Browse Items (630 total)

Scenario#: 617     Date: 403-BC     Location: Piraeus, Greece

After the Thirty were deposed, the new government, although more moderate, was not ready to compromise with the Athenian exiles, who now held the Athenian port of Piraeus. The new government sent emissaries to Sparta, and Sparta sent Pausanias at …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: 210     Date: 72-BC     Location: Marche, Italy

Following the defeat of his lieutenant Crixus, Spartacus continued north for the Alps, passing through Picenum. Two Roman armies moved against him. From the south, the consul Lucius Gellius Publicola pursued with his army, fresh from his victory at…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #2: Rome and the Barbarians

Scenario#: 615     Date: 404-BC     Location: Phyle, Greece

Following Athens’ defeat in the Peloponnesian War, the victorious Spartans imposed an oligarchic government on the city which became known as the Thirty Tyrants. Late in 404, Thrasybulus, leading a force of Anthenian exiles, gathered at Phyle near…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: 404     Date: 42-BC     Location: Filippoi, Greece

After the first battle of Philippi, a fleet bringing supplies to Anthony and Octavian’s army was destroyed and supplies for the Triumvirate legions began running out. Brutus was content to watch the army of Antony and Octavian starve. However, the …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 403     Date: 42-BC     Location: Filippoi, Greece

Caesar’s assassination plunged the Roman world into chaos and civil war. On one side was the Second Triumvirate of Mark Anthony, Aemilius Lepidus, and Octavian, Caesar’s nephew, which aimed to avenge Caesar’s murder. Opposing them were the assassins…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 315     Date: 48-BC     Location: Farsala, Greece

After Dyrrhachium, Julius Caesar pulled back to regroup his army. Gnaeus Pompey failed to follow up his victory and pursued slowly. After a winter of maneuvering through Thessaly, Pompey encamped at the foot of the mountains near Pharsalus and was …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #3: The Roman Civil Wars

Scenario#: 46     Date: 6-Jun-44     Location: Benouville, France

At 0016 hours, three Airspeed Horsa gliders, flown with outstanding skill by pilots of the Glider Pilot Regiment, landed troops from the 2nd Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckingham Light lnfantry within 50 yards of the Caen Canal Bridge at Bénouville…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #3: Normandy

Scenario#: 421     Date: 271-AD     Location: Pavia, Italy

After the victory at Fano, Emperor Aurelian sent his troops in pursuit of the defeated Alemanni horde, which was racing back to its homeland. Aurelian had the mountain passes blocked and then proceeded to destroy almost the entire Alemanni army. …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome

Scenario#: 6     Date: 7-Jun-44     Location: St. Mere-Eglise, France

ln the evening on D-Day, the German 1058th Grenadier Regiment counterattacked St. Mere-Eglise and recaptured the edge of town. Elements of the US 505th Parachute Regiment were ordered to repulse this enemy force the following morning. At dawn on June…

Combat CommanderCC: Europe

Scenario#: C3i22     Date: 317-BC     Location: Eisfahan, Persia

By 318 BC the Successors had formed two competing alliances: the ‘Royalists’ who claimed to fight to maintain the empire for Alexander’s infant sons, and a rival coalition that sought to claim their own independent kingdoms. The opposing Successor…

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #26

Scenario#: 511     Date: 317-BC     Location: Isfahan, Iran

After the battle of Asculum, Pyrrhus left Italy for a three-year campaign in Sicily. Although he defeated the Carthaginians in every battle, he could not drive them off the island. Pyrrhus decided to return to Italy. Years of attrition and …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #5: Epic Ancients II

Scenario#: 113     Date: 317-BC     Location: Isfahan, Iran

By 318 BC the Successors had formed two competing alliances: the ‘Royalists’ who claimed to fight to maintain the empire for Alexander’s infant sons, and a rival coalition that sought to claim their own independent kingdoms. The opposing Successor…

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #1: Greeks and Eastern Kingdoms

