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Scenario#: 33     Date: 19 September 1944     Location: Arracourt, France

The decisive battles around Arracourt commenced on 15 September 1944 when elements of the German 15th Panzer Grenadier Division dashed with the recon units of the US 2nd Cavalry Group, After initially withdrawing, the Germans again advanced near the…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #3 Operations For The Drive To The Rhine - The Second Front

Scenario#: 34     Date: 18 July 1944     Location: Caen, France

Following on the heels of Operations Perch, Epsom, Martlet, Windsor, and Charnwood, the staff of the Allied 21st Army Group developed the plans for the next major British assault, Operation Goodwood. Due to a shortage of infantry it would consist …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #3 Operations For The Drive To The Rhine - The Second Front

Scenario#: 35     Date: 12 May 1940     Location: Crehen, Belgium

The German advance in Belgium at the Gembloux Gap was aimed at deceiving the Allies into believing this was the main thrust of the German invasion of France, thereby forcing the French to commit their armored forces far from the …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 36     Date: 12 May 1940     Location: Crehen, Belgium

The German advance in Belgium at the Gembloux Gap was aimed at deceiving the Allies into believing this was the main thrust of the German invasion of France, thereby forcing the French to commit their armored forces far from the …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 37     Date: 14 May 1940     Location: Ernage, Belgium

After the Battle of Hannut, the town of Gembloux represented the last French defensive position on the Belgian front. On 14 May, 3rd and 4th Panzer Divisions advanced from the Hannut area towards Gembloux. The French desperately needed time to …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 38     Date: 13 May 1940     Location: Bouvignes, Belgium

At 0600 hours on 13 May 1940 Generalmajor Erwin Rommel ordered Schfilzen Regiment 7 ((mot) Infantry Regiment) to cross the Meuse using rubber boats at Bouvlgnes, near Dinant. They were halted by French machine guns and mortars from 66e …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 39     Date: 15 May 1940     Location: Philippeville, Belgium

After expanding its bridgehead. the 7th Panzer Division was poised to exploit the situation. Under the increasing German pressure. the French 9e Armée High Command overreacted by committing its reserves early by sending the 4e DI Nord-Africaine and…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 40     Date: 15 May 1940     Location: Stonne, France

The village of Stonne. positioned at the top of a height mass, could be used as an excellent starting point for a French counterattack against the Sedan bridgehead in the Meuse Valley. General der Panzertruppe Guderian. knowing that the bridgehead …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 41     Date: 15 May 1940     Location: Stonne, France

Soon after the French withdrawal, elements of Infanten'e-Regiment Grossdeutschland. cautiously infiltrated the village, taking positions in the previously held French buildings by placing numerous guns and support weapons. Not deterred, the French…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 42     Date: 17 May 1940     Location: Montcornet, France

On 10 May, the 4e DCR was rapidly mobilized to stop the German advance into France. Although strong on paper, the Division lacked manpower, tanks, and training. Four days later, Colonel de Gaulle was given command and immediately moved forward …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 43     Date: 19 May 1940     Location: Montcornet, France

Having fallen back to its starting position, the 4e DCR received much needed reinforcements to launch another effort towards Montcomet. On 19 May, De Gaulle again committed his Division against the German defensive positions in and around Montcomet.…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 44     Date: 28 May 1940     Location: Lille, France

The situation for the French and the British was desperate during the last days of May. Their remaining units were crowded in at Dunkirk on the French coast, while the Germans moved to squeeze the pocket closed around them. 7th …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 45     Date: 15 May 1940     Location: Monthermé, France

On 15 May 1940. after securing a small bridgehead over the Meuse at Monthermé. Generalmajor Kempf‘s 6th Panzer Division was halted by elements of the 102e Division d'lnfanterie, a first-rate unit under the command of General Portzert. The well…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 46     Date: 16 May 1940     Location: Stonne, France

On 16 May 1940, during the three-day struggle for Stonne, the B1-bis "Eure" was commanded by Captain Pierre Billotte. He was also in command of the 1er Compagnie, 41e BCC. Although underpowered for its weight and somewhat prone to breakdown, …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: S36     Date: 12 May 1940     Location: Crehen, Belgium

The German advance in Belgium at the Gembloux Gap was aimed at deceiving the Allies into believing this was the main thrust of the German invasion of France, thereby forcing the French to commit their armored forces far from the …

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #4 The German Invasion Of France, 1940

Scenario#: 101     Date: 490-BC     Location: Marathon, Greece

King Darius I of Persia sent an expedition against Athens in reprisal for the burning of Sardes in 498 BC during the failed Ionian Revolt. The Persian fleet under the joint command of Datis and Artaphernes landed near Marathon bay, …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 102     Date: 480-BC     Location: Himera, Sicily

