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Scenario#: 36     Date: 15 Dec 1943     Location: San Pietro, Italy

The Reinhard Line ran through the town of San Pietro In fine, which occupied the Mignano Gap, blocking Route 6 and Allied access to Cassino and Rome. The Germans turned the town into a strongpoint, defended by the second Battalion …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 35     Date: 3 Sept 1943     Location: Mt Maggiore, Italy

Much of the 36th’s campaign in Italy consisted of wresting mountain top after mountain top from dug-in German defenders. One such peak was Mount Maggiore, called the ‘Million Dollar Mountain’ because of the quantity of artillery ammunition expended…

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 34     Date: 13 Sept 1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

Hill 424, overlooking the Salerno beachhead was a key objective. On September 13th, after an initial artillery barrage, Companies I and K of the 142nd assaulted the southern part of the hill mass, encountering heavy fire from German machinegun…

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 33     Date: 9 Sept 1943     Location: Salerno, Italy

After training in North Africa, the 36th took part in the Salerno landings, where they landed on the right flank at Paestum. After advancing inland they were struck by German counterattacks including one that almost penetrated to the Division CP. …

Band of BrothersTexas Arrows

Scenario#: 1422     Date: 2/4/1945     Location: Schwammenauel Dam, Germany

Before Operation 'Veritable' and 'Grenade' could begin, there was a matter of the Roer dams to consider. These dams were located in an area of steep gorges, small mountains and narrow roads. Earlier attempts to capture the dams had failed …

Memoir '44Terrain Pack

Scenario#: 1340     Date: 2/24/1945     Location: Linnich, Germany

The 9th Army was lined up along the River Roer on the 23rd of February at the start of Operation Grenade. The river had receded enough to make a crossing possible and the Operation opened with a tremendous artillery bombardment. …

Memoir '44Terrain Pack

Scenario#: SFCG5     Date: 1945-02-15     Location: Manila, Philippines

Having raced to get to Manila in early Februruy, the 37th Infantry Division and 1st Cavalry Division spent the next four weeks trying to take it. Despite General MacArthur's pronouncement on 6 February that "Manila had fallen'' it soon became very…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SFCG4     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

The Intramuros is an ancient Spanish fortress-town built in the late 16th century. The outer walls were designed to withstand the greatest sieges possible, being 40 feet thick at the base and 15 feet thick at the top. Only 155mm, 8-inch, and 240mm…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SFCG3     Date: 1945-02-15     Location: Manila, Philippines

After the troopers of 1st Cavalry Division reached the shore of Manila Bay on 12 February, they turned their attention north. In their advance toward the dock facilities and the Walled City, the cavalrymen would encounter a number of Japanese…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SFCG2     Date: 1945-02-21     Location: Manila, Philippines

Once across the Pasig River, the 37th Infantry Division pushed south into the Paco District and west along the river toward Intramuros. The Gls quickly discovered that they were in the thick of the Japanese defenses. Every store and house had a…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SFCG1     Date: 1945-02-03     Location: Manila, Philippines

The 37th Infantry Division's advance through Manila north of the Pasig River was greatly delayed. In their fighting withdrawal toward the river, the Japanese were systematically blowing up every large building in their path and setting hundreds more…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF25     Date: 1945-02-28     Location: Manila, Philippines

The final battle in Manila would involve the capture or destruction of the three large government buildings east of lntramuros. The Legislative and Finance Buildings would be the responsibility of 2nd Battalion, 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF24     Date: 1945-02-26     Location: Manila, Philippines

Private First Class Cleto Rodriguez's actions fighting at the Paco Railroad Station just fifteen days earlier would earn him a nomination for the Medal of Honor. Now, once again, he would be called upon to display valor far beyond what was expected.…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF23     Date: 1945-02-26     Location: Manila, Philippines

For the weary troopers of the 1st Cavalry Division, their final fight in Manila would be to secure the Agriculture Building where Admiral Iwabuchi had located his headquarters. Surrounded and with no hope for eventual victory, the well-stocked…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF22     Date: 1945-02-24     Location: South Port Area, Manila, Philippines

After the 2nd Squadron, 12th Cavalry Regiment had cleared the Customs building, it was a matter of mopping up the remainder of the South Port facilities near the shore of Manila Bay. In performing their mission, the 1st Squadron generally encountered…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF21     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

Situated near the center and southeast of the walled city of Intramuros were the San Augustin churches. Heavy fighting erupted all around.

