Browse Items (521 total)

Scenario#: 16     Date: 8/7/1944     Location: Mortain, France

"We must strike like lightning!" - Adolf Hitler to Field Marshall Von Kluge Operation Luttich' began shortly before midnight on the evening of August 3rd. Under direct orders from Hitler, four armored divisions launched a counterattack westward…

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 15     Date: 7/25/1944     Location: Marigny, France

Operation "Cobra" was predicated on the saturation bombing of German lines over a narrow front. After the bombing, an attack would be made by three infantry divisions, with two armored and one infantry divisions held in reserve of this breakout …

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 13     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Omaha Beach, France

The US assault waves on Omaha Beach were led by the 116th Regimental Combat Team, destined for Dog sector on the left; and the 16th Regimental Combat Team hitting Easy and Fox sectors. The first wave also included two battalions …

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 11     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Omaha Beach, France

"Never had there been a dawn like this." - Cornelius Ryan, The Longest Day The US assault waves on Omaha Beach were led by the 116th Regimental Combat Team, destined for Dog sector on the left; and the 16th Regimental …

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 7     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Pointe-du-Hoc, France

Planners felt that the German batteries on Pointe-du-Hoc would be one of the most daunting threats to Allied forces landing on Omaha in the morning of D-Day. Set atop 100 foot cliffs west of the beach, the guns' range were …

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 5     Date: 6/10/1944     Location: Mont Mouchet, France

On June 10th, three tactical groups from the Wehrmacht, about 2,000 men with armored support, converged on Mont Mouchet. Simultaneously moving in from the west (Saint Flour), north (Langeac and Pinols) and east (Le Puy-en-Velay et Saugues) they were…

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 4     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Sword Beach, France

The 8th Brigade Group of the 3rd British Division, supported by Commandos of the 1st Special Service Brigade and the amphibious Sherman tanks of the 13th and 18th Hussars, formed the first wave of Allied forces to land on "Sword" …

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 3     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Sainte-Mère-Eglise, France

Establishment of a defensive base at Ste. Mère-Église was one of the key objectives of the US 82nd Airborne Division. In contrast with other regiments, the 505th Parachute Infantry, landing northwest of Ste. Mère-Église, had one of the most accurate…

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 2     Date: 6/6/1944     Location: Bénouville, France

The late hours of June 5, 1944... Led by Major John Howard, the men of Oxford and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry* step aboard six Horsa gliders on a secret airfield in Dorset. Their mission: to launch the first airborne assault of …

Memoir '44Memoir 44

Scenario#: 4246     Date: 11/22/1941     Location: Sidi Rezegh, Libya

Operation Crusader, the third and ultimately successful British attempt to try and break Rommel's stranglehold on Tobruk, began in a horrendous rainstorm on November 18, 1941. While one British corps was taking up position near Halfaya Pass, the…

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4245     Date: 6/15/1941     Location: Halfaya Pass, Egypt

2 miles inland, on the Egyptian-Libyan border, Halfaya Pass carves a natural route through the 600 foot high escarpment that extends southeast toward Sollum. In World War II, whoever controlled the pass held the main westward access into Libya and …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4241     Date: 6/14/1942     Location: El Adem, Libya

Building up their forces through the now opened supply lines, Rommel's Afrikakorps eventually broke out of the cauldron, seizing Bir Hakeim but only capturing about 500 wounded Frenchmen . On June 13 "Black Sunday", 21st Panzer shreds the 22nd…

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4237     Date: 6/5/1942     Location: Sidi Muftah, Libya

Despite their success against the British 7th Armoured, the Panzer divisions had lost their momentum. Rommel's Afrikakorps was now trapped in a region known as "the Cauldron;" with Bir Hakeim to the south and Tobruk to the north still firmly …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4232     Date: 5/27/1942     Location: Gazala, Libya

By late morning, his left flank overrun by the coordinated mass of German Panzers, General Neil Ritchie, commander of the Eighth Army, ordered two armored brigades of Norrie's 1st Armoured Division south to the rescue. Moving in column, the 22nd …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4231     Date: 5/27/1942     Location: Gazala, Libya

The same day as the battle at Bir Hakeim, further on the right, 15th Panzer engaged the rest of the 7th Armoured Division. After sweeping over the 7th Motorized Brigade, the Panzers ran into heavy Resistance from the Grants of …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 4230     Date: 5/27/1942     Location: Bir Hakeim, Libya

Following on the success of Operation Crusader, the British Eighth Army had driven Rommel's forces out of Cyrenaica before over-stretching its own supply lines again. Eighth Army had then settled along the "Gazala line" in the desert, west of Tobruk,…

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 1324     Date: 11/25/1941     Location: Sidi Omar, Libya

Having extricated himself from a very precarious position at Sidi Rezegh airfield, Rommel looked for ways to press his advantage. He sent his Afrikakorps toward Sidi Omar, in the hope of re-establishing himself on the border and turning his victory …