Scenario#: C3i03     Date: 250-BC     Location: Palermo, Sicily

Following the disaster at Bagradas only a few hundred of Regulus’ men ever made it back to Rome. But they were enough to spread the horrible stories of being trampled by elephants, and cut down by cavalry. Despite his defeat …

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #18

Scenario#: 21     Date: 5 July 1943     Location: Kursk, Russia

As the German 9th Army's XXIII Corps' 78th and 216th Infantry Divisions launched a diversionary attack along the eastern flank, at 0530 hours both the XLI and XLVII Panzer Corps moved forward with the main attack in the Podolyan-Alexandrovka sectors…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 14     Date: 18 February 1943     Location: Ljubotin, Ukraine

Kharkov had just fallen to rhe Soviets and a realignment of the German defensive line was formed to its south. The Grossdeutschland Division's Fusilier Regiment was given the assignment of defending a section of road leading to the west out …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Division's Battle for Kharkov

Scenario#: 33     Date: 19 September 1944     Location: Arracourt, France

The decisive battles around Arracourt commenced on 15 September 1944 when elements of the German 15th Panzer Grenadier Division dashed with the recon units of the US 2nd Cavalry Group, After initially withdrawing, the Germans again advanced near the…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #3 Operations For The Drive To The Rhine - The Second Front

Scenario#: 516     Date: 2/27/1814     Location: Orthez, France

After the French defeat at Nive, Soult fell back to a position north of the River Gave de Pau. Wellington advanced along both sides of the river, while Soult deployed along a ridge, running roughly parallel to it. The French …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: 517     Date: 2/27/1814     Location: Orthez, France

After the French defeat at Nive, Soult fell back to a position north of the River Gave de Pau. Wellington advanced along both sides of the river, while Soult deployed along a ridge, running roughly parallel to it. The French …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #5: Generals Marshals & Tacticians

Scenario#: EPIC11     Date: 2/27/1814     Location: Orthez, France

After the French defeat at Nive, Soult fell back to a position north of the River Gave de Pau. Wellington advanced along both sides of the river, while Soult deployed along a ridge, running roughly parallel to it. The French …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #6: Epic

Scenario#: C3i04     Date: 212-BC     Location: Orongis, Spain

Mago Barca began the Second Punic War as a subordinate commander under his brother Hannibal. In 215 he was given command of his own army, and sent to Spain to reinforce his other brother, Hasdrubal. Mago fought a series of …

Commands & Colors: AncientsC3i Magazine #19

Scenario#: 118     Date: 9/13/1813     Location: Ordal, Spain

In late June Suchet was informed of the French loss at Vitoria and started his Army of Aragon’s retreat North. Lord Bentick, a rather inept British commander, followed timidly, for Suchet’s army was unbeaten after several battles. Bentick ordered…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 24     Date: October 1941     Location: Bryansk, Russia

Moscow was one of Germany's primary military objects in their invasion of the Soviet Union. It was probably driven more by a political imperative than the strategic measures it offered. Operation Typhoon was Germany's offensive to capture Moscow.…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #2 The Final Forces On The Eastern Front

Scenario#: 27     Date: 6 June 1944     Location: Caen, France

Operation Tonga was the codename assigned to the British 6th Airborne Division's actions as part of Operation Overlord. Tasked with a number of objectives, the division's paratroop and glider brigades all participated in the operation landing on the…

Panzer (GMT)Exp. #3 Operations For The Drive To The Rhine - The Second Front

Scenario#: 29     Date: 27-Dec-44     Location: Bastogne, Belgium

The isolated 101st Airborne seemed to be surviving on courage alone. By Christmas, they were running low on food, medicine, fuel and heavy ammunition. A plan was devised to resupply them from the air. Fifty gliders towed by C47 cargo …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: TBP09     Date: 20 May 1941     Location: Rethymnon, Crete

“Expecting a seaborne invasion, little did the defenders of Rethymnon concern themselves with an airborne invasion.”

