Browse Items (140 total)

Scenario#: 1407     Date: 10/22/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By mid October the fighting amidst the rubble of the Red Barricades Factory Complex in the northern section of Stalingrad had drawn in more and more of the German 6th Army's forces. On the 22nd the 79th Infantry division, supported …

Memoir '44Eastern Front

Scenario#: 3718     Date: 10/22/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By mid October the fighting amidst the rubble of the Red Barricades factory complex in the northern section of Stalingrad had drawn in more and more of the German 6th Army's forces. On the 22nd the 79th Infantry division, supported …

Memoir '44Air Pack

Scenario#: 5978     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By the end of August 1942, Army Group South (B) reached the Volga, north of Stalingrad. In a matter of days, 4th Panzer Army, with the 29th Motorized Division in the lead, headed for the river south of the city, …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Sword of Stalingrad

Scenario#: 5979     Date: 9/24/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The fighting for control of downtown Stalingrad raged on for days. Battle lines vanished. The armor-supported mobility that the German soldiers had been accustomed to during their rapid progression across the Russian steppe soon degenerated into the…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Sword of Stalingrad

Scenario#: 5980     Date: 9/14/1942     Location: Mamayev Kurgan, Russia

Designated as Height 103.0 on military maps, the hill of Mamayev Kurgan offers control over the city of Stalingrad to whoever holds it. As such, it was soon to be the subject of a tug-of-war between the attackers of the …

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Sword of Stalingrad

Scenario#: 5981     Date: 10/14/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By October 1942, Stalingrad had become a matter of personal prestige for both Stalin and Hitler, and the sole focal point of the Campaign in the East, above and beyond any strategic military consideration. In mid-October, the Luftwaffe intensified…

Memoir '44Battle Maps Series 1 - Sword of Stalingrad

Scenario#: 10826     Date: 11/11/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

At the beginning of November 1942, the German 6.Armee controlled 90 percent of the city of Stalingrad. Russian troops held only the Mamaïev Kurgan, some part of Red October factory and the Lasur chemical factory. General Winter arrived on …

Memoir '44Open de France 2013

Scenario#: 20228     Date: 9/16/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The attack of the city of Stalingrad by the German 6 Armee began on September 13th. The southern part of the city was attacked by four divisions of the 48 PanzerKorps under the command of General Kempf. On September 16th, …

Memoir '44New Flight Plan

Scenario#: 12721     Date: 09/14/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

When German troops arrived in front of Stalingrad in early September 1942, they noticed that the long, straight city hugging the Volga River did not allow them to use their usual tactic, the pincer movement. They would have to make a frontal…

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: 24282     Date: 08/23/1942     Location: Vinovka, Russia

On the 23rd of August 1942, the 16.Panzer-Division, head of the XIV.Panzer-Korps, crossed the Don River and advanced toward the Volga River until they reached Rynok, north of Stalingrad, that evening. General Hube, commander of the division, received…

Memoir '44Remembrance Scenarios

Scenario#: E13     Date: December 16, 1941     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Russian troops overpower the German sentries standing watch and launch a surprise attack. When the alarm is sounded, the Germans awake to a swarm of Russian troops entering the village.

Old School TacticalVolume 1 Eastern Front

Scenario#: E16     Date: January 16, 1942     Location: Peskovatka, Russia

A German platoon from the 34th Infantry Regiment has found itself behind enemy lines after a confusing night of battle. Under cover of a heavy snowfall, Sgt. Ritter attempts to lead his troops back to the division.

Old School TacticalVolume 1 Eastern Front

Scenario#: E22     Date: December 18, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The Russian Guards were elite units of the Soviet Union. They distinguished themselves against their foe. The German 4th Panzer Army pushes to relieve the trapped forces at Stalingrad. Initially surprised, the Russians recover and the 2nd Guards Army…

Old School TacticalVolume 1 Eastern Front

Scenario#: K01     Date: December 15, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Evening, South of the Stalingrad Pocket. The snow falls heavily on the 15th of December and two forces seek shelter from the howling wind in a small village. There are two ways to die tonight: exposure and an impactful dose …

Old School TacticalVolume 1 Eastern Front

Scenario#: K02     Date: December 16, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Morning, South of the Stalingrad Pocket. They found their place to rest. Nevertheless, the Russians held the Eastern half of the town. At dawn’s early light, the Soviets pulled out and your men were glad to see them go. But …

Old School TacticalVolume 1 Eastern Front

Scenario#: K03     Date: December 16, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Afternoon, South of the Stalingrad Pocket. The village had spawned several Partisan attacks on passing convoys. The SS were determined to exact retribution. Then the town’s band of Partisans returned, resolved to kill the Germans for those that they…

Old School TacticalVolume 1 Eastern Front

Scenario#: K04     Date: One Winter Day, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

One winter day in the soviet Union. Lieutenant Voss was tired of sleeping in tents. So were his men. Tonight they would capture that village, and they would be warm. Or at least warmer.

