Browse Items (157 total)

Scenario#: M4     Date: 17-Oct-42     Location: Templeton's Crossing, Papua, New Guinea

The Japanese advance along the Kokoda trail had reached its high water mark. The Japanese high command decided to focus first on Guadalcanal, and the forces on New Guinea were in retreat, having extended their supply lines. The Australian 25th …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: 40     Date: 17-Oct-42     Location: Barrikady Gun Factory, Stalingrad, Russia

“Fortress Stalingrad" was living up to its name. On this day, elements of the German 305. lnfanterie-Divísion continued their assault into the ruins of the factory's workshops. The fighting was up close and personal.

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 39     Date: 1-Oct-42     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

As dawn broke on the first day of October the 295th lnfantry Division attacked Rodimtsev's 13th Guards Rifle Division from the front and flank. The 3rd Battalion, 39th lnfantry Regiment bore the brunt of the frontal attack. The German assault …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 38     Date: 1-Oct-42     Location: Dolgyi Gully, Stalingrad, Russia

Elements of the German 295th lnfantry Division had infiltrated the northern flank of the 13th Guards Rifle Division along Krutoy Gully and reached the Volga River. A detachment was sent to secure a wooden bridge spanning a neighboring ravine.…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 45     Date: 27-Sep-42     Location: Mamayev Kurgan, Stalingrad, Russia

The fighting over the ground of the Mamayev Kurgan hill mass, a prominent terrain feature of the central city area of Stalingrad, was among the most bitter of the fall and winter of 1942. This is a large hilly area …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 36     Date: 18-Sep-42     Location: Minina Suburb, Stalingrad, Russia

During the night of September 17, Lt. Andrey Khozyaynov of the 92nd Marine lnfantry Brigade was ordered to reinforce elements of the 35 Guards lnfantry Division defending the Grain Elevator. This key position anchored the Soviet defenses south of the…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: I     Date: 13-Sep-42     Location: Edson's Ridge, Guadalcanal

In the second major attempt at dislodging the enemy position, the Japanese maneuvered deep in the jungle to the south of the American perimeter expecting that it would be less defended. General Kawaguchi employed a complicated plan using battalions…

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: L     Date: 4-Sep-42     Location: Kokoda Trail, New Guinea

The 2/16th Battalion (Australian 21st Brigade) had fallen back from Templeton's Crossing and finally reached the positions of the battered 2/14th Battalion, which in turn dropped back to the mountain village of Myola. Meanwhile, the Koiwai Battalion…

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: M3     Date: 3-Sep-42     Location: Milne Bay, New Guinea

The Japanese attempt to seize the allied airfields in the vicinity of Rabi (Operation Re) encountered unexpected stiff Resistance from the defending Australians of Milne Force. After initial gains the 5th Kure Special Naval Landing Force was driven…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: 35     Date: 23-Aug-42     Location: Spartakovka, Russia

The Germans were advancing headlong toward Stalingrad. Elements of the Soviet 62nd Army were in disarray from the speed at which the German 6th Army was advancing. The German VIII Fliegerkorps had laid waste to much of the suburbs and …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: C     Date: 21-Aug-42     Location: Ilu River, Guadalcanal

Japanese HO dispatched the lchiki Detachment from Truk to displace what was mistakenly thought of as a minor US presence on Guadalcanal. During what is known as the Battle of Tenaru River, by 0030, Colonel lchiki had maneuvered his force …

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: 118     Date: 19-Aug-42     Location: Dieppe, France

Lieutenant Colonel Lord Lovat and No. 4 Commando (including six US Army Rangers), to support the Canadian landings at Dieppe, conducted two landings at VarengevilIe-sur-Mer attempting to neutralize a coastal artillery battery of six 150mm guns. The…

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #27

Scenario#: 23     Date: 11-Aug-42     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

Unaware of the preparations being made by Rommel's Afrika Korps for an attack later in the month, life in the Italian trenches along the Alam Haifa Line was hot, dusty and boring, and punctuated by timely British artillery attacks every …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: M2     Date: 26-Jul-42     Location: Oivi, Papua, New Guinea

The initial formation of Maroubra Force (39th, 53rd and Papuan Infantry Battalions) faced the vanguard of the Japanese presence building up on New Guinea in June 1942. The force worked rapidly in an attempt to block the easy spread of …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: 66     Date: 8-Jun-42     Location: Bryansk Forest, Belarus

Bryansk Forest in Byelorussia, with Soviet partisans of the Orlov Regiment preparing a trap for elements of the German 707th Security Division during Operation Vogelsang.

