Browse Items (1236 total)

Scenario#: S078     Date: 3/4/1942     Location: Leuwiliang, Java

The Japanese invasion had been underway for several days with the Dutch intelligence telling their Commonwealth allies that there were no Japanese landings on the island. Despite this report, Dutch generals blew the bridge at the Tjianten River…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2

Scenario#: 62     Date: 3/6/1942     Location: Payagyi, Burma

Following the disaster at the Sittang River in February, the troops defending Burma against the Japanese invasion fell back toward Rangoon. And from there the 7th Armoured Brigade was rushed to the rapidly collapsing front. The experienced "Desert…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 8 - Code of Bushido

Scenario#: J004     Date: 3/15/1942     Location: Bojonegoro, Java

On the night of 4 March, several Dutch recon patrols left Babad and Kedoengpring for the city of Bodjonegora. Advancing along the main road and expecting opposition, the 1st Company of Infantry Division VIII found the outskirts of Baoerena unoccupied…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #1

Scenario#: S079     Date: 3/19/1942     Location: Toungoo, Burma

The American military mission to China led by General Stillwell was formed with the intent to create a Theater of Operations in the China, Burma, India area to engage the Japanese forces and protect the Allied interests. Despite politics, logistics,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2

Scenario#: DASL23     Date: 3/26/1942     Location: Toungoo, Burma

In order to slow the lightning advance of the Japanese, Lt.-General Stilwell sent the elite Chinese 200th Division into the walled city of Toungoo to help stabilize his ruptured front. Meanwhile to the south, Japanese patrols ranged through the…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: 28     Date: 3/29/1942     Location: Thrace, Greece

After the swift and total Axis victory over Greece, Bulgaria laid claim to Thrace and Macedonia. Throughout the winter of 1941-42, small bandit groups began to emerge as the nucleus of a fledgling resistance movement. On March 29th, two such bands…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 4 - Partisan!

Scenario#: 69     Date: 3/29/1942     Location: Toungoo, Burma

Generalissimo Jiang Kai-shek had committed some of his best divisions to aid the British defense of Burma. One of them, the 200th, was fighting valiantly to hold the walled city of Toungoo, now nearly encircled by the Japanese. Major-General “Vinegar…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 9 - Gung Ho!

Scenario#: O12     Date: 4/7/1942     Location: Bataan, Luzon

As disaster manifested itself in every form for Fil-American forces, General Parker, the American commander of II Corps, looked for units to plug gaps in the line. Units of untrained Filipinos would quickly form up and then, just as quickly, disperse…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 6

Scenario#: J092     Date: 4/10/1942     Location: Cebu City, Cebu Island

American forces in Bataan had surrendered the day before. Now it was Cebu Island's turn to feel the weight of the Japanese attack. Realizing that they could not defend the island with the few Filipino troops pressed into service, the garrison…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #6

Scenario#: AP152     Date: 4/18/1942     Location: Shemenski, Russia

The Soviet offensive at Jandeba had left a dangerous bulge in the Finnish lines at Shemenski. It threatened to cut the Finnish forces in two, thus a counterattack was ordered with the two hills the primary objective. The ad-hoc unit given this…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: S046     Date: 4/27/1942     Location: Lapland, Finland

The war in Lapland had taken on a start and stop manner. The distances that men and machines had to travel were far too difficult to maintain for long and so the enemies would prepare for and then execute attacks with limited objectives. As the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #1

Scenario#: 68     Date: 5/6/1942     Location: Corregidor, Philippines

After the fall of Bataan, the Japanese turned the full weight of their artillery and air force onto the island fortress of Corregidor. For nearly a month, massive guns up to 14 inches in caliber salvoed back and forth across the North Channel of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 9 - Gung Ho!