Old School TacticalVolume 1 Eastern Front

Scenario#: S01     Date: September 24, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The war in Stalingrad evolved into a bitter, dirty fight in the rubble. The Germans called it the ‘Rattenkrieg’ or ‘War of the Rats’. Small groups of soldiers fought for only meters of precious space. The Russians carried out the …

Old School TacticalStalingrad

Scenario#: S02     Date: September 23, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The 13th Guards Division was reaching its breaking point. In the early morning hours, elements of the 284th Rifle Division were ferried across the Volga to join the fight. The rugged Siberians of the ‘Tomsk’ Division were feared by the …

Old School TacticalStalingrad

Scenario#: S03     Date: September 21, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Elements of the German 7lst Infantry and 24th Panzer Divisions move forward to crush Resistance in the shattered buildings and workshops of the Nail Factory. Units of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment and armed factory workers will fight for every …

Old School TacticalStalingrad

Scenario#: S04     Date: September 13, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The German assaults squeeze the 62nd Army against the Volga. The landing stages for the Russian troops and supplies will be in danger if the enemy reaches the riverbank. Chuikov scrapes together what reserves he can from the 6th Tank …

Old School TacticalStalingrad

Scenario#: S05     Date: September 22, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The 13th Guards Division fought bravely and suffered tremendous losses after rushing into the burning city. Their sacrifice saved the 62nd Army from collapse. The German all out assault forces the command post of the 42nd Guards Rifle Regiment into …

Old School TacticalStalingrad

Scenario#: S06     Date: January 21, 1943     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The mighty 6th Army is collapsing. Trapped inside the Stalingrad pocket, Paulus and his soldiers desperately hold on. But they are freezing, they are hungry, and they are running out of ammunition. Stalin demands revenge. The Russian armies squeeze…

Old School TacticalStalingrad

Scenario#: 23     Date: Late 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Urban warfare was the bane of all mechanized forces. The idea of slugging it out in close combat among the tight and twisting roads, rubble and endless buildings struck fear in hearts of all soldiers. Yet, it was critical as …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: C3i4     Date: 30 September 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Prior to the battle of the Tannenburg Line, elements of Ill SS Panzer Corps meet elements of the Soviet 2nd Shock Army. The Germans are scouting defensible positions to cover their retreat westward, while the Soviets are hot on their …

Panzer (GMT)C3I Magazine #28

Scenario#: 1     Date: 6-Oct-42     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

After an extremely successful summer the Germans came upon the Volga fortress of Stalingrad. Here the Russians had dug in and were determined to make a stand. Sensing total victory, the Germans threw more and more troops into the fighting. …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 2     Date: 6-Oct-42     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

While pushing into the industrial area of the city, advancing elements of the 389th Infantry have isolated a contingent of the 308th Rifle Division in the key Dzerhezinsky Tractor Works. The Germans have decided to crush this island of Resistance …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 3     Date: 6-Oct-42     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

This scenario joins Scenario I and 2 together as one combined game. In addition to the normal two player game, this scenario makes for a good team game for four players.

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 2000     Date: 11-Nov-42     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

At 0300 hours on 11 November, Hubertus opened with a short and violent barrage. Ten battalions of German infantry, supported by tanks and pioneers, stormed toward the Barricade Factory, the Red October Factory and nearby ruins. Paulus had launched…

Squad LeaderThe General #21.4

Scenario#: TS2     Date: 20-Oct-42     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

At the end of September, units of Rodimtsev's 13th Guards were ordered to seize buildings on Lenin Square and form strongpoints. A damaged apartment building was attacked and occupied by Sgt. Jacob Pavlov and his men, who formed a defensive …

Squad LeaderThe General #19,5

Scenario#: 38     Date: 5 Sept 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The reconnaissance elements of the Soviet 10th Replacement Rifle Brigade, 4th Rifle Regiment, are moving through Sadovaya Station along the rail line to establish the location of the Germans, when they encounter lead reconnaissance elements of the…

Tide of IronStalingrad

Scenario#: 39     Date: 23 August 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The 16th Panzer Division approached the Volga River with little opposition. However, AA guns of the 1077th AA Regiment, manned primarily by young women barely out of high school, depressed their gun barrels in order to fire on the oncoming …

Tide of IronStalingrad

Scenario#: 40     Date: 13 Sept 1942     Location: Mamayev Kurgan, Russia

The German ground onslaught continued with an assault on the burial mound Marnayev Kurgan. This strategic position would offer the Germans an unmatched view of the city and the Volga River if they could install artillery observation posts atop it. …

Tide of IronStalingrad

Scenario#: 41     Date: 14 Sept 1942     Location: Volgograd-Glavny, Russia

Although the rail station was in German hands, the Soviets counterattacked daily. In order to eliminate the Soviet forces left behind, the Germans had to commit fresh units to clear the area around the station.

Tide of IronStalingrad

Scenario#: 42     Date: 14 Oct 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The first day of the assault on the tractor factory, saw heavy fighting as Soviet forces struggled desperately to repel a German advance. Front lines blurred as troopsfrom both sides became isolated. Chaos ensued as tanks crashed through the outer…

Tide of IronStalingrad

Scenario#: 44     Date: 2 Oct 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

After the fall of the tractor factory, the German forces quickly pressed forward to the Barrikady gun factory. Gurtievs 308th (Siberian) Rifle Division dug in to defend against the next German assault. One regiment was assigned to hold the flank, …

Tide of IronStalingrad

Scenario#: 45     Date: 29 Sept 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Massive Stuka attacks contributed to the “house-warming" of the Red October factory beginning on the 29th of September, 1942. As the battle for the Red October drifted into October, Chuikov realized that the best hope for defense did not depend …

Tide of IronStalingrad

Scenario#: X01     Date: September 14, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

On September 14, 1942, the 24th Panzer Division received orders to launch a surprise assault into southern Stalingrad. A strong kampfgruppe would follow the railroad line north of the El’shanka River towards Stalingrad Station no. 2, wheel northwards…

Tide of Iron1A Kickstarter

Scenario#: X02     Date: October, 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

The 37th Guards Rifle Division attacks the German 389th Infantry Division in an attempt to break the ring around the Dzerzhinsky Tractor factory. The Soviets hoped that applying the crack Guards unit against tired, German defenders would lead to a …

Tide of Iron1A Kickstarter

World War II - Eastern Front, 1943-01-29, Battle of Stalingrad January 1943.jpg