Phoenicia and Greece both colonized the western Mediterranean. Carthage unified the Punic cities into an empire, while Syracuse rose to become the leading Greek city under its first Tyrant, Gelon. With Theron of Akragas, Gelon took control of Himera…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 103     Date: 479-BC     Location: Plataea, Greece

The Persian emperor Xerses I led a massive invasion of Greece to avenge the defeat of his father’s forces at Marathon. After annihilating the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae, Xerxes captured and burned Athens. Macedon, Thessaly and Boeotia submitted to…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 104     Date: 371-BC     Location: Leuctra, Greece

Sparta’s victory over Athens in the Peloponnesian War (431- 404) cemented the reputation of her hoplites as the premier infantry force in the world. However, Spartan arrogance following this victory led to the outbreak of hostilities with her former…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 105     Date: 362-BC     Location: Mantinea, Greece

Thebes’ shocking victory at Leuctra in (371) had ended the Spartan hegemony over Greece. Epaminondas then organized the Arcadian League of cities in the Peloponnesus, in order to counter-balance Sparta and ensure Theban supremacy. A division in the…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 106     Date: 352-BC     Location: Thessaly, Greece

In 359 BC, Philip became king of Macedon. As a youth he had been a hostage in Thebes, where he observed the innovations of Epaminondas. Applying these lessons, Philip created a combined arms force of a maneuverable phalanx, cavalry and …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 107     Date: 334-BC     Location: Biga Çayı, Turkey

Alexander succeeded his father in 336 BC, and after securing control of Macedon and the other Greek states, he marched east to challenge the Persian Empire. He crossed the Hellespont into Asia with about 32,000 infantry and 5,100 cavalry. Darius …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 108     Date: 333-BC     Location: Issus, Turkey

After the battle of Granicus River, Darius assembled a new army near Babylon while Alexander overran Asia Minor. Darius advanced into Syria to await the Macedonian invader. However, when Alexander’s advance was delayed due to his illness, Darius…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 109     Date: 331-BC     Location: Erbil, Iraq

Rather than pursue Darius after the victory at Issus (333), Alexander turned south to neutralize the Persian fleet. In a two-year campaign he captured Tyre and Gaza, and conquered Egypt. In 331, Alexander marched into Mesopotamia, intent on attacking…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 110     Date: 329-BC     Location: Khujand, Tajikistan

By 329 BC Alexander had completed the subjugation of the eastern Persian satraps, and his army was building a new city, Alexandria Eschate, on the banks of the Jaxartes, to guard his northeastern frontier. A Scythian force under their chief, …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 111     Date: 326-BC     Location: Punjab Province, Pakistan

Having gained control over all of the known civilized world, Alexander ventured into India in 326 BC. He met Resistance from Porus at the River Hydaspes. Porus’ large corps of 200 elephants thwarted all of Alexander’s attempts to cross the …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 112     Date: 321-BC     Location: Dardanelles, Turkey

Alexander's death in 323 BC threw his empire into a state of political and military turmoil, with his generals and governors claiming independent kingdoms as his “Successors” (the Diadochia). Perdiccas inherited the main Macedonian army and the title…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 113     Date: 317-BC     Location: Isfahan, Iran

By 318 BC the Successors had formed two competing alliances: the ‘Royalists’ who claimed to fight to maintain the empire for Alexander’s infant sons, and a rival coalition that sought to claim their own independent kingdoms. The opposing Successor…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 114     Date: 316-BC     Location: Isfahan Province, Iran

After Paraitacene in 317, Eumenes was desperately trying to keep the united Empire of Alexander alive for his heirs. The following year, Antigonus emerged early from winter quarters and force marched across the desert to catch Eumenes off guard.…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 115     Date: 301-BC     Location: Bayat, Turkey

By 309 BC, all of Alexander’s heirs had been executed. The Successors ended the pretense of fighting for the restoration of the empire, and proclaimed themselves kings. With the most powerful army of all the contenders, Antigonus made a bid …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 116     Date: 280-BC     Location: Heraclea, Italy

As a youth, Pyrrhus of Epirus served as a lieutenant under the Diadochi, including Demetrius and Ptolemy. In 297 BC he regained his ancestral kingdom, and went on to seize the throne of Macedon. By 284 he was driven out …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 117     Date: 279-BC     Location: Apulia, Italy

Pyrrhus of Epirus nearly doubled the size of his army after his victory at Heraclea with Greeks, Samnites and Lucanians flocking to his standard. After absorbing the new recruits, Pyrrhus set off towards Rome. His advance was stopped at Asculum …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 118     Date: 275-BC     Location: Benevento, Italy

After the battle of Asculum, Pyrrhus left Italy for a three-year campaign in Sicily. Although he defeated the Carthaginians in every battle, he could not drive them off the island. Pyrrhus decided to return to Italy. Years of attrition and …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 119     Date: 217-BC     Location: Raphia, Gaza Strip