Scenario#: AP153     Date: 5/16/1942     Location: Jandeba, Russia

In order to relieve the pressure of German infantry and artillery on a Finnish supply route, Swedish volunteers were ordered to attack and advance the front line. Two Swedish platoons silently crossed the improvised footbridges across the Jandeba…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: AP154     Date: 5/25/1942     Location: Jandeba, Russia

During the nine day period that had passed since the Russians had been displaced by a Swedish attack across the Jandeba stream, the new defenders had been digging in and placing wire and mines in anticipation of the expected counterattack. At…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #15 Swedish Volunteers

Scenario#: O06     Date: 6/8/1942     Location: Sevastopol, Russia

The German advance in the Crimea meant nothing without control of the city of Sevastopol. Having conquered the rest of the Crimea in late 1941, the Germans turned their attention to Sevastopol but were repulsed twice. In May, the German 11th Army…

Advanced Squad LeaderSpecial Ops 3

Scenario#: BOF15     Date: 6/10/1942     Location: Sevastapol, Crimea

On 7 June, the Germans broke through Sevastopol's outer defensive ring. Three days later, Mekenziyevy Mountain train station and a nearby road junction known as the Forsthaus (Forester's House) were captured. The Russian 79th Naval Infantry Brigade…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends 2

Scenario#: 37     Date: 6/13/1942     Location: Tobruk, Libya

The Gazala battles had been raging for days with Panzerarmee Afrika driving for the great prize of Tobruk. Several British strongpoints still lay in its path, one of which was the Knightsbridge box held by the 201st Guards Motor Brigade Group. On 13…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 5 - West of Alamein

Scenario#: 221     Date: 6/29/1942     Location: Novo Shuli, Crimea

As spring arrived in the Crimea, the fortress of Sevastopol still stood defiant after resisting two offensives and a six month siege. A June offensive had XXX Corps attacking to break through Sevastopol’s eastern defenses. XXX Corp included a large…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion (2nd Edition)

Scenario#: BOF06     Date: 7/2/1942     Location: Rzhev, Russia

The Russian 39th Army was firmly entrenched in the inaccessible primeval forests between Belyi and Rzhev. Recently pocketed by a German attack cutting their last supply route, this army was scheduled for destruction. Attacking along the Wjasma road…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends

Scenario#: 115     Date: 7/18/1942     Location: Uriv, Russia

The German Army had failed to take the city of Voronezh by early summer 1942. Three Russian bridgeheads remained in strength on the west bank of the Don River posing a threat to the entire front. The Hungarian Army was entrusted with clearing these…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 12 - Armies of Oblivion

Scenario#: 131     Date: 7/24/1942     Location: Rostov, Russia

With the German summer offensive of 1942, “Operation Blue”, Hitler hoped to force a decision on the southern front. In an attempt to complete a large-scale encirclement of the Lower Don, the city of Rostov became the natural center of operations. The…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 1 - Beyond Valor (3rd Edition)

Scenario#: AP165     Date: 7/26/1942     Location: Oivi, New Guinea

In late July, the Japanese South Seas Detachment landed on the east coast of New Guinea attempting to secure an overland route to the capital of Port Moresby. A mixture of Australian militia and local militia were sent to delay this landing force.…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #16 From The Land Down Under

Scenario#: DASL03     Date: 7/28/1942     Location: Rostov, Russia

All over the city battles raged; house by house, Rostov had to be pried from the Reds. Having initially made good progress, SS “Viking” Division became embroiled in the bitter street fighting. Soviet troops and sappers who had barricaded the city…

Advanced Squad LeaderDeluxe Advanced Squad Leader

Scenario#: 149     Date: 8/7/1942     Location: Gavutu, Solomon Islands

In the overall planning of “Watchtower”, the simultaneous assault on Florida and Guadalcanal, the capture of Gavutu-Tanambogo was a “side-show”, a necessary but minor element in the whole operation. The 1st Marine Parachute Battalion was chosen for…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 13 - Rising Sun

Scenario#: 150     Date: 8/7/1942     Location: Tanambogo, Solomon Islands

By 1600, the Marine paratroopers had secured the summit of the hill on Gavutu and would spend the night digging some of the die-hard Japanese defenders from scattered caves on its slopes. But they had been repulsed on nearby Tanambogo. The “Red…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 13 - Rising Sun

