Browse Items (630 total)

Scenario#: 512     Date: 10/17/1813     Location: Gohlis, Germany

Blücher was not informed that the Allied army would take no action on the 17th in order to bring up reserves and regroup. Blücher therefore, after a bit of reorganization himself, continued his attack on the 17th against the French …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 504     Date: 9/18/1813     Location: Göhrde, Germany

Although still officially in a period of armistice, Napoleon had Oudinot and Davout in motion early August 1813. Davout halted his movement, however, after receiving word of Oudinot’s defeat at Grossbeeren. Weeks of skirmishing followed between…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 202     Date: 12/26/1806     Location: Golymin, Poland

Acting on orders from Napoleon, Marshal Augereau’s VII Corps and Davout’s III Corps moved north from the Ukra River in Poland searching for Marshall Kamenskoi‘s retreating Russian army. The French caught up to Prince Golitsyn and Barron Sacken’s 3rd…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 107     Date: 334-BC     Location: Biga Çayı, Turkey

Alexander succeeded his father in 336 BC, and after securing control of Macedon and the other Greek states, he marched east to challenge the Persian Empire. He crossed the Hellespont into Asia with about 32,000 infantry and 5,100 cavalry. Darius …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: A     Date: 7-May-45     Location: Mindanao Island, Philippines

After capturing Libby Airfield with the aid of Filipino guerrillas, the US 24th Infantry Division found the assault toward Davao becoming exceedingly slow and ponderous. Exacerbating the issue was the preponderance of hemp fields in the area, now…

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: 55     Date: 4-Jul-44     Location: Carpiquet, France

ln Operation Windsor, 3rd Canadian Division once again set out to take Carpiquet Airfield, still in the hands of their bitter foe, the 12th SS "Hitlerjugend”. After a heavy rolling bombardment, the North Shore (New Brunswick) Regiment moved out…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #3: Normandy

Scenario#: 14     Date: 203-BC     Location: Zana, Tunisia

Scipio, the victor of Baecula and Ilipa, has led his battle-hardened army to Africa, and has placed the city of Utica under siege. The Great Numidian cavalry leader, Masinissa, has gone over to the Roman side. While the siege continues, …

Commands & Colors: AncientsC&C Ancients

Scenario#: 414     Date: 8/23/1813     Location: Grossbeeren, Germany

Battle had been joined. Bertrand’s IV Corps had become engaged at Blankenfelde, Reynier’s VII Corps, composed primarily of Saxons, had come up against von Bulow’s larger German/Swedish corps in good defensive terrain. Still by 2 pm, those Saxons had…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 302     Date: 10/9/1805     Location: Günzburg, Germany

After the debacle at Wertingen, Mack decided on a new plan, which called for his army to cross to the north bank of the Danube around Günzburg and march east. General Major d’Aspre was in command of the Austrian force …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #3: Austrian Army

Scenario#: 406     Date: 10/17/1806     Location: Halle, Germany

Because of Dupont’s success in capturing the bridges over the Saale in the morning, the French quickly occupied the town of Halle. Bernadotte, now called a halt to the advance to wait for the rest of his corps to come …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 405     Date: 10/17/1806     Location: Halle, Germany

Hearing of the disaster at Jena-Auerstadt, and not receiving any further orders, Eugene, Duke of Württemberg, deployed his main force south of Halle. He also sent von Hinrichs with a small force to guard the bridges that crossed the branches …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #4: Prussian Army

Scenario#: 303     Date: 10/11/1805     Location: Ulm-Jungingen, Germany

Mack, now surrounded at Ulm, made a bold attempt to break out eastward along the northern bank of the Danube. Dupont’s 1st Division was outnumbered and in danger, yet was all that stood in the way of the Austrian army’s …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #3: Austrian Army

Scenario#: 2     Date: Jul-44     Location: Pont-Herbert, France

A few weeks after the D-Day landings, General Bradley was keen to choose a suitable place for a swift, decisive breakout with a minimum of casualties in order to get his armored forces into more tank-friendly terrain. The key ground …

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

Scenario#: 208     Date: 6/10/1807     Location: Lidzbark Warmiński, Poland

After repulsing two days of Russian attacks, Napoleon again resumed his advance up the left bank of the River Alle. While the Russian army, not defeated, retired to a strong position near the Polish town of Heilsberg. On June 10th, …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #2: Russian Army

Scenario#: 29     Date: 26 July 1944     Location: St. Giles, France

During the initial stages of Operation Cobra, the panzer Lehr Division was effectively taken out of action after seeing its forces shrink by nearly 40% following massive damage from both medium and heavy bombers and tactical strikes from P47 fighter…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #3 Operations For The Drive To The Rhine - The Second Front

Scenario#: 112     Date: 321-BC     Location: Dardanelles, Turkey

Alexander's death in 323 BC threw his empire into a state of political and military turmoil, with his generals and governors claiming independent kingdoms as his “Successors” (the Diadochia). Perdiccas inherited the main Macedonian army and the title…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 116     Date: 280-BC     Location: Heraclea, Italy

