Browse Items (1167 total)

Scenario#: J143     Date: 4/16/1945     Location: Nüremberg, Germany

Nuremberg – “the most German of German cities” – would be defended by the 13th SS Corps of the First Army, and the 15,000 fanatic Nazis under General Max Simon were prepared to defend the old city “to the last bullet”. By April 15, they would get…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: 6564     Date: 5/23/1944     Location: cisterna di Littoria, Italy

By the middle of May 1944, General Clark has decide he's had enough. Determined to finish his opponent off, he launches the 6th US Army Corps on the little town of cisterna di Littoria, the centerpiece of the German defense …

Memoir '44Audie Murphy's Campaign

Scenario#: O10     Date: 10/8/1944     Location: Alsdorf, Germany

The encirclement of Aachen – the first significant German city reached by the Western Allies – began in earnest on 2 October when the city’s suburbs were attacked from both north and west. After five days of combat, the 30th, attended by tanks of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 5

Scenario#: H11     Date: January 24, 1945     Location: Luzon, Phillipines

After landing, one of MacArthur’s priorities was capturing this airfield to use in the campaign. Japanese units of the Kembu Group stiffened their defense as the Americans approached. With armor support, it was up to the ’Buckeyes' of the 37th …

Old School TacticalHell Bent Pacific

Scenario#: 2     Date: 13 June 1944     Location: Carentan, France

Carentan, June 13, 1944 – The capture of Carentan is essential to consolidating the Utah and Omaha beachheads into a single defensible position. 6. Fallschrimjäger regiment had evacuated the city on the 12th after running out of ammunition. Now…

Tide of IronNext Wave

Scenario#: DASL16     Date: 7/11/1944     Location: Dufayel, France

The 115th Infantry had been working its way toward Saint-Lo by fits and start. After resting and refitting for several days, it moved into the line to replace the battered 116th. An attack was laid on to get the stalled advance moving again—but the…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: P08a     Date: November 9, 1943     Location: Bougainville Island, New Guinea

The Marines didn’t budge and shut down the Japanese counterattack. But the threat remained to the beachhead. Switching over to attack, the Marines pushed on with orders to clear out any remaining enemy units.

Old School TacticalVolume 3 Pacific

Scenario#: W10     Date: 1945-04-05     Location: Ruhr, Germany

Following the Rhine crossings in the U.S. First Army and Third Army sectors, German resistance in the Ruhr completely disintegraled. American armored divisions sprinted through weak forces, establishíng a bridgehead as deep as 60 miles in only seven…

Tank LeaderWestern Front

Scenario#: S043     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Carentan, France

The key to the initial assaults on the Cotentin Peninsula was the town of Carentan. Control of this vital town of approximately 4000 people would allow Utah and Omaha beach to be securely joined. At approximately 0530 on 12 June, elements of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #1

Scenario#: S005     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Colleville, France

On the Omaha beachhead, as more and more troops and material came ashore, those remaining alive from the first wave were forcing their way inland bit by bit. In the sector of the First Infantry Division – the “Big Red One” – the day’s objective was…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #1

Scenario#: J017     Date: 4/24/1945     Location: Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa

During the night of April 23 and early morning of April 24, a heavy Japanese bombardment masked the withdrawal of most of the remaining defenders of the Kakazu pocket. Several small units were left behind to delay the American pursuit. At the same…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #2

Scenario#: 3466     Date: 1/13/1943     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

At the start of the new year General Patch ordered the 2nd and 8th Marines to drive westward and clear the Japanese Resistance from the hills overlooking the coast near Point Cruz. On January 13th, Marines assaulted the Japanese positions …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 3738     Date: 1/13/1943     Location: Matanikau River, Guadalcanal

At the start of the new year, General Patch ordered the 2nd and 8th Marines to drive westward and clear the Japanese Resistance from the hills overlooking the coast near Point Cruz. On January 13th, Marines assaulted the Japanese positions …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 24370     Date: February 06, 1945     Location: Echternach, Germany

The battle of the Bulge finished in January 1945. The 417th Infantry Division and the 5th Armored Division had to cross the Sauer between Bollendorf and Echternach to take the first hill mass, not quite a mile beyond the Sauer. …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2022

Scenario#: HFO04     Date: 1943-05-20     Location: Attu Island, Usa

Lock 'n Load TacticalHell Frozen Over

Scenario#: SFCG1     Date: 1945-02-03     Location: Manila, Philippines

The 37th Infantry Division's advance through Manila north of the Pasig River was greatly delayed. In their fighting withdrawal toward the river, the Japanese were systematically blowing up every large building in their path and setting hundreds more…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: 6763     Date: 12/16/1944     Location: Clervaux, Belgium

Planned with the utmost secrecy, German "Operation Watch on the Rhine", launched in the wee hours of December 16, 1944. Hitler's objective: To conduct a blitzkrieg on what the US First Army considered a "quiet" front and push through the …