Scenario#: 151     Date: 8/8/1942     Location: Tanambogo, Solomon Islands

Following the costly repulse of Company B of the 2nd Marine Regiment on Tanambogo, the 3rd Battalion of the 2nd Marines was ordered to land on Gavutu at dawn, relieve the exhausted paratroopers, and capture Tanambogo by the end of the day. Ashore at…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 13 - Rising Sun

Scenario#: BB01     Date: 8/8/1942     Location: Tulagi Island, Solomon Islands

The invasion of Tulagi was one of the several small preliminary invasions planned to secure the flanks of the Guadalcanal attack. The units selected for the invasion of Tulagi were the highly trained 1st Raider Battalion and the 2nd Battalion, Fifth…

Advanced Squad LeaderBackblast #1

Scenario#: 60     Date: 8/9/1942     Location: Deniki, Papua New Guinea

On New Guinea, the Japanese had been slowly advancing on the Kokoda Trail. The Allies’ Maroubra Force had been forced back to prepared positions at Deniki. The Australian militiamen preformed a three-company counterattack which recaptured Kokoda and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 8 - Code of Bushido

Scenario#: T13     Date: 8/18/1942     Location: Varengeville, France

In a move to destroy German coastal batteries, the British No. 4 Commando unit, accompanied by a handful of American Rangers went against the Varengeville Battery. The attack was split into two groups. The first was to land directly below the battery…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #28.6

Scenario#: HS01     Date: 8/19/1942     Location: Matanikau Village, Guadalcanal

After Lt. Col. Goettge's small reconnaissance patrol was wiped out near Matanikau on August 12, General Vandefrift ordered a strike against the Japanese concentration in the area. Given the overriding need to protect Henderson Field, it was a week…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: HC1     Date: 1942-08-19     Location: Matanikau Village, Guadalcanal

After Lt. Col. Goettge's small reconnaissance patrol was wiped out near Matanikau on August 12, General Vandefrift ordered a strike against the Japanese concentration in the area. Given the overriding need to protect Henderson Field, it was a week…

Advanced Squad LeaderOperations Special Issue #3

Scenario#: HS02     Date: 8/21/1942     Location: Tenaru River, Guadalcanal

Colonel Ichiki's men were practically wiped out the night before in wave after wave of banzai attacks across the Tenaru into the well-prepared Marine defenses. Canister, machine-gun fire, and courage had broken Ichiki's back. As dawn rose above the…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: G16     Date: 8/21/1942     Location: River Ilu, Guadalcanal

The landings on Guadalcanal on 7 August met with no opposition, and the 5th Marine Regiment quickly established a secure beachhead at Lunga Point. Based on erroneous reports, the Imperial Headquarters, still concentrating upon their own operations…

Advanced Squad LeaderThe General #28.5

Scenario#: A012     Date: 8/23/1942     Location: Ischbuchenskiy, Russia

As the Italian 8th Army took up positions along the west bank of the River Don, a Russian counterattack opened a gap between it and the German 6th Army advancing on Stalingrad. As part of the effort to seal this breach, the Savoy Cavalry and Novara…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 89

Scenario#: S080     Date: 8/27/1942     Location: Isurava, New Guinea

The Japanese had landed on the northwest corner of Papua New Guinea on 21 July and began their trek towards Port Moresby. The Australian Army moved to prevent the Japanese intentions, and the first clash along the Kokoda Trail occurred two days later…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2

Scenario#: WO12     Date: 8/28/1942     Location: Siniavino, Russia

Leningrad had been under siege for a year, and several smaller attempts to break the siege had already failed when the Volkhov Front offensive started on the morning of 27 August. On the eastern side of the city, Overst Wengler's Grenadier-Regiment…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2014

Scenario#: J079     Date: 8/31/1942     Location: Alam el Halfa, Egypt

After capturing Tobruk in June, Field Marshal Rommel pressed into Egypt with Panzer-Armee Afrika. The Desert Fox was trying one last big push towards the Nile before supply difficulties would make it impossible to conduct further offensive action. --…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: J080     Date: 8/31/1942     Location: Alam el Halfa, Egypt

