Browse Items (630 total)

Scenario#: 110     Date: 329-BC     Location: Khujand, Tajikistan

By 329 BC Alexander had completed the subjugation of the eastern Persian satraps, and his army was building a new city, Alexandria Eschate, on the banks of the Jaxartes, to guard his northeastern frontier. A Scythian force under their chief, …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 403     Date: 10/14/1806     Location: Jena, Germany

After defeating Ferdinand at Saalfeld, Lannes had continued his advance toward Jena. When he discovered what he believed to be the main Prussian army near Jena, he sent word to Napoleon. During the night of the 13th, Napoleon’s army closed …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 12     Date: 10 February 1943     Location: Veseloye, Ukraine

The Soviet Voronezh Front had three armies poised to attack towards Kharkov in early February as part of Operation Star. Their forces had taken the city of Belgorod as this progressed and they were continuing to push southward to achieve …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Division's Battle for Kharkov

Scenario#: 3     Date: 6 July 1942     Location: Podkletnoje, Don River area near Voronezh, Russia

In the race to capture Voronezh in early July, elements of 7th Company/Infantry Regiment GD 1 captured a road bridge over the Don River nearly intact—just a 15 meter gap at the east bank had been burned out during the …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 2     Date: 2 July 1942     Location: Gorschetschnoje, Russia

During operations in the Olym River area on 29-30 June, the 24th Panzer Division – occupying Grossdeutschland’s right flank – came under stiff resistance at the town of Gorschetschnoje. 24th Panzer bypassed the village and resumed its advance to the…

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 9     Date: 19 May, 1546     Location: Kawagoe Castle, Musashi Province, Japan

In 1545-1546 Uesugi Tomomasa, With the assistance of his powerful relative Uesugi Norimasa and the Kamukura shogun, Ashikaga Haruuji, besieged the strategically important Kawagoe Castle, then held by the Hojo clan. Despite an overwhelming attacking…

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 86     Date: 22-Sep-40     Location: Brede, England

The village of Brede in East Sussex awoke to the sight of a company of German paratroopers tumblíng out of a late September sky in a daring attempt to cut the supply route to heavily defended Hastings to the south. …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 27     Date: October 1572     Location: Kizaki plain, on the Ōsumi-Hyūga border, Japan

Ito Yoshisuke consolidated his gains over Hyuga province with the capture of Obi. Ito then pushed into Osumí, a holding of the Shimazu clan. Shimazu Yoshihiro only had few men with him, but was determined to make a stand. By …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 6     Date: October, 1540     Location: Yoshida, Aki Province, Japan

ln October, although rebuffed on a number of occasions, Akíhisa renewed the offensive, burning the remaining buildings outside the castle. Mori Motonari still believed he could prevail and decided to risk a general engagement, but before he marched…

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 4     Date: June, 1540     Location: Yoshida, Aki Province, Japan

Early in 1540, Akihisa, leader of the Amako, proposed a full-scale invasion against the Mori. Before attacking the capital city of Mori, as an advance force, he sent the troops of Amako Kunihisa, of the Shinguto clan, via the Bingo …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 5     Date: September, 1540     Location: Yoshida, Aki Province, Japan

In early September, Motonari sent a small group of Ashigaru across the Tajii to provoke the Amako into attacking. When the Amako troops came out to drive them back, the Ashigaru fled back across the river to the safety of …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 7     Date: January, 1540     Location: Yoshida, Aki Province, Japan

In late December, Sue Harukata arrived with the Ouchi relief force, Motonari decided to strike again and ordered Harukata to guard his rear with the Ouchi, while he moved to attack the Amako allied camp at Miyazaki Nagao. But Harukata …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 216     Date: 11/17/1812     Location: Krasny, Russia

The march from Moscow to Smolensk was a nightmare. Napoleon’s army lost half of its remaining strength to a combination of starvation, exposure to harsh weather, Cossack and partisan raids and desertion. Smolensk did indeed contain supplies, but…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 105     Date: 6-Jun-44     Location: Le Fiere Causeway, France

While the paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne’s 505th PIR clung to their positions at the La Fiere Causeway, elements of the German 1057th Grenadier Regiment counterattacked through Cauquigny to the west, sweeping away the defenders they met there.…

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #20

Scenario#: TBP11     Date: July 1943     Location: Route 120 Vicinity, Sicily

The US 7th Army battled its way through western Sicily after the collapse of the Axis beach defense forces in early July. The Italian Forces, however, were still game to defend their homeland.