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: 4     Date: 22 September 1942     Location: East of Tschermassowo, Gostischka Valley, Russia

Following painstaking preparations and supported by the infantry and artillery, Sturmpionier Battalion GD was to launch a daring operation against the enemy bunkers of the so-called “cemetery hill” due east of the town of Tschermassowo. This…

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 10     Date: August 1943     Location: Orel, Russia

The Soviets launched Operation Kutuzov, named in honor of the Napoleonic era general credited with saving Moscow from the invading 1812 French forces. to draw away and pin down German forces of Army Group Center from the Kursk Offensive. It …

Panzer (GMT)Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45

Scenario#: 5     Date: 30 September 1942     Location: Gostischka River Valley, Russia

The main objective of Operation Herbstwind (“Autumn Wind”) was simple: achieve a better defensive line while stripping the enemy’s current defensive line of its strategic strongpoints. In some cases the attacking units only had to cover 400-600…

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 7     Date: 30 September 1942     Location: West of Boltino, Russia

Follows the action on the left flank of the larger Operation Herbstwind: Kampfgruppe Grosser scenario—that is, the battle to consolidate new defensive positions in the lowlands between the town of …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 6     Date: 30 September 1942     Location: Kostanossowo, Russia

As always, Oberst Garski led from the front. In order to ensure secure radio communication, he commandeered a Panzer II tank that was fitted with a dummy cannon. When the attack began, Garski accompanied 13th Company/I.R. 2 which was being …

Fighting FormationsGrossdeutschland Motorized Infantry Division

Scenario#: 107     Date: 6-Jun-44     Location: Benouville, France

At 0016 hrs. three Airspeed Horsa gliders, flown with outstanding skill by pilots of the Glider Pilot Regiment, landed troops from the 2nd Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry within 50 yards of the Caen Canal Bridge at…

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #21

Scenario#: D     Date: 1-Nov-43     Location: Empress August Bay, Bougainville

On this date the US 3rd Marine Division landed at Cape Torokina. Naval forces assisting the Marines included 4 cruisers and 8 destroyers. Empress Augusta Bay had been chosen because it was within range of allied land—based fighter bases and …

Combat CommanderCC: Pacific

Scenario#: TBP06     Date: March 1943     Location: Central Russia

Dawn was still barely visible on the horizon. l walked back towards the artillery line which was to support the reconnaissance forces should they encounter organized Resistance.

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: 1     Date: 1944-12-18     Location: Rocherath, Belgium

The Elsenborn Ridge will always be known as one of the few sectors of the American lines that held during the Battle of the Bulge. Just east of the Elsenborn Ridge lies the twin Belgian villages of Rocherath-Krinkelt. At 0530 …

Last Hundred YardsLast Hundred Yards

Scenario#: TBP05     Date: July 1943     Location: Modica, Sicily

Canadian war correspondent Ross Munro recorded his experiences of the first few days of the attack on the Italian 122 lnfantry Regiment north of Pachino in a newspaper article printed on 12 July: "Stubborn Resistance has been put up by …

Combat CommanderTournament Battle Pack

Scenario#: 609     Date: 426-BC     Location: Argos, Greece

During the Second, or Great, Peloponnesian War (431-404 BC) the Athenians recognized their inferiority to Sparta in land warfare, and chose to fight with proxy forces and at sea. Nevertheless, there were many small battles, and the clash at Olpae …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #6: The Spartans

Scenario#: 60     Date: 8-Aug-44     Location: Mortain, France

The German High Command launched Operation Luttich on the night of 6/7 August aimed at the US 30th lnfantry Division occupying the village of Mortain. The Initial onslaught was partially successful in penetrating the American lines and the 2nd Bn, …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #3: Normandy

Scenario#: 33     Date: 3 May 1584     Location: Shimabara, Japan

Learning of the main advance of the Ryuzoji army, which hoped to crush his domain, Shimazu Iehisa chose to make a stand at Okitanawate despite being heavily outnumbered. In addition to being a confined area, Iehisa constructed a palisade across …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 12     Date: June 1560     Location: Toyoake, Owari Province, Japan

