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Scenario#: 112     Date: 11/19/1809     Location: Ocaña, Spain

The Spanish campaign of fall 1809 was unfolding successfully. The subsidiary Army of the Left had beaten the French at Tamames. Now the 55,000 man Army of La Mancha commanded by Juan de Aréizaga was a mere 35 miles from …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 113     Date: 11/26/1809     Location: Alba de Tormes, Spain

After the victory at Tamames, Del Parque’s Army of the Left advanced from its mountain sanctuary, sparring with French forces. By mid November, Del Parque’s 32,000 Spaniards were on the verge of attacking Kellerman’s 16,000 man force when news of …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 114     Date: 3/5/1811     Location: Cadiz, Spain

In early 1811, the French were engaged in a no-win siege against the Allies in the port of Cádiz. The French under Marshal Victor were not strong enough to reduce the port without a French sea blockade. After Soult drew …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 115     Date: 5/16/1811     Location: Albuera, Spain

The Fortress of Badajoz dominated the southern invasion route from Portugal into Spain. The British had invested the fortress, but had few engineers and no siege train to speak of. The French were not idle. Marshal Soult set out toward …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 116     Date: 6/21/1813     Location: Vitoria, Spain

1813 was the year the balance of power swung in the Allies’ favor in Spain. Wellington’s army received substantial reinforcements from England. Napoleon drew large numbers of veteran troops from Spain to rebuild after the disastrous 1812 campaign.…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 117     Date: 8/31/1813     Location: Irun, Spain

After the rout at Vitoria, Napoleon replaced his inept brother Joseph with capable Marshal Soult. The French retreat east allowed Wellington to lay siege to the important coastal fortress of San Sebastián. Soult made plans to relieve the French…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 118     Date: 9/13/1813     Location: Ordal, Spain

In late June Suchet was informed of the French loss at Vitoria and started his Army of Aragon’s retreat North. Lord Bentick, a rather inept British commander, followed timidly, for Suchet’s army was unbeaten after several battles. Bentick ordered…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 201     Date: 225-BC     Location: Faesulae, Italy

The Cisalpine Gauls (those living south of the Alps) had sacked Rome in 390 BC and fought intermittently with Rome for the next 150 years. After a series of defeats early in the Third century BC, the Gauls remained quiet …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 202     Date: 225-BC     Location: Talamone, Italy

Aenorestes and Concolitanus retreated northwards, pursued by Aemilius Papus with about 30,000 troops. It looked like the Gauls would escape with their booty. Then fortune smiled on Rome. The consul Atilius Regulus was returning from suppressing a…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 203     Date: 222-BC     Location: Casteggio, Italy

Not content with the slaughter of the Gauls at Telamon, the Romans launched a series of punitive expeditions into Cisalpine Gaul over the next three years. In 222 a combined Roman army under the consuls Marcus Claudius Marcellus and Gnaeus …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 204     Date: 105-BC     Location: Arausio, France

Following the Punic Wars, Rome set out to consolidate the territories it had captured beyond the Alps. At the same time a major migration by the Cimbri, Teutons and Ambrones under the Kings Boiorix and Teutobod was moving south, reportedly …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 205     Date: 103-BC     Location: Caltabellotta, Sicily

The fiercest Slave revolt outbreak, before Spartacus, was known as the Second Sicilian Slave War (104-100 BC). Publius Licinius Nerva, governor of Sicily, in accordance with a Senatorial order that no citizen of an allied state could be kept as …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 206     Date: 102-BC     Location: Aix-en-Provence, France

Following the disaster at Aruasio in 105 BC, Rome elected Marius as Consul to deal with the emergency. He was granted a reprieve as the Teutones and Ambrones decided to invade Spain rather than Italy, and spent the years 104-103 …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 207     Date: 101-BC     Location: Vercellae, Italy

Following his victory over the Teutons and Ambrones at the Battle of Aquae Sextiae, Gaius Marius moved east to join Quintus Lutatius Catulus against the Cimbri in the Po valley of northern Italy. Beorix, the Cimbri king, had been waiting …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 208     Date: 73-BC     Location: Mt. Vesuvius, Italy

The greatest slave revolt against Rome was led by a gladiator named Spartacus. He was a Thracian slave, trained as a gladiator by his owner, Lentulus Batiatus, at a gladiatorial school near Capua. Spartacus escaped from the school with 78 …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 209     Date: 72-BC     Location: Mt. Garganus, Italy

Spartacus was an able strategist, and he knew that his rag-tag army could not expect to defy Rome indefinitely. Spartacus planned to escape from Roman territory over the Alps, and headed north through Apulia. He divided his ever-growing army and …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 210     Date: 72-BC     Location: Marche, Italy