The Wars of the Successors led to the establishment of three Hellenistic Kingdoms: the Antigonids (Macedon), the Ptolemies (Egypt) and the Seleucids (from Asia Minor to India). The Seleucid Empire began to fragment, losing Judea and most of its…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 120     Date: 197-BC     Location: Thessaly, Greece

Victory in the Second Punic War (218-201 BC) established Rome as the dominant power in the Western Mediterranean. Since Philip V of Macedon had allied with Hannibal during that war, Rome had a score to settle. Rome used complaints from …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 121     Date: 190-BC     Location: Izmir Province, Turkey

Following his defeat at Raphia, Antiochus III campaigned continuously to restore his empire. He re-conquered Asia Minor, Armenia, Parthia and Bactria. Next, he avenged Raphia with a decisive victory over the Ptolemaic Egyptians at Panion in 199 BC.…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 122     Date: 376-BC     Location: Cronium, Sicily

In 410 BC, Carthage invaded Greek Sicily, ending seventy years of peace. In the turmoil surrounding the Punic invasion, Dionysius I was able to establish a tyranny in Syracuse in 405. Dionysius initiated a series of wars against Carthage and …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 123     Date: 306-BC     Location: Ganges Valley, India

Seleucus of Syria crossed the Indus in 306 to recapture the Ganges Valley that had been overrun by the Mauryan king, Chandragupta. Using a cavalry feint, Seleucus had crossed the Indus and drew up in a strong defensive position. Deployed …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 124     Date: 168-BC     Location: Pydna, Greece

The Roman victory at Cynoscephalae (197) had humbled, but not eliminated, the Macedonian army. As the reality of Roman world domination became clear, most of Greece rallied to support Perseus, the son of Philip V. The Third Macedonian War broke …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: 101     Date: 7/19/1808     Location: Bailén, Spain

Large areas of Spain had rebelled against the French invasion. Dupont’s French Corps advanced to occupy Cordoba and Sevilla. Most of Dupont’s troops were newly formed conscript units. Soon Dupont found himself facing General Francisco de Castaños’…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 102     Date: 10/31/1808     Location: Durango, Spain

The first French invasion of Spain had ended in failure, but the Spanish, without a functioning high command, failed to coordinate an advance by the closest Spanish armies to take advantage of the temporary weakness of the French position behind …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 103     Date: 11/10/1808     Location: Burgos, Spain

The Spanish commander at Burgos, Conde de Belveder, was an inexperienced and rash officer. He moved out of the strong defenses of Burgos to a weak defensive position in an open plain well in front of the village of Gamonal. …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 104     Date: 11/11/1808     Location: Espinosa de los Monteros, Spain

After the escape from Zornoza, Blake’s army was still in trouble. Marshal Victor was pressing forward through the mountains and in position to cut off one of Blake’s divisions under the command of Pedro Caro, Conde de San Romana, but …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 105     Date: 11/30/1808     Location: Segovia, Spain

After success in the north, Napoleon marched on the Spanish capital of Madrid, but had to first push through Somosierra Pass in the Sierra de Guadarrama mountain range. The pass was defended by Don Benito San Juan’s Spanish troops, who …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 106     Date: 3/28/1809     Location: Medellín, Spain

General Cuesta’s army was retreating in the face of Victor’s advance after being forced out of its defensive positions on the Tagus River. On the 27th of March, Cuesta’s army was reinforced by the Duke of Albuquerque, and Cuesta decided …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 107     Date: 5/23/1809     Location: Alcañiz, Spain

After the capture of Zaragoza, the majority of French forces in the area withdrew to France, for trouble with Austria was brewing. General Suchet, the newly arrived French commander, led a force of 20,000 men on paper. Sickness, lack of …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 108     Date: 6/15/1809     Location: María de Huerva, Spain

After the defeat at Alcañiz, Suchet fell back to Zaragoza to reorganize his dispirited troops, while Blake lingered for several days at Alcañiz waiting for reinforcements. Once his reinforcements arrived, Blake cut west across the mountains with…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 109     Date: 7/28/1809     Location: Talavera, Spain

Victor’s reinforced French army faces off against a larger British/ Spanish army in superb defensive positions. The French solution—attack! Ruffin’s French division is wrecked in two unsupported assaults on the British positions atop the Cerro de…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 110     Date: 10/18/1809     Location: Tamames, Spain

General Del Parque advanced toward Salamanca with the Spanish ‘Army of the Left’ as part of the Spanish Junta’s 1809 fall campaign to retake Madrid. Barring his way was the weak French 6th Corps. Marshal Ney, the commander, was away …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 111     Date: 11/18/1809     Location: Ocaña, Spain

As the French and Spanish armies converged on Ocaña on the morning of the 18th, the French cavalry vanguard under Milhaud encountered three of General Freire’s Spanish cavalry divisions. The French deployed with Paris’ light cavalry in front of…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army