Browse Items (9 total)

Scenario#: D4     Date: 2-Oct-44     Location: Warsaw, Poland

Steadily, as August passed into September, the Poles were pushed back from the west bank of the vistula until the Germans had them trapped in the center of the city.

Squad LeaderThe Dragon Vol. V, No. 2

Scenario#: 3     Date: 9/22/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland UPRISING

Fired by the enthusiasm of their field commanders, STAVKA approved crossing of the Vistula by troops of the 1st Polish Army into the devastated city. For five days, the shallow bridgehead was bombarded and sporadically attacked by Kaminski’s White…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition)

Scenario#: 7     Date: 9/12/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland UPRISING

Hitler had declared Warsaw-Praga a fortress, keystone to the Vistula line. The city was to be held at all costs, but this was neither likely nor realistic. The Waffen SS veterans assigned the task of holding the city held no illusions as to what such…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition)

Scenario#: J087     Date: 8/19/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland UPRISING

The Polish Home Army uprising had commenced with the sounds of Soviet artillery heard in the distance. The first days of the uprising were wildly successful against the surprised Germans. Soon, however, the Germans ruthlessly struck back against the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: 31     Date: 8/12/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland UPRISING

Believing the Russians would soon be in Warsaw, Polish forces went on the offensive. But the Russians stopped and the Germans went after the Poles with a vengeance. Heavy fighting occurred during the German drive to retake the buildings and narrow,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 4 - Partisan!

Scenario#: 20096     Date: 8/9/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland

Old town: aug 9 – sept 2: After the initial attack by the Armia Krajowa, The Germans began to reinforce Warsaw with tanks, infantry and an armored train. After the capture of Wola and the Jewish Ghetto the German commander, …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2018

Scenario#: 20081     Date: 8/4/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland

Warsaw rising - City centre – Aug’44: During the initial stage of the uprising, the battalion Kiliński occupies most of the assigned territory in the city centre. A few German pockets remain, like the headquarters of the German garrison in …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2018

Scenario#: D3     Date: 1-Aug-44     Location: Warsaw, Poland

The uprising of freedom fighters of the Polish Home Army in Warsaw, which began on this date, appeared at first to be headed for ultimate, if hard-won, success. Home Army units in Warsaw amounted to 34,000 men and 4,000 women, …

Squad LeaderThe Dragon Vol. V, No. 2

Scenario#: 20102     Date: 8/1/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland

The first days of the Warsaw Uprising were crucial in establishing the battlefield for the rest of the fight. During the first four days, there was an intense battle for the districts in Warsaw. Under-equipped Resistance forces were prepared and …

Memoir '44Dutch Open 2018