Following the defeat of his lieutenant Crixus, Spartacus continued north for the Alps, passing through Picenum. Two Roman armies moved against him. From the south, the consul Lucius Gellius Publicola pursued with his army, fresh from his victory at…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 211     Date: 72-BC     Location: Abruzzo, Italy

In the autumn of 72 BC, Marcus Licinius Crassus was chosen by the Senate to lead the war against Spartacus’ slave army. Crassus, a leading politician, was also rumored to be the richest man in Rome. How all this would …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 212     Date: 71-BC     Location: Strongoli, Italy

Spartacus retreated through Lucania into Bruttium and toward the sea. He encamped at Rhegium where he attempted to gain passage to Sicily with the help of some Cilician pirate ships. Spartacus judged he could open a new front against Rome …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 213     Date: 71-BC     Location: Basilicata, Italy

After Spartacus escaped the Roman siege in Bruttium, the Gallic section of his slave army moved separately under the command of Cannicus and Castus. Marcus Licinius Crassus was now in a race, not only with the enemy, but also with …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 214     Date: 71-BC     Location: Silarus, Italy

Spartacus found his army trapped between the armies of Marcus Licinius Crassus to his front and Gnaeus Pompey, approaching from the rear. Crassus had started construction of his camp when a skirmish between the two armies escalated into a full …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 215     Date: 57-BC     Location: Saulzoir, France

Gaius Julius Caesar formed a political alliance with Gnaeus Pompey and Licinius Crassus that became known as the “First Triumvirate.” Caesar obtained the governorship of Gaul as a proconsul, and immediately set about expanding his province from the…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 216     Date: 56-BC     Location: Gulf of Morbihan, France

Following two years of successful campaigning, Caesar believed he had pacified southern and western Gaul and left for Illyria. Sensing an opportunity, the Veneti and neighboring tribes on the Atlantic coast rebelled. These coastal tribes had their…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 217     Date: 55-BC     Location: Pegwell Bay, England

With most of Gaul under his control, Caesar saw a need to pacify the nearby British coast, lest this island serve as a sanctuary and base for anti-Roman Gauls. Caesar sailed to Britain late in the campaign season with only …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 218     Date: 54-BC     Location: Kent, England

In 54 BC, Caesar launched a second invasion of Britain which was better planned and far more formidable than the first one. The invasion force consisted of five legions, auxiliaries, and 2000 cavalry, transported on 800 vessels. The Britons, awed …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 219     Date: 54-BC     Location: Wheathampstead, England

When Caesar resumed his march inland, the Britons united under their newly appointed leader, Cassivellaunus. He ordered his troops to avoid pitched battles with the legions. Instead, they were to just harry the flanks of the legions and to attrit …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 220     Date: 9-AD     Location: Osnabrück, Germany

Julius Caesar had established Rome’s northeast boundary as the Rhine River a half century earlier. But the Emperor Caesar Augustus decided to extend imperial control all the way to the Elbe. A task that seemed easy on a map in …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 221     Date: 9-AD     Location: Osnabrück, Germany

Throughout the first day of battle, German attacks had harassed the disjointed Roman column as they struggled along. That night Varus’ men constructed a fortified camp knowing that Arminius would not dare assault a well-manned prepared position. The…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 222     Date: 16-AD     Location: Porta Westfalica, Germany

Following the catastrophe at the Teutoburger Wald, Augustus dispatched a series of punitive expeditions into Germany. In 14 AD, Tiberius became emperor and assigned his adopted son Germanicus Julius Caesar to the German province. In AD 16, Arminius…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 223     Date: 51-AD     Location: Powys, Wales

The Roman conquest of Britain had been underway for four years when a new Roman commander, Publius Ostorius Scapula, was assigned to the province in 47 AD. He faced an on-going insurgency, led by Caratacus, chieftain of the Cautuvellauni tribe. …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 201     Date: 12/23/1806     Location: Czarnowo, Poland

Davout’s three infantry division on December 23rd, under Napoleon’s detailed orders, were in position to attack the Russian army under the command of Ostermann on the east bank of the Wkra. The battle opened with Morand’s troops making a frontal …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 202     Date: 12/26/1806     Location: Golymin, Poland

Acting on orders from Napoleon, Marshal Augereau’s VII Corps and Davout’s III Corps moved north from the Ukra River in Poland searching for Marshall Kamenskoi‘s retreating Russian army. The French caught up to Prince Golitsyn and Barron Sacken’s 3rd…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 203     Date: 12/26/1806     Location: Pultusk, Poland

Marshal Bennigsen disobeyed his orders and halted his retreat to give battle. He drew his divisions up in three lines between Pultusk and the Mostachin Woods. Lannes and his V Corps had orders from Napoleon to pursue and engage the …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 204     Date: 1/25/1807     Location: Mohrungen, Poland