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF20     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

The entire area within the walls of Intramuros had been subjected to a massive artillery barrage the previous day and another artillery attack that lasted for ninety minutes on the morning of the main attack. When the last shells bad roared overhead~…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF19     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: Fort Santiago, Manila, Philippines

FORT SANTIAGO, MANILA, LUZON, PHILIPPINES, 23 February 1945: Shells from 240mm and 155mm American guns finally managed to breach a portion of the outer walls of this ancient Spanish fort along the south shore of the Pasig River. To escape the…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF18     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

Their virtually unopposed river crossing came as a welcome relief to the men of 3rd Battalion, 129th Regiment. Taking full advantage of the limited Japanese response, the Americans advanced deeper into the ruins of the ancient walled city, placing…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF17     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: Intramuros, Manila, Philippines

The battle to take the ancient Spanish city of Intramuros was ready to begin. The 1st Cavalry Division was in position west and south of the walled city. The 37th Infantry Division held key buildings east of Intramuros. Now, an amphibious assault…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF16     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: Manila, Philippines

Even with most off the major buildings in the Hospital/University complex now under their control, the troopers of 5th Cavalry were having an extremely difficult time in eliminating the remaining isolated pockets of Japanese from the area. It seemed…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF15     Date: 1945-02-23     Location: South Port Area, Manila, Philippines

Advancing through a light rain shower down a narrow street in the South Port Area, the men of E Troop suddenly came under machine gun and small arms fire from the Customs building. Most of the troopers dove under cover or ran behind the supporting…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF14     Date: 1945-02-22     Location: Manila, Philippines

While the 3rd Battalion was trying to secure the City Hall, the 1st Battalion of the 145th Infantry Regiment was preparing to attack the General Post Office. Situated along the south shore of the Pasig River, the five-story tall Post Office building…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF13     Date: 1945-02-22     Location: Manila, Philippines

The first attempt on 20 February to reach City Hall had failed. A second attempt the next day met with similar results. Beginning just before dawn on 22 February, a heavy barrage of 155mm and 105mm artillery and 81mm and 4.2-inch mortars-accompanied…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF12     Date: 1945-02-21     Location: Manila, Philippines

The five-story tall Manila Hotel stood watch over Dewey Boulevard, the South Port area, and the open park areas surrounding lntramuros. To gain entrance, the troopers of 12th Cavalry Regiment would have to dash across the open areas of Wallace Field,…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF11     Date: 1945-02-20     Location: Manila, Philippines

As the Americans edged deeper into the Ermita District of downtown Manila, the Japanese response became increasingly violent. Dominating this area was the City Hall with its tall tower. Should the Americans gain control of this building it would…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF10     Date: 1945-02-20     Location: South Port Area, Manila, Philippines

In downtown Manila just east of the High Commissioner's Office were several high-rise hotels and apartment buildings. These were the University Apartments, Peralta Apartments, Alhambra Apartments, Bayview Hotel, Miramar Apartments, Luneta Hotel and…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF09     Date: 1945-02-19     Location: Manila, Philippines

From 16-18 February the 148th Infantry Regiment repeatedly assaulted the Japanese positions in the Medical School and Science Buildings and had penetrated the eastern portion of the University Hospital as well. On the morning of 19 February, the 5th…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF08     Date: 1945-02-19     Location: Manila, Philippines

Situated near the shores of Manila Bay were the Elks Club, the Army/Navy Club, and the High Commissioner's Office. These large structures blocked access towards Burnham Green, the Manila Hotel, and the South Port area. The Japanese positioned their…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF07     Date: 1945-02-18     Location: Manila, Philippines

The new Police Station was built near the intersection of Isaac Peral and San Marcelino Streets, a few blocks northeast of the Philippine Hospital. Two stories tall and made of reinforced concrete and steel, it was fortified inside and out with…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF06     Date: 1945-02-16     Location: Manila, Philippines

The task set before the 3rd Battalion was daunting. After two days of desperate struggle, the Japanese were still firmly in control of all major buildings within the University-Hospital complex. Barricaded within the stone and brick buildings and…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF05     Date: 1945-02-15     Location: Manila, Philippines

The 2nd Battalion, 148th Infantry Regiment finally reached Taft Avenue and proceeded to attack the Japanese holed up in the Philippine University and Hospital Complex. The Japanese had fortified themselves inside the hospital and, against Geneva…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF04     Date: 1945-02-12     Location: Tabacalega Cigar Factory, Manila, Philippines