As a youth, Pyrrhus of Epirus served as a lieutenant under the Diadochi, including Demetrius and Ptolemy. In 297 BC he regained his ancestral kingdom, and went on to seize the throne of Macedon. By 284 he was driven out …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 25     Date: 1944-12-16     Location: Lanzerath, Belgium

On the morning of 16 December, 3rd FJ Division began an attack through the Losheim Gap towards Lanzerath to secure the road north to Bullingen. This road w'ould provide the ISS Pz Division access to their assigned rollbahn in the Wacht am Rhein…

Last Hundred YardsMission Pack 1

Scenario#: 82     Date: 14-Jun-40     Location: Gembloux, Belgium

French light armored forces rushed to the Gembloux gap, a wide rural plain crossed by important rail lines, to stem the advance of the German 3rd & 4th Panzer Divisions. Behind the rail line, ideal defensive terrain near the farm …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #5: The Fall of the West

Scenario#: 26     Date: June 1944     Location: Caen, France

The French city Of Caen was a vital objective of the Normandy landings on D-Day. Located in the British and Canadian sector, the plan was for the British 3rd Infantry Division to push through the German defenders and capture city …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #3 Operations For The Drive To The Rhine - The Second Front

Scenario#: TBP01     Date: 1943     Location: Somewhere deep in Russia

“Soldier, the enemy occupies Hill 133. The Motherland and Political Officer Blurtarsky require you to wrest control of it from him."

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: 31     Date: 1944-06-11     Location: Hill 192, France

After landing on June 7th at Omaha beach, the 2nd Division moved inland and was eventually tasked with cutting the St Lo-Bayeux highway in mid-June. This operation was a critical part of enabling the planned 3rd Army breakout south out of Normandy…

Last Hundred YardsMission Pack 1

Scenario#: 29     Date: 1944-08-05     Location: Vire, France

The town of Vire was a key objective for both sides. It is located on the northern border of a large area containing dense hedge rows and hills known as the “Suisse Normande”. Near the south end of this large area is the town of Mortain; the starting…

Last Hundred YardsMission Pack 1

Scenario#: 102     Date: 480-BC     Location: Himera, Sicily

Phoenicia and Greece both colonized the western Mediterranean. Carthage unified the Punic cities into an empire, while Syracuse rose to become the leading Greek city under its first Tyrant, Gelon. With Theron of Akragas, Gelon took control of Himera…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: C3i14     Date: 211-BC     Location: Himera, Sicily

Western Sicily had been a Carthaginian province for centuries, until Rome captured it in the First Punic War. Hannibal sent an agent, Epicydes, to Syracuse to lead a rebellion against Rome in 214. Rome responded by sending M. Claudius Marcellus …

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #22

Scenario#: 10     Date: 1944-12-16     Location: Marnach, Luxembourg

In the early morning hours of December 16, 1944, the 1st and 3rd Platoons of B Company and a few anti-tank guns from the 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion were dug-in for the night in Marnach, an important road junction in …

Last Hundred YardsLast Hundred Yards

Scenario#: 11     Date: 8-Jul-44     Location: St. Jean de Daye, France

July 7 saw a brief battle in which German forces were forcibly evicted from their hilltop defenses near the Vire River. The small American force that won the day, elements of the 743d Tank Battalion, including an immobilized M4 Sherman, was then…

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

Scenario#: 7     Date: Late 1943     Location: Kiev, Ukraine

The Soviet 10th Tank Corps was part of the 1st Tank Army at Kursk where it clashed with the German forces to close the salient. It then took part in the offensive to relieve Kharkov and the advance to the …

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 414     Date: 226-AD     Location: Ahwaz, Iran

Around 220 AD Ardashir I, a Persian vassal, considered the state of the Parthian Empire. Ardashir knew about dissensions in the Parthian royal house and reasoned that the losses which Artabanus had sustained in his battles with the Romans and …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 518     Date: 6/18/1815     Location: Hougoumont, Belgium

At Waterloo, Wellington had little choice but to occupy Hougoumont, for it would prevent the French from gaining the heart of the British position along the ridgeline. In fact, Wellington came close to losing the battle by under garrisoning…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: C3i4     Date: 30 September 1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

Prior to the battle of the Tannenburg Line, elements of Ill SS Panzer Corps meet elements of the Soviet 2nd Shock Army. The Germans are scouting defensible positions to cover their retreat westward, while the Soviets are hot on their …

Panzer (GMT)C3I Magazine #28

Scenario#: 121     Date: 1944-09-13     Location: St. Genevieve, France

The initial attack to cross the Moselle River at Pont-a-Mousson on the 5-6 of September had shown that the Germans were well organized for defense in that sector. After renewed planning and intelligence gathering the 80th Division prepared to try …

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #28

Scenario#: 9     Date: April 1944     Location: Kamenets, Ukraine

Hube's Pocket, named for German Generaloberst Hans-Valentin Hube, was created when forces of the Soviet 1st and 2nd Ukrainian Fronts attempted to cut off and encircle the German 1st Panzer Army north of the Dniester River. As the most powerful …

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 111     Date: 326-BC     Location: Punjab Province, Pakistan