Memoir '44Winter Wars

Scenario#: HFO01     Date: 1943-05-19     Location: Attu Island, Usa

Lock 'n Load TacticalHell Frozen Over

Scenario#: 34     Date: 20-Sep-44     Location: Nijmegen, Netherlands

Operation Market Garden was to be characterized by intense fighting for the control of a number of vital bridges. Each was a vital link in the chain leading to Arnhem. The road bridge across the Waal River in Nijmegen was …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: N05     Date: 8 June, 1944     Location: Near Cauquigny, France

Landing on 7 June, the 325th Glider Infantry Regiment spent much of the day mai'ching and counter-marching. Late in the day, 1st Battalion was despatched across the ‘secret ford’ through the marshes to bolster Colonel Timmes’ 2/507th in their orchard…


Scenario#: AP010     Date: 1/15/1943     Location: Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands

With the Army’s 25th Division at its side, the 2nd Marine Division began the drive to clear Guadalcanal of its last defenders. An armor-supported drive along the coast failed to break through, while the 8th Marines encountered heavy resistance along…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #2

Scenario#: NBO06     Date: 12/20/1944     Location: Noville, Belgium

In the morning, the extent of the German build up became apparent. Noville was threatened by possible encirclement. HQ decided to evacuate the town and fall back to Foy. Will the American forces manage to break through the tightening ring …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: NBO06     Date: 1944-12-20     Location: Noville, Belgium

In the morning, the extent of the German build up became apparent. Noville was threatened by possible encirclement. HQ decided to evacuate the town and fall back to Foy. Will the American forces manage to break through the tightening ring of iron or…

Lock 'n Load TacticalNoville - Bastogne's Outpost

Scenario#: 44     Date: 28 May 1940     Location: Lille, France

The situation for the French and the British was desperate during the last days of May. Their remaining units were crowded in at Dunkirk on the French coast, while the Germans moved to squeeze the pocket closed around them. 7th …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: AP100     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Foy-Notre-Dame, Belgium

By Christmas Eve, PanzerArmee 5’s attack had lost steam. Christmas morning dawned clear and bright, and ensuing Allied air activity restricted German ability to reinforce units that had made the deepest penetrations toward the Meuse River.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #10

Scenario#: W14     Date: July 25, 1944     Location: Hebecrevon, France

The Allies had to break out from the deadly stalemate being fought in the hedgerows. Their answer was Operation Cobra. The elite Panzer Lehr Division was caught in the zone that was devastated by American carpet bombing. Those that survived …

Old School TacticalVolume 2 Western Front

Scenario#: DASL33     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Assenois, Belgium

By Christmas day, the Ardennes offensive was stalling near Celles. Bastogne was still encircled, but Millikin’s III Corps was moving up to try to break the siege. As the assault of the 15th Panzergrenadier Division had been thrown back at Champs, and…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: BP04     Date: 02/10/1945     Location: Colditz, Germany

By far the most renowned German prison camp of World War Two was the Colditz Castle. lt was where Allied prisoners who couldn't be kept anywhere else were housed. Allied High Command feared the Germans would execute their prisoners as …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBattle Pack Bravo

Scenario#: E2     Date: 11 June 1944     Location: Carentan, France

Lieutenant Colonel Cole’s 3rd battalion drew the assignment of attacking down the main road to Carentan from the north. The road crossed 4 rivers, the last one being the Madeleine River, and became known to the troopers as ’Purple Heart …

Band of BrothersExtras

Scenario#: Comp15     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: Colleville, France

The landings at Omaha Beach had not gone as well as General Eisenhower had intended. In fact, he considered diverting foUow-on forces to Utah Beach, but slowly the German defenses crumbled. As the fire from across the beach abated, Americans …

Lock 'n Load TacticalCompendium 1

Scenario#: BOH14     Date: 06/13/1944     Location: Jct D223/d971, France

The 17th Panzergrenadier Division was tasked with retaking Carentan. On the morning of June 13th they made steady progress toward the city, yet were eventually stopped by elements of the 502nd PIR. The American Airborne troops counterattacked, but…

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBand of Heroes

Scenario#: HoN23     Date: 1944-06-13     Location: Jct D223/d971, France

The 17th Panzergrenadier Division was tasked with retaking Carentan. On the morning of June 13th they made steady progress toward the city, yet were eventually stopped by elements of the 502nd PIR. The American Airborne troops counterattacked, but…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: 42     Date: 18 Dec 1944     Location: Kaysersberg, France

After repelling German counterattacks aimed at recapturing the high ground of the Vosges Forest overlooking the Alsace Plain, the 36th moved to clear the Germans from the towns approaching Colmar. The 141st Regiment, supported by a company of…

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 12     Date: 6/7/1944     Location: Sainte-Mère-Eglise, France

General von Schlieben was determined to retake Ste. Mere-Eglise and committed all forces to that end. During the night of D-Day, they succeeded in getting a foothold at the northern edge of town. The Americans were ordered to repulse them at first…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 2 - Paratrooper