Memoir '44Mediterranean Theater

Scenario#: 1639     Date: 3/14/1945     Location: Meiktila, Burma

By early March of 1945, the 17th Indian Division in Burma, under the command of British Major-General David Tennent "Punch" Cowan captured the city of Meiktila, taking just 4 days to defeat the nearly 4000 Japanese who held it. The …

Memoir '44Game Trade Magazine #96

Scenario#: 28     Date: 1/11/1945     Location: Strasbourg, France

On the 7th of January 1945, the German Nineteen Army initiated an attack south of Strasbourg against the First French Army. Code-named 'Sonnenwende' ("Winter Solstice"), the operation led by the 198th Volksgrenadier Division and 106th Panzer Brigade…

Memoir '44Game Trade Magazine #58

Scenario#: 27     Date: 7/11/1944     Location: La Croix-Rouge, France

The attack on Hill 192 was only one part of a larger operation east of the Vire directed at St-Lo. This dominating height had been a thorn in the flank of the 1st army for some time. The enemy forces …

Memoir '44Game Trade Magazine #52

Scenario#: 1242     Date: 12/21/1944     Location: Trois Ponts, Belgium

Ordered to move to the relief of Kampfgruppe 'Peiper', Max Hansen on December 21st started probing with his battlegroup between Trois Ponts and Grand Halleux. The 505th Parachute Regiment had established a defensive front to defend or blow the…

Memoir '44Fire & Movement Magazine #137

Scenario#: 10927     Date: 5/16/1944     Location: Torbung, Burma

In March of 1944, the Japanese launched an offensive in Burma against the British 14th Army. After a month of hard fighting, their attack, plagued by poor supply lines, began to falter. Seeing an opportunity to counter-attack, General "Punch" Cowan …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 10923     Date: 1/12/1940     Location: Vetko, Finland

In January 1940, during the Winter War, Stalin ordered the 2nd Soviet Ski Brigade, under the command of Colonel Konstan Dolin, to relieve the 54th Rifle Division who the Finns had encircled and cut off. Dolin, moved into Finland toward …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 10921     Date: 5/20/1940     Location: Arras, France

During the fall of the Dunkirk pocket, several French and British launched desperate attacks to slow the German advance, allowing the B.E.F. to evacuate by sea. On May 20, near Arras, the French 3rd DLI (Light Motorized Division), placed under …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 10920     Date: 8/12/1941     Location: Yasnaya Polyana, Russia

In July of 1941, Mussolini sent Italian troops to take part in Operation Barbarossa. These men were pooled together with German troops to form the 9‘“ Pasubio. As the Axis rolled into Russia, this unit's advance guard was ordered to …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 10913     Date: 12/16/1942     Location: Mamon, Russia

Operation Uranus was a complete success for the Soviets, trapping the German 6th Arrny and 4th Panzer Army in Stalingrad. To exploit this victory, the Soviet general staff planned a winter campaign. Soviet forces consolidated their positions around…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 10903     Date: 8/24/1942     Location: Chebotarevsky, Russia

In the clash between Soviet and German forces during the summer of 1942, the Italian Cavalry Regiments of Colonel Bettoni were tasked with defending the Don River. On August 20, the Soviets attacked; their initial assault on the left flank …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 4460     Date: 5/20/1940     Location: Saint Roche, France

Foiiowlng some disastrous fights during the Battle of France. the British Expeditionary Force found itself cut-off from the rest of the French army and surrounded in the port-city of Dunkirk. Remains of the British army engaged in some desperate…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 4229     Date: 5/26/1942     Location: Gazala, Libya

In late 1941, the Eighth Army drove the Axis out of Cyrenaica but British lines got so stretched that, by January '42, Rommel was back on the offensive and pressing towards Tobruk. Concentrating their forces near Gazala, the British : …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack Bonus

Scenario#: 10962     Date: 6/27/1944     Location: Tourmauville, France

Operation Epsom was General Montgomery's plan to outflank and seize the German-occupied city of Caen. VIIIth British Corps' main objective was to break through the German lines by crossing the Odon River and driving for Hill 112. On June 26, …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 10937     Date: 10/17/1944     Location: Bruyeres, France

In the heavily wooded valleys of the Vosges Mountains, a bitter battle pitched the US 36th and 45th Infantry Divisions against the German 338th Volksgrenadier and 198th Infantry Divisions, in October 1944. The Allies had been ordered to move forward…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 10932     Date: 12/23/1944     Location: Warnach, Belgium

On the afternoon of December 23, 1944, American engineers completed setting up a bridge south of Warnach. General Earnest's men, led by the 35th Tank Battalion, rapidly advanced towards Warnach, but were soon pushed back. On their right, Colonel…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 10925     Date: 10/3/1944     Location: Kemi, Finland

Following the Moscow Armistice, Finnish troops began to boot their erstwhile German ally against the Soviet Union out of Lapland. In a bid to speed up the Germans' retreat toward Northern Norway, the troops of General Hjalmar Siilasvuo devised an …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 10924     Date: 12/6/1944     Location: Singling, France