In early January Bennigsen ordered the Russian Army to go on the offensive. On the 19th Ney, who had extended his line in search of provisions, was attacked and brushed aside. General Markov then advanced toward Mohrungen where Bernadotte was …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 205     Date: 2/7/1807     Location: Bagrationovsk, Russia

Marshal Soult’s IV Corps, along with elements of Marshal Murat’s cavalry, reached the plateau before Eylau in the early afternoon on February 7th and immediately attacked. Prince Bagration’s rearguard put up a stiff Resistance and repulsed the…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 206     Date: 2/8/1807     Location: Bagrationovsk, Russia

Napoleon, although outnumbered, was determined to hold his position knowing that Ney was coming up on the left and Davout on the right. His plan was a double envelopment of the Russian Army. Bennigsen’s four Corps and cavalry were deployed …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 207     Date: 2/8/1807     Location: Bagrationovsk, Russia

After thousands of French soldiers were cut down as they advanced against the Russian artillery in the center, victory seemed to be at hand for Bennigsen and the Russian army. Napoleon, however, called for Murat and his cavalry reserve to …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 208     Date: 6/10/1807     Location: Lidzbark Warmiński, Poland

After repulsing two days of Russian attacks, Napoleon again resumed his advance up the left bank of the River Alle. While the Russian army, not defeated, retired to a strong position near the Polish town of Heilsberg. On June 10th, …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 209     Date: 6/14/1807     Location: Pravdinsk, Russia

When Napoleon arrived at Friedland, Bennigsen’s Russian army was holding a four-mile line in what Napoleon determined was a very poor defensive position, with its back to the river Alle. In addition, the Mill stream bisected the Russian line which …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 210     Date: 9/5/1812     Location: Shevardino Redoubt, Russia

The Russian force at Shevardino was under the command of General Prince Andrey Gorchakov and consisted of 8000 infantry, 4000 cavalry and 194 guns. He had deployed his Jagers in the woods and villages while the Russian Grenadiers and Cuirassiers …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 211     Date: 9/7/1812     Location: Borodino, Russia

On the morning of the 7th, Prince Eugene’s corps advanced against the village of Borodino. After a hard fight, the village was captured from the Russian Guard Jager defenders. However, the disorganized French attackers failed to advance any further…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 212     Date: 9/7/1812     Location: Utitsy, Russia

The village of Utitza was at the southern end of the Russian left flank positions at Borodino. The Utitza woods, however, were very dense—well suited for Tutchkov’s Russian Jaegers that were deployed there in some numbers. All total, Tutchkov had …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 213     Date: 9/7/1812     Location: Borodino, Russia

Despite Marshal Davout’s suggestion of a maneuver to outflank the weak Russian left, Napoleon instead ordered Davout to move forward toward the Russian fleches (small redoubts), while the flanking maneuver was left to Prince Poniatowski. Three…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 214     Date: 10/18/1812     Location: Polotsk, Belarus

As Napoleon advanced eastward into Russia, he set up three supply depots at Polotsk, Minsk and Smolensk to keep his army in supply. Vitebsk was the northernmost depot, and most vulnerable to Russian attacks under a steadily growing force under …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 215     Date: 10/24/1812     Location: Maloyaroslavets, Russia

Napoleon marched southwest out of Moscow on October 19th toward the fertile region around Kaluga where supplies could be obtained. Eugene commanded Napoleon’s advance guard and all was going as planned until reaching Maloyaroslavets. Kutusov had also…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 216     Date: 11/17/1812     Location: Krasny, Russia

The march from Moscow to Smolensk was a nightmare. Napoleon’s army lost half of its remaining strength to a combination of starvation, exposure to harsh weather, Cossack and partisan raids and desertion. Smolensk did indeed contain supplies, but…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 217     Date: 11/27/1812     Location: Borisov, Belarus

Mother Nature continued to side with the Russians. As the French army retreated west, it was faced with the daunting task of crossing the unfrozen and unbridged River Berezina. On the west bank blocking the crossing was a force of …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 218     Date: 2/10/1814     Location: Champaubert, France

Napoleon’s 30,000 men were tired and hungry after their defeat at La Rothiere, but Blucher believing the French force to be spent, did not make any attempt to unite his army. On February 10th, Napoleon turned and moved on Olsufiev’s …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 219     Date: 2/11/1814     Location: Montmirail, France

After his victory at Champaubert, Napoleon found himself in the midst of Blucher’s forces. In Napoleon’s mind it was the central position again, a tactical position from which he achieved much success in the past. Blucher ordered both Sacken and …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 220     Date: 3/7/1814     Location: Craonne, France

Napoleon had hoped to defeat Blucher’s army piecemeal since it was strung out in retreat after the series of Allied set-backs, but Blucher’s force recovered more quickly than expected. Napoleon pushed forward and on March 7th caught up to what …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army