle'. When Brigadier General Theodore …

Memoir '44Online - No Air Rules

Scenario#: NBO06     Date: 1944-12-20     Location: Noville, Belgium

In the morning, the extent of the German build up became apparent. Noville was threatened by possible encirclement. HQ decided to evacuate the town and fall back to Foy. Will the American forces manage to break through the tightening ring of iron or…

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO05     Date: 1944-12-19     Location: Noville, Belgium

When Team Desobry arrived at the small crossroads settlement of Noville their task was clear: stop the German advance on Bastogne. The men of Combat Command B (CCB), of which the team was a part of, had barely enough ñrepower to block a single road,…

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO04     Date: 1944-12-19     Location: Noville, Belgium

All through the night the Pares held against probing attacks of ever-mounting intensity. It was a nightmare of violent firefights, clanking tank tracks, and confusion, but the Pares gave as …

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO03     Date: 1944-12-19     Location: Noville, Belgium

Suddenly the mist lifted, as if drawn aside by an invisible hand, and Noville's defenders saw that they were surrounded by Panthers, Tigers, Panzer IVs and groups of advancing German infantry. But what could well have been a disastrous defeat was…

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO02     Date: 1944-12-19     Location: Noville, Belgium

In the morning the men had to fall back to Noville proper. But the day's fighting had just begun. Out of the almost impenetrable mist came threatening noises: Tigers were …

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO01     Date: 1944-12-19     Location: Noville, Belgium

His forces bolstered by the hardy Paras of the 1st Battalion, 506th PIR, Maj. Desobry felt confident. He immediately ordered a counterattack to take the high ground around Noville. The German Volksgrenadiers and Panzers had other ideas, however. - …

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO06     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

In the morning, the extent of the German build up became apparent. Noville was threatened by possible encirclement. HQ decided to evacuate the town and fall back to Foy. Will the American forces manage to break through the tightening ring …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO05     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

When Team Desobry arrived at the small crossroads settlement of Noville their task was clear: stop the German advance on Bastogne. The men of Combat Command B (CCB), of which the team was a part of, had barely enough ñrepower …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO04     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

All through the night the Pares held against probing attacks of ever-mounting intensity. It was a nightmare of violent firefights, clanking tank tracks, and confusion, but the Pares gave as …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO03     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

Suddenly the mist lifted, as if drawn aside by an invisible hand, and Noville's defenders saw that they were surrounded by Panthers, Tigers, Panzer IVs and groups of advancing German infantry. But what could well have been a disastrous defeat …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO02     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

In the morning the men had to fall back to Noville proper. But the day's fighting had just begun. Out of the almost impenetrable mist came threatening noises: Tigers were …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO01     Date: 12/19/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

His forces bolstered by the hardy Paras of the 1st Battalion, 506th PIR, Maj. Desobry felt confident. He immediately ordered a counterattack to take the high ground around Noville. The German Volksgrenadiers and Panzers had other ideas, however. - …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: N15     Date: 8 June, 1944     Location: Les Heutes, France

By D+2, Timmes had the enormous psychological boost of a telephone line across the marsh to the far shore. He had also the shaken glidermen who had fallen back to the orchard after the confusion of the night. As dawn …


Scenario#: N14     Date: 8 June, 1944     Location: North Of Amfreville, France

Lt Col. Timmes’ night patrols paid off. Lieutenant John Marr and Private Norman Carter stumbled upon the secret ford, and crossed to rendezvous with General Ridgeway at the Division CP. The General’s staff called on the 1st Battalion of the …


Scenario#: N13     Date: 6 June, 1944     Location: Amfreville, France

After a night of uncertainty and confusion, dawn was a lime for the German force based in Amfreville to assess their situation. Little enough was known for certain. Although Divisional headquarters was only a few kilometers down the road, all …


Scenario#: N12     Date: 6 June, 1944     Location: Les Heutes, France

By mid morning, Timmes had over a hundred men digging in around the buildings and gardens of the small hamlet of les Heutes. Timmes’ own CP was established under the trees of a bocage-lined orchard. One detail requisitioned the farmer’s …


Scenario#: N11     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: West Of Amfreville, France

On the night of the 6lh June, George V Millett, Colonel of the 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, had come down in a grain field about a thousand yards south of the DZ. He gathered a small force and struck east …


Scenario#: N10     Date: 6 June, 1944     Location: Cauquigny, France

Captain Ben Schwarzwalder was elated to find Cauquigny already in friendly hands. Now there was no need to fight for possession of the Cauquigny bridge head, which seemed firmly held, he felt he had completed the task given him by …


Scenario#: N09     Date: 6 June, 1944     Location: Outside Amfreville, France

Lt. Colonel Timmes landed alone in the flooded marsh and took some time to free himself from his harness. By 04:00 he had gathered ten men. Two gliders landed nearby and the number rose to thirty. The band grew steadily …


Scenario#: N08     Date: 9 June, 1944     Location: Around Cauquigny, France

The plan was that George Company should deploy to the left of the causeway, Easy to the right. But in the turmoil of the crossing, units were mingled inextricably. By the time Captain Harney’s Fox Company came on the scene, …