The foundation of Eighth Army's defense was the Alam Halfa Ridge, and the cornerstone of that fuondation was the western spur. By midday the 15th Panzer Division had fought its way to the ridge despite the loss of their division commander. The attack…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: J081     Date: 9/1/1942     Location: Point 102, Egypt

Panzer-Regiment 5 and Panzer-Grenadier Regiment 104 swung further east to Point 102 in an attempt to find the weak spots that DAK intelligence told them existed. They hoped to break through to the British supply lines and force the 22nd Armored…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #5

Scenario#: J130     Date: 9/1/1942     Location: Kotovskij, Russia

After a hard struggle, the Red Army had succeeded in establishing a significant bridgehead at Serafimovich, on the west bank of the Don. The German XVII Corps and the Italian XXXV Army Corps were assigned to a joint counterattack. At the crack of…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #9

Scenario#: WO25     Date: 9/1/1942     Location: Kotovskiy, Russia

The Soviets occupied a small bulge on the west side of the Don River centered on the small town of Kotovskiy. Daily, both sides launched small attacks to expand their position or to recover what had just been lost. Tired of the back and forth, and…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2018

Scenario#: BOF16     Date: 9/4/1942     Location: Karmanovo, Russia

In August 1942 the Red Army attempted to retake Rzhev and eliminate the most dangerous threat to the Russian capital. After almost a month of relentless attacks and bitter fighting, the Red Army had made only very small gains. On 4 September the…

Advanced Squad LeaderBest of Friends 2

Scenario#: HS03     Date: 9/8/1942     Location: Tasimboko, Guadalcanal

With the U.S. Marines now firmly established on Guadalcanal, the Japanese landed more troops at Taivu Point, 18 miles east of the Marine-held Henderson Field. The Japanese commander planned to attack the Marine positions after having his engineers…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower

Scenario#: J116     Date: 9/8/1942     Location: Efogi, Papua

Following a valiant defence of Isurava Village in late August, the Australians withdrew south, relentlessly pursued by the Japanese. The Japanese Nankai Shitai (South Seas Force) under the command of Major General Horii, were eager to inflict a…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #8

Scenario#: A097     Date: 1942-09-08     Location: Tasimboko, Guadalcanal

With the U.S. Marines now firmly established on Guadalcanal, the Japanese landed more troops at Taivu Point, 18 miles east of the Marine-held Henderson Field. The Japanese commander planned to attack the Marine positions after having his engineers…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 96

Scenario#: J106     Date: 9/10/1942     Location: Ischerskaja, Russia

Too many recent examples of martyred German soldiers trying to stand their ground against the upgraded Soviet tanks had convinced German authorities to make changes. In late June, the 13th Panzer Division finally got an opportunity to refit their…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Journal #7

Scenario#: 64     Date: 9/12/1942     Location: Mindanao, Philippines

In their occupation of the Philippines, the Japanese created an atmosphere of escalating anger and resentment. On Mindanao, outside the village of Tamparan, a band of Muslims equipped with discarded U.S. rifles as well as their own kris and bolo…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 8 - Code of Bushido

Scenario#: S064     Date: 9/13/1942     Location: Henderson Field, Guadalcanal

Colonel Merritt Edson's command, a composite battalion made up of U.S.M.C. Raiders and Paramarines, had just been ordered to occupy a "quiet area", an unnamed ridge overlooking the all-important Henderson Airfield. Much depleted from past operations,…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #4

Scenario#: S065     Date: 9/13/1942     Location: Lunga Ridge, Guadalcanal

Colonel Edson had set up the 1st Paramarine Battalion on the east side of Lunga Ridge while he deployed his 1st Raider Battalion to the west. On the night of 12 September, leading elements of Major General Kiyotaki Kawaguchi's 35th Infantry Brigade…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Starter Kit #4

Scenario#: HS04     Date: 9/13/1942     Location: Lunga Ridge, Guadalcanal

The Japanese under Colonel Kawaguchi were pressing hard to take the Lunga Ridge from Edson's Raiders. The Marines bent, but had not yet broken, and were making a last stand on the final defensive obstacle between the Japanese and Henderson Field.…

Advanced Squad LeaderHSASL 1 - Operation Watchtower