Scenario#: S048     Date: 7/11/1943     Location: Gela, Sicily

The Rangers had taken Gela from the surprisingly resistant Italian Coastal troops. After assessing the situation, Col. Darby organized the remaining Rangers to defend the town from counterattack. And in fact the Italian high command had ordered a…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1

Scenario#: DH06     Date: 10/03/1993     Location: Mogadishu, Somalia

The Americans planned to extract their assault force and the Somali VIPs via a ground convoy consisting of HMMWVs and trucks. The vehicles drove from the base to the Olympic Hotel without issue, but before they could return to the …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesA Day of Heroes

Scenario#: S049     Date: 9/1/1944     Location: Meximieux, France

As the German 19th Army retreated up the Rhone River Valley towards Lyon, the leading elements of the American 45th Infantry Division bypassed the Germans on the east and came abreast of Lyon on August 29th. Units of the 45th captured two bridges…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1

Scenario#: 7     Date: 18 Sept 1944     Location: Best, Holland

The bridge over the Wilhelmina canal between Eindhoven and Best was initially not considered important by the British, but General Taylor thought it would be good to have in case the bridge at Son became unusable. He assigned its capture …

Band of BrothersBand of Brothers

Scenario#: WO32     Date: 9/25/1950     Location: Seoul, South Korea

X Corps landed at Inchon on 15 September and immediately advanced toward Seoul. By the 24th, Col. Lewis “Chesty” Puller’s 1st Regiment crossed the Han River west of the city and jumped off at 0700, but without their usual armor support, as all of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2019

Scenario#: Guad07     Date: September 24th, 1942     Location: Guadalcanal

With their defeat at Lunga Ridge, Kawaguchi’s remaining force has retreated to the western bank of the Matanikau River and the village of Kokumbona where they have prepared defenses. Kawaguchi has assigned the 124th Infantry Regiment, commanded by…

Conflict of HeroesGuadalcanal

Scenario#: AP105     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Montmartin-en-Graignes, France

With the paratroopers of the 101st Airborne fully engaged outside Carentan, the 29th was ordered to conduct a reconnaissance in force west of the Vire to test the German forces and to capture two important bridges. At the last moment, General Norman…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #11 29 Lets Go!

Scenario#: BOH07     Date: 06/06/1944     Location: St Mere Eglise, France

The town of St Mere Eglise was one of the first towns liberated by the Allied forces during D-Day. Men of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division secured the town with minimal …

Lock 'n Load: Band of HeroesBand of Heroes

Scenario#: HoN09     Date: 1944-06-06     Location: St Mere Eglise, France

The town of St Mere Eglise was one of the first towns liberated by the Allied forces during D-Day. Men of the 2nd and 3rd Battalions of the 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division secured the town with minimal resistance early on…

Lock 'n Load TacticalHeroes of Normandy

Scenario#: 5797     Date: 1/26/1945     Location: Holtzwihr, France

During the Battle for the Colmar Pocket, the 3rd U.S. Infantry Division, attached to the 1st French Army for the occasion, bravely inched through the snow-covered plains of Alsace despite the bitter cold. The 15th U.S. Infantry Regiment had just …

Memoir '44Open de France 2010

Scenario#: 3697     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Mortain, France

"We must strike like lightning!" - Adolf Hitler to Field Marshall Von Kluge 'Unternehmen Luttich' began shortly before midnight on the evening of August 3rd. Under direct orders from Hitler, four armored divisions launched a counterattack westward…

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 13757     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Mortain, France

"We must strike like lightning!" - Adolf Hitler to Field Marshall Von Kluge 'Operation Luttich' began shortly before midnight on the evening of August 3rd. Under direct orders from Hitler, four armored divisions launched a counterattack westward…

Memoir '44Online Only

Scenario#: 1521     Date: 5/4/1945     Location: Tanabaru, Okinawa

The Japanese began their counter-offensive on the night of May 3rd, 1945. The 24th Division, supported by the Japanese 27th Tank Regiment, decided to push forward in six separate thrusts. Their main objective was to break through the US Army …

Memoir '44Campaign Book Vol 2

Scenario#: 15     Date: 1944-09-20     Location: Beek, Holland

Three days into Operation Market Garden, and the 82nd Airborne Division is knee-deep in vicious fighting in and around the Dutch city of Nijmegen. While the 504th and 505th PIRs battle for control of the Waal road bridge, the 508th …

Last Hundred YardsAirborne over Europe

Scenario#: WO03     Date: 6/13/1944     Location: Carentan, France

Airborne troops had broken the German resistance at Carentan during the fighting on the 10th and 11th for the causeway into the city. Another attack on June 12th met only rearguard resistance, and Carentan was finally captured. The 506th advanced…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2011

Scenario#: 5     Date: 1945-01-09     Location: Hatten

By December 21st, the German High Command had realized that the Ardennes Offensive was not going to reach its objectives. A sudden attack on the southern Allied front might damage the gap that Patton’s Third Army had left on its …

Last Hundred YardsLast Hundred Yards