Browse Items (1236 total)

Scenario#: 109     Date: 9/22/1944     Location: Dreil, Holland

During Operation Market Garden, the 7th Somersets, the lead battalion of the 214th Brigade was to push through Oosterhaut and link up with Polish paratroopers at Driel. Traffic chaos in the city resulted in a planned pre-dawn attack being delayed.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5a - For King and Country

Scenario#: ABTF09     Date: 9/21/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Colonel Frost had been injured by a mortar round and the SS were organizing yet another assault on the surrounded Paras. Major Gough had taken command and moved his token force toward the river. Under the cover of darkness, he hoped to concentrate…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: A075     Date: 9/21/1944     Location: Nijmegen, Holland

The American hold on the Nijmegen Bridge was tenuous and the Germans were determined to retake or destroy it. Reinforced by the remnants of the 9th SS Panzer Reconnaissance Battalion, the Germans launched a series of violent counterattacks on the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter

Scenario#: WO04     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Nuenen, Holland

Having liberated Eindhoven the previous day, the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment moved out to the east toward Helmond. Easy Company led the reconnaissance, riding on Cromwells of the King's Royal Hussars. Three miles east of Eindhoven, after…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2011

Scenario#: ABTF08     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

The Germans were determined to drive the British from the Arnhem Road Bridge and open the road to Nijmegen. Committing heavy tanks and artillery, as well as flak guns and self-propelled guns, Lt. Colonel Harzer devised a plan to eliminate the British…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: ABTF07     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Colonel Frost realized that disaster was now only a heartbeat away for his 2nd Para Battalion. Frost’s beloved battalion was being buried in the ruins of the buildings around him and his positions were being overrun. Yet Frost knew he was surrounded…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: U04     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Nijmegen, Holland

During Operation Market Garden, the road bridge in Nijmegen was the second of three bridges which had to be secured in order to relieve the British 1st Airborne and throw a force across the Rhine. A task force comprised of a mixture of U.S.…

Advanced Squad LeaderG.I.s Dozen

Scenario#: S087     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Nijmegen, Holland

Unaware of the details of the boat assault across the Waal River, Lt. Col. Edward H. Goulburn broke up his column of armor of the 2nd Grenadier Guards, infantry of the 1st Grenadier Guards, and American Paratroopers of Lt. .Col. Vandervoort's 2nd…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Bonus Pack #2

Scenario#: S070     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Angaur Island, Palau

Anguar Island, near Peleliu which the Marines assaulted on 15 September, was to be assaulted only upon assurance that the resistance on Peleliu was well in hand. Marine General Rupertus gave the required assurance a mere day after the landings. Thus,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #4

Scenario#: S023     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Oosterbeek, Holland

The British perimeter outside the city of Arnhem was steadily shrinking. Four days after dropping north of the Rhine, the paratroops and glidermen of the 1st Airbourne Division were running critically short of supplies and men. The Germans were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #3

Scenario#: J155     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Wyler, Germany

At approximately 1330 hours on 17 September 1944, the Red Devils jumped into Holland as part of Operation Market Garden. Although initial resistance was light, heavy fighting ensued for days.The 508th established and maintained a defensive position…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #10

Scenario#: 25     Date: 9/20/1944     Location: Nijmegen, Holland

Operation Market Garden was in full swing and encountering unexpectedly heavy resistance. Attempts to wrest control of the Waal Bridge by head-on assaults were repulsed. General Gavin decided on a daring river assault to outflank the center of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3 - Yanks

Scenario#: ABTF06     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Colonel Frost could feel the German noose tightening about his weary force. No word had arrived from the remainder of the 1st Airborne Division. All positions east of the Arnhem Road Bridge were now in German hands or abandoned, nothing had been…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: ABTF05     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Field Marshal Model had continually demanded that the Arnhem Road Bridge be opened to allow reinforcements to move south to Nijmegen. Throughout the morning, the Germans had probed the British defenses searching for weak points. Convinced that…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: ABTF04     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Field Marshal Model was beginning to comprehend the threat posed by the British at the Arnhem Road Bridge. He likewise understood the implications of the other Allied airborne landings and XXX Corps’ northward drive. Promising armor reinforcements…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: J140     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Oosterbeek, Holland

The 4th Parachute Brigade moved to seize the high ground around Koepel. However, the German defensive line along the Dreyenseweg, a road running north from Oosterbeek, would have to be overcome. Manning this line were elements of Kampfgruppe von…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: A034     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Kaunas, Holland

101st Airborne forces holding "Hell's Highway" were in an intense battle with German forces when a crippled British Sherman tank, which had dropped out of column due to mechanical issues, came charging in -- at five miles per hour. Afterward, when…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 91

Scenario#: 189     Date: 9/19/1944     Location: Nijmegen, Holland

Although the airborne portion of the “Market-Garden” Operation centered around the seizure of vital bridges, heavy fighting also occurred over control of the highway leading to the bridges as well. While parts of the 82nd Airborne fought to gain…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: OA10     Date: 9/18/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