The Tabacalera Cigar Factory and warehouses were situated along the western shore of the Estero de Tanque. From here the Japanese could interdict any movement across the estero or the nearby bridge. Initial attacks on 10 February were repulsed by…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF03     Date: 1945-02-11     Location: Paco Cemetery, Manila, Philippines

Situated a few blocks southeast of the new Manila Police Station was the Paco Cemetery. It was built in 1820 of two concentric adobe walls ten feet high and ten feet thick. Entry to the central courtyard was through four gates in the walls.…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF02     Date: 1945-02-10     Location: Isla Provisor, Manila, Philippines

Situated along the south shore of the Pasig River, Isla Provisor was 400 by 125 meters in size, but with no sandy beaches, no seawall, no tropical jungle; just factory buildings, tin-roofed workshops, a power plant, a boiler room, and a large coal…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: SF01     Date: 1945-02-05     Location: Manila, Philippines

Flames from a huge fire in the Tondo District forced the Americans to alter their path of advance towards the Pasig River east into the Binondo District in Manila. To slow the American advance, the Japanese set up roadblocks at key intersections…

Advanced Squad LeaderSword and Fire: Manila

Scenario#: 12     Date: 17-Dec-44     Location: Wiltz, Luxembourg

The German assault had surprised the Americans both in its size and intensity. Desperately, the Americans formed scratch defenses to buy time so the key road junction of Bastogne could be held. The Germans had to be delayed or stopped …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 11     Date: 24-Mar-45     Location: St Goar, Germany

Germany's army was beaten. The Rhine had been crossed at Remagen and elsewhere. As more and more of the Allies closed in on the Rhine, there was a growing tendency to simply take it "o n the run" rather than …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 10     Date: 6-Apr-45     Location: Hitdorf, Germany

As the Third Reich collapsed, many American leaders became bold to the point of recklessness. Often, a daring stroke by a small group of soldiers yielded a vast gaggle of demoralized German prisoners. But sometimes the Americans pushed their luck …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 9     Date: 23-Aug-44     Location: Cannes, France

Generally the American advance through Southern France was so swift that it was rare when the Germans stayed and fought. However, the swiftness of the advance often caused German elements to be cut off and faced with the decision either …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 8     Date: 14-Jan-45     Location: Bitche, Germany

Elements of the U.S. l 75th Infantry Regiment have been ordered to continue closing the ring around German forces trapped near Bitche. However, due to poor radio security, the Germans are quite aware of this latest development and have planned …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 7     Date: 16-Dec-44     Location: Buchholz, Belgium

The original German opening for the Battle of the Bulge was somewhat subdued. German infantry, with little armor was to seize key road junctions early so the armored formations could quickly pass through and exploit a breakthrough. One such key …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: S073     Date: 6/12/1944     Location: Montmartin-en-Graignes, France

Expecting a German counterattack before long to drive a wedge between the American beachheads at Omaha and Utah, high command tasked the 29th Infantry Division with conducting a reconnaissance-in-force west of its lines to capture two important…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 9

Scenario#: S072     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Altavilla, Italy

After the conquest of Sicily and the ouster of Mussolini, the Allies invaded Italy proper at Salerno to begin their long slog up "the boot". Needing to expand the beachhead and deny the Germans good artillery observation points, the Americans secured…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 9

Scenario#: O18     Date: 6/18/1944     Location: Villiers-Fossard, France


Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 9

Scenario#: O17     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Les Droueries, France


Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 9

Scenario#: S061     Date: 1/13/1945     Location: Hatten, France

The NORDWIND offensive had breached the lines of the U.S. 7th Army at the Alsatian towns of Hatten and Rittershoffen. The 14th Armored Division was ordered to restore the main line of resistance; the first time in its operational history, it would be…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 7

Scenario#: O14     Date: 4/8/1945     Location: Ricklingen, Germany


Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 7

Scenario#: S058     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Pouppeville, France

Exit No. 1 at Pouppeville was foremost on the mind of the Division Commander, Maj. General Maxwell Taylor, who had just confirmed his whereabouts near Hiesville upon sighting the distinctive, onion-shaped steeple of Ste. Marie-du-Mont. Not having…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 6

Scenario#: O10     Date: 10/8/1944     Location: Alsdorf, Germany

The encirclement of Aachen – the first significant German city reached by the Western Allies – began in earnest on 2 October when the city’s suburbs were attacked from both north and west. After five days of combat, the 30th, attended by tanks of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 5