After his army's success at capturing the Oda border forts of Marune and Washízu, the Imagawa army and its commander Yoshimoto took time to rest and celebrate their victories in a wooded gorge called Dengakuhazama. Nobunga, hearing of this, quickly …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 11     Date: June 1560     Location: Toyoake, Owari Province, Japan

In ]une of 1560, Imagawa Yoshimoto assembled a large army with a dream of rising above a local daimyo to become shogunate of all Japan. All that stood in his path to Kyoto, Japan's capital city, was an old rival, …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 111     Date: 11/18/1809     Location: Ocaña, Spain

As the French and Spanish armies converged on Ocaña on the morning of the 18th, the French cavalry vanguard under Milhaud encountered three of General Freire’s Spanish cavalry divisions. The French deployed with Paris’ light cavalry in front of…

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 112     Date: 11/19/1809     Location: Ocaña, Spain

The Spanish campaign of fall 1809 was unfolding successfully. The subsidiary Army of the Left had beaten the French at Tamames. Now the 55,000 man Army of La Mancha commanded by Juan de Aréizaga was a mere 35 miles from …

Commands & Colors: NapoleonicsExpansion #1: Spanish Army

Scenario#: 21     Date: 1570     Location: Niiyama Castle, Japan

In 1570, Amako Katsuhisa was convinced to return to samurai life after living as a monk for four years. He joined Yamanaks Shikanosuke at Niiyama castle just in time to meet the invading Mori forces about to cross the Linashígawa. …

Samurai Battles

Scenario#: 38     Date: 1-Oct-42     Location: Dolgyi Gully, Stalingrad, Russia

Elements of the German 295th lnfantry Division had infiltrated the northern flank of the 13th Guards Rifle Division along Krutoy Gully and reached the Volga River. A detachment was sent to secure a wooden bridge spanning a neighboring ravine.…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad

Scenario#: 42     Date: 1943-07-20     Location: Bairoko, New Georgia

Advance on Bairoko Harbor, New Georgia. On July 13th the Northern Landing Force lost its blocking position on the Bairoko-Munda Trail just south of Bairoko. On July 20th, Marine Commander Col. Liversedge, Naval Academy Olympian and two-time Navy…

Last Hundred YardsThe Solomon Islands

Scenario#: 118     Date: 19-Aug-42     Location: Dieppe, France

Lieutenant Colonel Lord Lovat and No. 4 Commando (including six US Army Rangers), to support the Canadian landings at Dieppe, conducted two landings at VarengevilIe-sur-Mer attempting to neutralize a coastal artillery battery of six 150mm guns. The…

Combat CommanderC3I Magazine #27

Scenario#: 73     Date: 25-May-44     Location: Drvar, Bosnia

At the town cemetery outside Drvar, Western Bosnia, with Partisans of the Lika Division in a ferocious showdown with elements of the 500th SS Fallschirmjäger Battalion after a spectacular but failed attempt to seize Tito in his country HQ.

Combat CommanderCC: Resistance

Scenario#: 23     Date: 11-Aug-42     Location: El Alamein, Egypt

Unaware of the preparations being made by Rommel's Afrika Korps for an attack later in the month, life in the Italian trenches along the Alam Haifa Line was hot, dusty and boring, and punctuated by timely British artillery attacks every …

Combat CommanderCC: Mediterranean

Scenario#: 28     Date: 10-Jun-44     Location: M. Ingouf's Farm, North of Carentan, France

Against heavy machine-gun, mortar and artillery fire, the bloody remnants of Lt. Col. Robert Cole's 3/502 PIR ( 101st Airborne) charged across open ground and established themselves around an abandoned farmhouse near the Madeleine Canal. Reinforced…

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #1: Paratroopers

Scenario#: 413     Date: 217-AD     Location: Nusaybin, Turkey

For centuries, Rome and Parthia contended for dominance in the Middle East. Nisibis 217 AD was a three-day battle with the Romans led by their new emperor Marcus Opellius Macrinus against the Great King of Parthia, Artabanus IV. On the …

Commands & Colors: AncientsExpansion #4: Imperial Rome