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: 6     Date: 217-BC     Location: Perugia, Italy

Much of Hannibal’s “genius” for warfare lay in his ability to take the measure of his opponents’ abilities and intentions. His opponent in 217 BC was Roman Consul Gaius Flaminius, a vain and incompetent patrician. Armed with this knowledge, Hannibal…

Commands & Colors: AncientsC&C Ancients

Scenario#: 507     Date: 217-BC     Location: Perugia, Italy

Much of Hannibal’s “genius” for warfare lay in his ability to take the measure of his opponents’ abilities and intentions. His opponent in 217 BC was Roman Consul Gaius Flaminius, a vain and incompetent patrician. Armed with this knowledge, Hannibal…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #5: Epic Ancients II

Scenario#: 17     Date: March 1945     Location: Budapest, Hungary

In the final months of the war, the battlefield became the "Land of the Giants" as King Tigers and IS-2S & 3s traded shots as the smaller prey fled for the cover of the small towns and villages. Unfortunately for …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #1 The Shape Of Battle On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: EPIC12     Date: 3/9/1814     Location: Laon, France

The Allies were intent on capturing Paris, but after Blücher’s unsuccessful attack in February, choose to retire as Napoleon rushed to the aid of his two Marshals covering the city. Falling back to Laon, a natural defensive position and an …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #6: Epic

Scenario#: 417     Date: 3/9/1814     Location: Laon, France

Lack of a bridging train had cost Napoleon the opportunity to attack and cripple Blücher’s isolated force as it retreated away from Paris, and a poorly executed attack against the Prussian rearguard at Craonne had cost the French more casualties …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 416     Date: 3/9/1814     Location: Laon, France

After Napoleon’s catastrophic defeat at Leipzig, the Allies surged forward to overrun Germany, and continued the campaign into France during the winter of 1813-14. They still followed the strategy of engaging Napoleon’s subordinates, but not Napoleon…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 303     Date: 76-BC     Location: Valencia, Spain

Quintus Sertorius defeated a series of Roman generals and nearly all of Spain joined his rebellion. He solidified his support through a just administration of the provinces and gained the loyalty of most of the Spanish tribes. Sertorius came to …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #3: The Roman Civil Wars

Scenario#: 17     Date: 555     Location: Onoguris, Georgia

In 555 AD, after the death of Mihr-Mihroe, Nachoragan was appointed commander of the Sassanid army and marched to attack the Byzantines that were laying siege to the Sassanid garrison in the city of Onoguris. The Byzantine generals Rusticus and …

Commands & Colors: MedievalC&C Medieval

Scenario#: 14     Date: 548     Location: Petra, Georgia

The Lazic War was fought between the Byzantine Empire and Sassanid Persia for control of Lazica, a province on the eastern shore of the Black Sea. As part of the Eternal Peace of 532 AD, Sassanid Persia granted control of …

Commands & Colors: MedievalC&C Medieval

Scenario#: 15     Date: 549     Location: Phasis River, Georgia

After raising the siege of Petra. Mihr-Mihroe left a small Sassanid force in the city while he withdrew due to lack of supplies. He also left Phabrizus with a force of 5,000 to defend the mountain passes and to plunder …

Commands & Colors: MedievalC&C Medieval

Scenario#: 16     Date: 550     Location: Hippas River, Georgia

After Dagisthaeus destroyed Phabrizus’ Sassanid forces at the Phasis River, (see Phasis River scenario), it was not long before another Sassanid army, under the command of Chorianes, was sent back into Lazica. The Sassanid army’s advance was slowed…

Commands & Colors: MedievalC&C Medieval

Scenario#: 621     Date: 391-BC     Location: Lechaaeum, Greece

The Spartan commander at Lechaeum, honoring the tradition of the Amyclaeans in his army to return to their city of Amyclae to celebrate a religious festival, marched an escort force of Hoplites and cavalry past Corinth. After successfully leading his…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: 92     Date: 19-Nov-40     Location: Highclere Castle, England

Operation Tremor, the Allied counterattack into the overextended German positions West of London, began in earnest on 17 November. With Axis troops committed to the British capital and still unable to control bridgeheads along the length of the River…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 104     Date: 371-BC     Location: Leuctra, Greece

Sparta’s victory over Athens in the Peloponnesian War (431- 404) cemented the reputation of her hoplites as the premier infantry force in the world. However, Spartan arrogance following this victory led to the outbreak of hostilities with her former…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 623     Date: 371-BC     Location: Leuctra, Greece

Sparta’s victory over Athens in the Peloponnesian War (431-404) cemented the reputation of her hoplites as the premier infantry force in the world. However, Spartan arrogance following this victory led to the outbreak of hostilities with her former…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: 508     Date: 10/14/1813     Location: Liebertwolkwitz, Germany

The French had the numbers to win the cavalry battle earlier in the day, but most of the French troopers were largely untrained and poorly mounted, and Murat had been out of the mainstream of Napoleonic warfare for several years. …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 507     Date: 10/14/1813     Location: Liebertwolkwitz, Germany

The Battle of Leipzig, and the events leading up to the ‘Battle of Nations’, is well documented. Players should take advantage of the numerous sources, in addition to the brief historical background presented, for each of the Leipzig scenarios. The …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 418     Date: 6/16/1815     Location: Ligny, Belgium

Napoleon had used speed and decisiveness to achieve the coveted central position between Wellington and Blücher. Napoleon’s chief goal was to keep the two allied armies apart and defeat them in detail. Ney moved against the concentrating Anglo-Allied…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 509     Date: 10/16/1813     Location: Lindenau, Germany