The US 4th Armor Division, under the direction of Col. Creighton Abrams, had been broken into two Combat teams. On December 6, 1944, its lead elements came under heavy fire in the Lorraine Sector, when approaching the village of Singling. …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 10922     Date: 11/30/1939     Location: Kuhmo, Finland

On November 30, 1939, the Soviet Union broke off diplomatic relations with Finland and attacked by air and land without declaring war. Ordered to repel the Russian 54th Rifle Division in the North, elements of the 13th Finish Reinforced Battalion …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 10909     Date: 5/30/1940     Location: Canal de la Haute Colme, France

In conjunction with an evening attack by the 11 Schützen, the SS-Regiment "Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler" moved forward to try and break the French line around Dunkirk, splitting the 225th and 341th Regiments. But crossing the Canal de la Haute Colme …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 10908     Date: 5/30/1940     Location: Spycker, France

In an effort to bring German artillery into range of Dunkirk, elements of Panzergruppe von Kleist pushed their light tanks toward Spycker, on May 30, 1940. After a preliminary bombardment of perimeter defenses, the Germans slowly moved forward. But…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 10754     Date: 10/13/1943     Location: Zaporozhie, Ukraine

In 1943, anticipating a massive Soviet offensive in Ukraine, German troops began to build a defensive "Panther-Wotan" line along the Dniepr river. By September, with the Soviets in hot pursuit, they had retreated to the west bank, Von Manstein…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 8730     Date: 8/9/1944     Location: Mazieres, France

By August 9, 1944, Operation Totalize had lost its momentum in the face of stiff Resistance from German troops, now busy establishing a new defensive line on the Laizon river. Then tragedy struck for the British: lost in darkness, Worthington …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 8660     Date: 6/19/1940     Location: Ouvrage Four-à-Chaux, France

On the 17th of June 1940, with the Battle of France definitively lost, Maréchal Pétain awkwardly announced to the French people a cease fire. The German army took advantage of this by attacking the last standing French fortification: the …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 7406     Date: 7/11/1944     Location: Saint-Lo, France

By July 1944, the Norman "bocage" (hedgerows) had caused many casualties in the American ranks, their personnel little use to this peculiar terrain's features. Aware of the risks of getting bogged down, General Bradley prepared Operation Cobra as a…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 7218     Date: 12/25/1944     Location: Celles, Belgium

During the first week of the German offensive in the Ardennes, Field Marshal Montgomery moved the XXX British Corps along the Meuse river to prevent enemy forces from crossing over. The 29th Armored Brigade, reinforced by the 8th Battalion …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 5871     Date: 9/10/1944     Location: Le Havre, France

Major General "Bubbles" Barker's Polar Bears have assembled the biggest collection of Hobart's Funnies ever seen in one place in preparation for an assault on the German-held Channel port of Le Havre. These 'Funnies' were specialist armored vehicles…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 4178     Date: 6/16/1940     Location: Nezuet Ghirba, Egypt

Mussolini declared war on France and Britain on June 10, 1940. In Egypt, British frontier forces were immediately ordered to infiltrate the border and attack the Italian forts of Maddalena and Capuzzo. By June 14th, both outposts had fallen. Two …

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 1408     Date: 7/2/1942     Location: Kholm–Zhirkovsky, Russia

Having survived the Soviet winter offensive, the Germans set about eradicating enemy forces far in their rear. Assembling a formidable collection of Infantry, Armor and Mounted units near the River Luchesa, they opened the attack with an intense…

Memoir '44Equipment Pack

Scenario#: 1434     Date: 2/16/1944     Location: Komarovka, Russia

In January, 1944 a large pocket of 6 German divisions with over 56,000 troops had been cut-off by the Soviet Army's 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Front troops. For days the Russians continued the attack in an attempt to split up …

Memoir '44Eastern Front

Scenario#: 1433     Date: 12/7/1941     Location: Nekrasino, Russia

When the German offensive against Moscow came to a halt on December 6, 1941, the 1st Panzer Division was ordered to Klin with the mission of keeping the town open for the withdrawal of other German formations. It succeeded in …

Memoir '44Eastern Front

Scenario#: 1409     Date: 12/16/1939     Location: Suomussalmi, Finland

The Soviet Army crossed the border into Finland in the last days of November, 1939. On December 8th, they reached the lightly defended village of Suomussalmi. The next day, Colonel Hjalmar Siilasvuo, a veteran of WWI, brought in reinforcements and …

Memoir '44Eastern Front

Scenario#: 1407     Date: 10/22/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

By mid October the fighting amidst the rubble of the Red Barricades Factory Complex in the northern section of Stalingrad had drawn in more and more of the German 6th Army's forces. On the 22nd the 79th Infantry division, supported …

Memoir '44Eastern Front

Scenario#: 1367     Date: 7/12/1943     Location: Prokhorovka, Russia

The tank battle of Prokhorovka was a clash between two immense armored forces. As the SS Panzer Corps started its advance, the Soviet artillery erupted and soon after the 5th Guards Tank Army under Gen. Pavel Rotmistrov accelerated toward the …

Memoir '44Eastern Front