Combat CommanderCC: Resistance

Scenario#: M1     Date: 23-Jan-42     Location: Rabaul, New Britain, New Guinea

The Australian men of Lt. W. G. Grant’s platoon of Coy. A, 2/22 Bn. were the forward elements defending the beachhead on the northern slopes of Mt. Vulcan. Grant's view across Simpson Bay showed the city of Rabaul and its …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: 5     Date: 30-Dec-41     Location: Staritsa, Russia

When winter hit Eastern Europe with its full fury in late l94l, the German 26th Infantry was just one of many Axis Divisions halted more by the extreme weather than by the stubborn Russian defense. In the final weeks of …

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

Scenario#: 122     Date: 1941-08-14     Location: Plyussa River, Narva Vicinity, Estonia

The days of headlong pursuit with little or no Resistance by the Russian Armies had to come to an end at some point. For the soldiers of the German 58th Infantry Division that reality occurred just south of the Estonian …

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #28

Scenario#: 15     Date: 7-Jul-41     Location: Bessarabia, Romania

After forcing a crossing of the River Prut at Falciu earlier in the week, the Rumanian Army was on the move across Bessarabia. In the afternoon of July 7, elements of the Rumanian 6th Infantry Division attempted to clear one …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: 1     Date: 3-July-1941     Location: Lipki, Russia

As tanks of the 1st Moscow Motor Rifle Division clashed with the 18th Panzer Division’s armored spearhead north of Lipki, infantry elements from both divisions were tasked with securing their respective southern flanks. One such encounter between…

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

Scenario#: 3     Date: 24-Jun-41     Location: Outside Brest Litovsk, Russia

A Soviet forward CP belonging to the retreating 133rd infantry Regiment is to be abandoned by noon, but not before all communications equipment is smashed and documents burned, including detailed plans of much of the frontier fortifications in and…

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

Scenario#: TBP10     Date: June 1941     Location: Minsk, Belorussia

"'All is not quiet on the Eastern Front.”

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: 13     Date: 21-May-41     Location: Maleme Airfield, Crete

Captain Van Etten’s parachutists had been in many chaotic skirmishes with Allied forces in and around Maleme Airfield since the airborne landing on Crete the previous morning. His forces wearing thin, he decided to temporarily reassemble in the high…

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: TBP09     Date: 20 May 1941     Location: Rethymnon, Crete

“Expecting a seaborne invasion, little did the defenders of Rethymnon concern themselves with an airborne invasion.”

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: 19     Date: 7-Apr-41     Location: Kilkis, Greece

The Metaxas Line was a 90 mile chain of fortifications built by the Greeks in the 1930's along their border with Bulgaria. In the spring of I941, it fell to the German XVIII Corps to assault the Metaxas Line at …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: 18     Date: 7-Apr-41     Location: Nisava River, Yugoslavia

A day after the attack on Yugoslavia commenced, von Kleist’s 1st Panzer Group found many of the bridges across the Nisava River to be blown or in flames, holding up his vital armored forces. The German 23rd Infantry Regiment was …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: 115     Date: 16-Mar-41     Location: Dongolaas Ravine, Eritrea

In mid-January 1941, British forces launched the Eritrea Campaign. The 4th and 5th Indian Divisions started their offensive from Sudan. They broke the Italian defensive lines in two weeks but finally the drive stopped in front of the town of …

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #26

Scenario#: 95     Date: 25-Dec-40     Location: Dover, England

The Siege of London had been broken and the invader driven across the Medway. A furious Hitler ordered the 16th Army to cross the channel under the cover of the Luftwaffe and seize what they could of southeast England and …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 94     Date: 11-Dec-40     Location: Tonbridge Wells, England

In the immediate aftermath of the invasion the recently formed Special Operations Executive (SDE) began recruiting officers for the creation of a British Resistance movement to disrupt the German rear areas. Two such operatives were paradropped…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 93     Date: 24-Nov-40     Location: R.A.F. Upper Heyford, Bicester, England

The southern arm of Operation Tremor consisted of a joint Commonwealth and US force. In a bid to deceive Axis forces as to the true size of the Allied counterattack, American forces were tasked with the recapture of R.A.F. Upper …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 92     Date: 19-Nov-40     Location: Highclere Castle, England

Operation Tremor, the Allied counterattack into the overextended German positions West of London, began in earnest on 17 November. With Axis troops committed to the British capital and still unable to control bridgeheads along the length of the River…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 91     Date: 30-Oct-40     Location: Trafalgar Square, London, England

After days of street-to-street fighting, the troops of the German 9th Army had secured the Hungerford railway bridge to establish a foothold on the North side of the Thames. Despite capturing the nearby Charing Cross station, Axis troops were unable…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 90     Date: 28-Oct-40     Location: Holloway Prison, London, England