On the day following the landing and consolidation of the British airborne forces, the 10th SS Panzer Division was given the primary task of eliminating the British bridgehead in Arnhem. Throughout the day they battled house-to-house against the…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Attic

Scenario#: ABTF03     Date: 9/18/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

As the remainder of the 2nd Parachute Battalion made its way to the British perimeter, German units were responding to the threat. One such unit, Kampfgruppe Euling from SS-Panzer Division 10 had moved into position just west of the ramp. From the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: ABTF02     Date: 9/18/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

Captain Graebner had halted his armored column in the town of Elst, about midway between Nijmegen and Arnhem. After refueling, he left a small contingent behind and sped back toward the Arnhem bridge with the remaining 22 vehicles to clear it of…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: J058     Date: 9/18/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

One of the few units near the bridge not attached to the 2nd Parachute Battalion was Platoon No. 8 of the 3rd Parachute Battalion. Accompanied by men from the Headquarters Defense Platoon, Platoon No. 8 probed outward into the factories of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #3

Scenario#: 108     Date: 9/18/1944     Location: Aalst, Holland

Stiff German resistance had thwarted Horrock’s plan to smash out of the XXX Corps’ bridgehead on Sunday and link with the Americans in Eindhoven in less than three hours. By nightfall on the 17th, Lt. Col. Vandeleur’s tanks had only reached…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5a - For King and Country

Scenario#: 107     Date: 9/18/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

The Germans responded quickly to the British presence at Arnhem. Walter Harzer’s 9th Panzer “Hofenstaufen” Division was ordered to mop up the paratroopers west and north of the town. A rag-tag force under Lt. Gen. Hans von Tettau was sent to overrun…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5a - For King and Country

Scenario#: WO37     Date: 9/17/1944     Location: Wolfheze, Holland

MARKET-GARDEN planners, unwilling to expose vital transport planes to anti-aircraft fire over Arnhem, chose landing and drop zones for 1st Airborne Division significantly west of the Arnhem road bridge. Consequently, 1st Parachute Brigade would have…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2021

Scenario#: WO16     Date: 9/17/1944     Location: Saipan Town, Angaur Island

Nimitz’s “island hopping” campaign brought the war to the Palaus by the fall of 1944, with Peleliu being the main objective of Operation STALEMATE. Smaller Angaur island was deemed a viable place to build a base for the logistical support that would…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2015

Scenario#: ABTF01     Date: 9/17/1944     Location: Arnhem, Holland

The primary objective of the British 1st Airborne Division was the main road bridge in Arnhem. The three battalions of the 1st Parachute Brigade were to drive for the bridge along three separate routes. 2nd Parachute Battalion’s route – “Lion” – took…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 6 - A Bridge Too Far

Scenario#: S014     Date: 9/17/1944     Location: Son, Holland

The mission of the 101st Airborne Division in Operation Market-Garden was to secure the 15 miles of highway stretching from Eindhoven north to Veghel. The Screaming Eagles faced almost no opposition until the paratroopers reached the northern…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #2

Scenario#: 106     Date: 9/17/1944     Location: Mont Lambert, France

Mount Lambert offered a vantage point over the key French port of Boulogne and was critical to its defense. After an aerial and artillery bombardment, the Canadian 3rd Infantry Division's 9th Brigade, following tanks of the 10th Armoured Regiment,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5a - For King and Country

Scenario#: 188     Date: 9/17/1944     Location: Son, Holland

Colonel Robert Sink and the 506th PIR had orders to seize the main highway bridge over the Wilhelmina Canal and then secure Eindhoven, the southernmost objective of the airborne “carpet” and only ten miles distant from the British armor waiting to…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: J172     Date: 9/16/1944     Location: Brest, France

Following the Allied D-Day landings on 6 June, 2nd Fallschirmjäger-Division was sent to the Brittany region of France, and took up defensive positions at Brest. Following Operation Cobra, the allied breakout from Normandy, Major-General Troy H.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #11

Scenario#: A009     Date: 9/15/1944     Location: Uttfeld, Germany

Company F of the 110th Infantry Regiment cleared out a small grouping of Siegfried Line pillboxes in the late afternoon of September 14th. The weary men settled down around the pitted and scarred pillboxes, hoping to spend a quiet night. But just…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: AP115     Date: 9/15/1944     Location: Peleliu, Palau Islands

The Palau operation called for the invasion of Peleliu on 15 September. The 1st Battalion of the 5th Marine Regiment landed on Orange Beach 1 at 0832 hours, where it met only scattered resistance upon landnig and as it moved inland. Instead of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #12 Oktoberfest XXX

Scenario#: J121     Date: 9/14/1944     Location: Brandscheid, Germany

Always close enough to the battle to maintain his reputation as an action reporter, “Papa” Ernest Hemingway had become close friends with the commander of the 22nd Infantry Regiment, Colonel Charles Lanham. Lanham wanted to make sure Hemingway had…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: AP109     Date: 9/14/1944     Location: Fort Montbarey, France

The 29th Infantry Division cuold feel that the campaign for Brest was reaching a climax but there was still a significant amount of frustration at divisional headquarters with the slow progress and general attrition of trained fighting men from…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #11 29 Lets Go!