Having gained control over all of the known civilized world, Alexander ventured into India in 326 BC. He met Resistance from Porus at the River Hydaspes. Porus’ large corps of 200 elephants thwarted all of Alexander’s attempts to cross the …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 512     Date: 326-BC     Location: Punjab Province, Pakistan

By 318 BC the Successors had formed two competing alliances: the “Royalists” who claimed to fight to maintain the empire for Alexander’s infant sons, and a rival coalition that sought to claim their own independent kingdoms. The opposing Successor…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #5: Epic Ancients II

Scenario#: 601     Date: 669-BC     Location: Argolis, Greece

King Darius I of Persia sent an expedition against Athens in reprisal for the burning of Sardes in 498 BC during the failed Ionian Revolt. The Persian fleet under the joint command of Datis and Artaphernes landed near Marathon bay, …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: C     Date: 21-Aug-42     Location: Ilu River, Guadalcanal

Japanese HO dispatched the lchiki Detachment from Truk to displace what was mistakenly thought of as a minor US presence on Guadalcanal. During what is known as the Battle of Tenaru River, by 0030, Colonel lchiki had maneuvered his force …

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: 309     Date: 49-BC     Location: Lleida, Spain

After driving Gnaeus Pompey from Italy, Julius Caesar moved against Pompey’s forces in Spain. Caesar had sent Gaius Fabius ahead to secure the passes over the Pyrenees and at the Sicoris River. Fabius succeeded, and his opponent, Pompey’s lieutenant…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #3: The Roman Civil Wars

Scenario#: 13     Date: 206-BC     Location: Seville, Spain

Hasdrubal’s departure left only two Carthaginian armies in Spain under mediocre commanders (Hasdrubal – yes another one, and Mago). Scipio made steady progress against them, securing territory and prompting many Spanish tribes to come over to the…

Commands & Colors: AncientsC&C Ancients

Scenario#: 502     Date: 206-BC     Location: Seville, Spain

Hasdrubal's departure to join Hannibal in Italy left only two Carthaginian armies in Spain under mediocre commanders (Hasdrubal yes another one, and Mago). Scipio made steady progress against them, securing territory and prompting many Spanish tribes…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #5: Epic Ancients II

Scenario#: C3i07     Date: 215-BC     Location: Iliturgi, Spain

Following the decisive victory of the Scipio brothers at Dertosa (215), Carthage sent out 13,500 reinforcements for Hasdrubal Barca under his brother Mago. Hasdrubal reorganized his command of 18,000 men into three small armies, one under his…

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #20

Scenario#: 422     Date: 272-AD     Location: Antioch, Turkey

The Palmyrene Empire (260–273) consisted of the (former) eastern Roman provinces of Syria, Palestine, and large parts of Asia Minor. This breakaway kingdom was ruled by the famous Queen Zenobia and had won many victories over the Sassanids, while…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 108     Date: 6-Jun-44     Location: Strongpoint Hillman, France

After fighting ashore at Sword Beach, the British met relatively light Resistance as they moved south towards Caen. Strongpoint Morris gave up almost without a fight. Reconnaissance had noted another significant defensive position south of Morris and…

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #22

Scenario#: 123     Date: 306-BC     Location: Ganges Valley, India

Seleucus of Syria crossed the Indus in 306 to recapture the Ganges Valley that had been overrun by the Mauryan king, Chandragupta. Using a cavalry feint, Seleucus had crossed the Indus and drew up in a strong defensive position. Deployed …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 40     Date: 17-Oct-42     Location: Barrikady Gun Factory, Stalingrad, Russia

“Fortress Stalingrad" was living up to its name. On this day, elements of the German 305. lnfanterie-Divísion continued their assault into the ruins of the factory's workshops. The fighting was up close and personal.

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 217     Date: 55-BC     Location: Pegwell Bay, England

With most of Gaul under his control, Caesar saw a need to pacify the nearby British coast, lest this island serve as a sanctuary and base for anti-Roman Gauls. Caesar sailed to Britain late in the campaign season with only …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 115     Date: 301-BC     Location: Bayat, Turkey

By 309 BC, all of Alexander’s heirs had been executed. The Successors ended the pretense of fighting for the restoration of the empire, and proclaimed themselves kings. With the most powerful army of all the contenders, Antigonus made a bid …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 411     Date: 194-AD     Location: Issus, Turkey

The Roman Empire lacked an accepted institutional system of succession whenever an emperor died. This typically led to multiple claimants to the throne and civil war. So, when the erratic and eccentric emperor Commodus was murdered in 193 AD, it …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 108     Date: 333-BC     Location: Issus, Turkey

After the battle of Granicus River, Darius assembled a new army near Babylon while Alexander overran Asia Minor. Darius advanced into Syria to await the Macedonian invader. However, when Alexander’s advance was delayed due to his illness, Darius…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 17     Date: 1944-09-17     Location: Grave, Holland

Captain Kappel’s Company H orders were clear and sobering. They were to parachute, in broad daylight, into enemy territory, assemble their scattered troops, capture the Grave bridges, and eliminate all enemy resistance in your area. “We felt the…

Last Hundred YardsAirborne over Europe