German plans for the period following a successful invasion of Britain called for the establishment of a puppet government with Oswald Mosley, aristocratic leader of the British Union of Fascists (BUF) at it's head. Unfortunately for the Germans, at…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 88     Date: 5-Oct-40     Location: The River Medway, England

The British defensive plan in the event of invasion called for the containment of German forces at a series of 'Stop Lines' based around natural defensive features. The most important of these was the Medway Stop Line to the East …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 89     Date: 30-Sep-40     Location: Portsmouth Docks, England

After successfully establishing a beachhead at nearby Bognor Regis, the German 9th Army pushed West towards their ultimate goal: the British naval base at Portsmouth. Although most of the Home Fleet had been evacuated under fire to Scapa Flow and …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 87     Date: 23-Sep-40     Location: Bognor Regis, England

Prior to the invasion the pier at Bognor Regis had been redesignated HMS Patricia, a naval spotting station used to coordinate Home Fleet actions in the Channel. A concerted German attack was launched to knock out the pier and assist …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 86     Date: 22-Sep-40     Location: Brede, England

The village of Brede in East Sussex awoke to the sight of a company of German paratroopers tumblíng out of a late September sky in a daring attempt to cut the supply route to heavily defended Hastings to the south. …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 24     Date: 12-Aug-40     Location: Tug Argan Pass, Somaliland

On August 11, Italian General de Simone’s assaults on three of the six hills overlooking Tug Argan Pass had been less than spectacular. Only one hill was taken before the attacks were called off for the night. Eager to reach …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: TBP08     Date: 25 June 1940     Location: Le Touquet, France

The first commando raid on occupied France was carried out by 115 men of No.11 Independent Company just three weeks after the final evacuation at Dunkirk. The raiders were divided into four groups, each was tasked with reconnaissance and intelligence…

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: 83     Date: 15-Jun-40     Location: Ernage, Belgium

After the initial attack in and around Gembloux on the 14th was blunted, the German forces redoubled their efforts on the 15th, from the air and with armor. French artillery fire was noted as particularly intense and accurate against the …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 82     Date: 14-Jun-40     Location: Gembloux, Belgium

French light armored forces rushed to the Gembloux gap, a wide rural plain crossed by important rail lines, to stem the advance of the German 3rd & 4th Panzer Divisions. Behind the rail line, ideal defensive terrain near the farm …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 85     Date: 10-Jun-40     Location: Perthes, South of Rethel, France

A final French armored counterattack near Rethel on the 10th was led by two formations of the formidable Renault B1bis, so highly regarded that each was individually named. General De Lattre declared that "they were the striking hammer." During the …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 84     Date: 9-Jun-40     Location: Chateau Porcien, West of Rethel, France

French forces retreated south of the Aisne river to build another defensive line with strength around Rethel. The German assault west of Rethel on the 9th led to heavy street fighting in Cháteau-Porcien. Against each attack, the French counterattack…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 78     Date: 27-May-40     Location: Cassel, France

The rapid advance of Rundsted's Army Group A had by 20 May isolated the French and British forces that had rushed into Belgium in the opening stages of the campaign. Pressure from both Army Groups A and B had steadily …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 77     Date: 21-May-40     Location: Petegem, Belgium

Despite Armee Group A's, rapid advance toward the English Channel, the BEF and Belgian Army had effectively conducted tactical withdrawals utilizing terrain and space to slow the advance of Army Group B's 31st lnfantry Division. One such defensive…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 76     Date: 15-May-40     Location: Dyle River Line, La Tombe Vicinity, Belgium

Second Lieutenant Richard Annand was the recipient of the first Victoria Cross awarded during the Second World War. At 11 a.m. on 15 May the Germans of the 31st lnfantry Division launched a violent attack and pushed forward a bridging …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 16     Date: 15-May-40     Location: Gembloux, Belgium

As French forces fought the Germans to a near standstill in and around Gembloux, infantry forces belonging to the attacking 3rd Panzer Division were tasked with taking a nearby sunken road. Led by the determined Captain Grudler, a battered company …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: 81     Date: 14-May-40     Location: The Road to Chehery, South of Sedan, France

Part of a self-sacrificial counterattack to stem the German advance past Sedan was launched by Allied air strike and the 7e BCC supported by the 55e lnfantry Division during the morning of the 14th. One prong of the attack was …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 80     Date: 14-May-40     Location: Montherme, France

German forces pressed across the Meuse in the face of a French company led by the aggressive Lieutenant Barbaste (KIA), during the afternoon and evening of the 13th. The second line of defense across the narrow portion of the peninsula …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 75     Date: 10-May-40     Location: Vroenhoven, Belgium

A dangerous salient in the Belgian frontier defenses was centered on the city of Maastricht Due to treaties and prewar politics the Belgian Army was unable to effectively garrison the approaches to Belgian territory over the Albert Canal. The capture…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West