Gyulai’s Austrians were on the left bank of the Pleisse River, to the west of Leipzig. Although ordered to attack, the main intent of his demonstration was to take pressure off the fighting on the right bank and possibly draw …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 95     Date: 25-Dec-40     Location: Dover, England

The Siege of London had been broken and the invader driven across the Medway. A furious Hitler ordered the 16th Army to cross the channel under the cover of the Luftwaffe and seize what they could of southeast England and …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Scenario#: 17     Date: 24-Dec-43     Location: Ortona, Italy

On December 21l, house to house fighting began in earnest in the Adriatic seaport of Ortona. It was during the next seven days that the Canadian 1st Infantry Division literally rewrote the book on close-quarters city fighting techniques. More than …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: 32     Date: 24-Dec-44     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

After being isolated for 7 days, out of fuel and low on ammunition, Peiper was finally given permission to breakout from his beleaguered position at La Gleize. Leaving a rear guard to demolish the remaining tanks and vehicles (numbering nearly …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 412     Date: 11/6/1806     Location: Lübeck, Germany

Blocked from reaching the Oder, Blücher turned and raced to the west to join forces with the Swedes around the neutral city of Lübeck. When Blücher reached the city, he forced his way in, but promised he would not fight …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 412     Date: 197-AD     Location: Lyon, France

The civil war that began with the “year of the five emperors” continued. Septimus Severus, after defeating Pescennius Niger at Issus (194), now turned on his other rival, Clodius Albinus, governor of Britain. Albinus took his legions east and added …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 43     Date: 22-Dec-42     Location: Barrikady Fuel Tanks, Stalingrad, Russia

For six weeks the Germans had surrounded Lyudnikov's 138th Rifle Division, separating it from the rest of the front line. As the Germans attempted to crush Lyudnikov's "island" by pushing it against the Volga River, Soviet Resistance stiffened near…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 121     Date: 190-BC     Location: Izmir Province, Turkey

Following his defeat at Raphia, Antiochus III campaigned continuously to restore his empire. He re-conquered Asia Minor, Armenia, Parthia and Bactria. Next, he avenged Raphia with a decisive victory over the Ptolemaic Egyptians at Panion in 199 BC.…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 215     Date: 10/24/1812     Location: Maloyaroslavets, Russia

Napoleon marched southwest out of Moscow on October 19th toward the fertile region around Kaluga where supplies could be obtained. Eugene commanded Napoleon’s advance guard and all was going as planned until reaching Maloyaroslavets. Kutusov had also…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 105     Date: 362-BC     Location: Mantinea, Greece

Thebes’ shocking victory at Leuctra in (371) had ended the Spartan hegemony over Greece. Epaminondas then organized the Arcadian League of cities in the Peloponnesus, in order to counter-balance Sparta and ensure Theban supremacy. A division in the…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 624     Date: 362-BC     Location: Mantinea, Greece

Thebes’ shocking victory at Leuctra in 371 had ended the Spartan hegemony over Greece. Epaminondas then organized the Arcadian League of cities in the Peloponnesus, in order to counter-balance Sparta and ensure Theban supremacy. A division in the…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: 613     Date: 418-BC     Location: Mantinea, Greece

Ironically, the greatest Hoplite battle of the Peloponnesian War was fought during the Peace of Nicias (421-415). Athens was able to forge an anti-Spartan coalition. King Agis II of Sparta marched out to seek a decisive battle. The Spartan army …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: 101     Date: 490-BC     Location: Marathon, Greece

King Darius I of Persia sent an expedition against Athens in reprisal for the burning of Sardes in 498 BC during the failed Ionian Revolt. The Persian fleet under the joint command of Datis and Artaphernes landed near Marathon bay, …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 516     Date: 490-BC     Location: Marathon, Greece

The Persian emperor Xerxes I led a massive invasion of Greece to avenge the defeat of his father’s forces at Marathon. After annihilating the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae, Xerxes burned Athens, then Macedon, Thessaly, and Boeotia submitted. However,…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #5: Epic Ancients II

Scenario#: 108     Date: 6/15/1809     Location: María de Huerva, Spain

After the defeat at Alcañiz, Suchet fell back to Zaragoza to reorganize his dispirited troops, while Blake lingered for several days at Alcañiz waiting for reinforcements. Once his reinforcements arrived, Blake cut west across the mountains with…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 305     Date: 11/8/1805     Location: Mariazell, Austria

Von Merveldt’s small corps had escaped capture at Ulm, and was attached to Kutusov’s retreating Russians, when he received orders from the Austrian High Command to march to Styria to aid Archduke John’s army. Realizing too late he had marched …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #3: Austrian Army

Scenario#: 49     Date: 6-Jun-44     Location: Omaha Beach, Normandy, France

Upon landing under heavy fire at the west end of Omaha Beach at 0630 hours, a boat team of Rangers of C Company, 2nd Battalion scaled cliffs to become the first US soldiers on the high ground. Assigned a mission …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #3: Normandy