Scenario#: WO36     Date: 9/13/1944     Location: Dompaire, France

During the drive to cross the Moselle River by Patton's Third Army, the Americans had ignored their right flank due to the perceived weakness of the German forces stationed there: but with the 6th Army Group advancing north from their landings in…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2021

Scenario#: OB12     Date: 9/13/1944     Location: Ville-Sur-Illon, France

On September 11, 1944, Wade Haislip's XV Corps of Patton's 3rd Army began moving forward to push the weakened German 64th Corps back over the Moselle. While the U.S. 79th Division pinned the German 16th Infantry Division via frontal attack, the…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Bunker

Scenario#: AP082     Date: 9/13/1944     Location: Coriano, Italy

After the 1st Canadian Corps' breach of the Green Line, the Allies pushed forward to the inevitable next German defensive position, the Rimini Line. In order to secure its left flank while making the drive to the Rimini Line, the 1st Canadian Corps…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: 7     Date: 9/12/1944     Location: Warsaw, Poland UPRISING

Hitler had declared Warsaw-Praga a fortress, keystone to the Vistula line. The city was to be held at all costs, but this was neither likely nor realistic. The Waffen SS veterans assigned the task of holding the city held no illusions as to what such…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition)

Scenario#: 187     Date: 9/11/1944     Location: Bar-le-Duc, France

Lt. Allen Morgan's 2nd Platoon had orders to hold an important crossroads west of the Moselle River. On September 10th the Germans counterattacked the junction, but were repulsed in a furious fight, falling back to the village of Bar-de-Duc with Lt.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 3a Yanks (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: U34     Date: 9/10/1944     Location: Dornot, Germany

With its series of forts and prepared positions, the area around the historic Lorraine city of Metz was to become known as “Fortress Metz” to the U.S. forces fighting in Europe. The first test in the long campaign which was to earn the city its name…

Advanced Squad LeaderRivers to the Reich

Scenario#: AP071     Date: 9/10/1944     Location: Dornot , France

The American XXth Corps’ advance through central France brought it to the banks of the Moselle River in early September, and the 5th Infantry Division’s 11th Infantry Regiment forced a crossing of the river in the rain at Dornot on September 8. In…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #7

Scenario#: 118     Date: 9/9/1944     Location: Vrutky, Slovakia

The Slovakian uprising had begun to unravel in the face of strong German counterattacks. Key to establishing a defensive line was control of the neighboring towns of Vrutky and Klacany, which remained in German hands despite repeated attacks.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion

Scenario#: OB11     Date: 9/8/1944     Location: Avril, France

The 90th Division was the northernmost unit of Walton Walker's XX Corps as it made its way to the Moselle. The German 1st Army commander, General Knobolsdorf, decided to try to turn the flank of XX Corps by launching a spoiling attack from the west…

Advanced Squad LeaderOut of the Bunker

Scenario#: AP108     Date: 9/8/1944     Location: Brest, France

The 29th Infantry Division was fighting on the Brittany peninsula with orders to crack the German fortress of Brest, home to U-boat pens that housed returning German submarines and – potentially – a massive supply point for the Allies if captured…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #11 29 Lets Go!

Scenario#: AP107     Date: 9/8/1944     Location: Brest, France

In addition to breaking into the stronghold at Kerrognant, US forces also needed to capture Fort Penfield – an old five-sided fort constructed of thick earthen embankments encase in masonry wall and very typical of the numerous pre-twentieth century…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #11 29 Lets Go!

Scenario#: J191     Date: 9/5/1944     Location: Telgart, Slovakia

Nestled in the picturesque Hron Valley, the communication center of Telgart was a key objective for the uprising in central Slovakia. As the insurgency gained successes in the center, both the Slovak regular forces and partisan groups gained…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #12

Scenario#: J139     Date: 9/4/1944     Location: Lessines, Belgium

Left behind in the Guards Armoured Division’s dash to Brussels, the Light Aid Detachment set up a repair facility in the quiet town of Lessines. Early on 4 September, the quiet was broken by excited townsfolk warning of a German column descending on…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: J138     Date: 9/3/1944     Location: Pont-À-Marcq, France

The northern wing of Guards Armoured Division expected a clear run to Brussels. Crossing the Somme battlefields of the First World War, the Grenadiers set their sights on Waterloo, where they had gained their title in 1815. Even after two tanks were…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: BOF10     Date: 9/2/1944     Location: Thionville, France

In early September 1944, the Allied armies' wild chase across France was starting to slow down with growing supply problems and stiffening resistance from the supposedly beaten German Army. Although the bulk of Patton's Third Army was stalled,…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends