Browse Items (334 total)

Scenario#: A-6     Date: October 18, 1973     Location: Fayid, Egypt

Operating from a secure bridgehead across the Suez Canal, Israeli forces advance behind Egyptian lines against opposition from Egyptian infantry, tank, and mechanized units.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Arab-Israeli Wars

Scenario#: 10     Date: 10/18/1973     Location: Tal Shaar, Golan Geights

After suffering irreplaceable losses in their initial assault on October 13, the Iraqis, along with their Arab allies, assumed a defensive posture. From October 17 through 22, they engaged in a series of holding actions and spoiling attacks.…

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (Israeli Defense Force)

Scenario#: 18     Date: 10/20/1973     Location: Ismailia, Egypt

After the crossing of the Canal and the battle for Chinese Farm, General Sharon's division was given the mission to widen the corridor between the Egyptian 16th Infantry Division and the Israeli Canal crossing point near Deversoir to prevent future …

Panzer (YAQ)IDF (The Boardgamer V7#3)

Scenario#: L-1     Date: June 6, 1982     Location: El Bas, Lebanon

Geiger's paratroop battalion takes a wrong turn and runs into a Palestinian refugee camp. Israeli command was reluctant to use air strikes in populated areas and Geiger was forced to extricate himself from the mess.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The General #21.6

Scenario#: L-2     Date: June 7, 1982     Location: Nabatiye, Lebanon

Isolated and abandoned by its leaders, the Yermak Brigade of the PLA tries to defend Nabatiye from the onrushing Israeli spearheads. This is the real “Marjayou”.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The General #21.6

Scenario#: L-3     Date: June 8, 1982     Location: Jezzin, Lebanon

After an Israeli blocking force joins combat with the Syrians, and Israeli armored brigade moves in to capture Jezzin and secure the Israeli flank. The Syrians, unknown to the Israelis, had reinforced the town's defenders during the night.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The General #21.6

Scenario#: L-4     Date: June 11, 1982     Location: Yakoub, Lebanon

Elements of the Syrian 3rd Division join battered remnants of the 1st Division fighting to halt the Israeli advance south of the Beirut-Damascus Highway.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The General #21.6

Scenario#: L-5     Date: August, 1982     Location: The Shouf, Lebanon

August 1982: The Lebanese Army wrestles with the Druze militia for control of the vital Shouf mountains east of Beirut.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The General #21.6

Scenario#: 16     Date: '12/44     Location: Poland

GERMAN ARMORED OFFENSIVE: A hypothetical situation. Hitler comes to his senses and cancel; the Ardennes offensive, orderlng the units involved to attack the Soviets instead. Situation depicts 3 German Fz. Division colliding with an advancing Russian…

Panzer (AH/MMP)Wargamer's Guide to PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: 18     Date: 1944     Location: Russia

COMBINED RUSSIAN OFFENSIVE: A theoretical situation. Two heavily reínforced rifle regiments and an Independent tank brigade take on a German infantry regiment. An illustration of problems of unit boundaries and of the infantry support capabilities of…

Panzer (AH/MMP)Wargamer's Guide to PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: 19     Date: '2/43     Location: Russia

THE CONVOY (2/43). A German front line unit is hard-pressed and needs supplies and ammunition. The relief convoy must reach them through partisan infested territory.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Wargamer's Guide to PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: 20     Date: 1944     Location: Russia

Often in defensive operations, light mobile units such as a reconnaissance battallon will be called upon to screen the flanks of line units. or fill a gap in their absence. ldeally, the enemy in these situations will be delayed by firepower, without…

Panzer (AH/MMP)Wargamer's Guide to PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: 30     Location: Southern England

A hypothetical scenario: the German invasion of England. Reinforced elements ofthe German 79th Infantry Division attack elements of the British 716th Division on Gold Seebad.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader 1940

Scenario#: 28-3.3     Date: 1942     Location: Southern Russia

During the German Summer Offensive, the Russians made extensive use of delaying tactics to slow the German mobile units and gain time to allow major Russian forces to safety withdraw.

Panzer (AH/MMP)The General #28.3

Scenario#: A-7     Date: Some Time in the Future     Location: Tasa, Egypt

Some Time in the Future: Egyptian and Israeli reconnaissance forces engage in combat somewhere between the Suez Canal and Bir Gifgafa.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Arab-Israeli Wars

Scenario#: F-8     Date: 7/42     Location: Osinovets, Finland

Hypothetical Finnish attack on Leningrad supply center. (7/42)

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: S-10     Date: October 8. 1973     Location: El Firdan, Egypt

After the fighting started on October 6. Israeli commanders transferred mobilizing reserve forces to the front line as quickly as possible. Limitations on mobilization capability and road capacity permitted only the most crucial units to be moved to…

Panzer (AH/MMP)Arab-Israeli Wars

Scenario#: S-12     Date: Some Time in the Future     Location: Marjayoun, Lebanon

Some Time in the Future: An Israeli armored brigade advances into Lebanon opposed by an Arab force of Syrians, Palestinians, and Lebanese.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Arab-Israeli Wars

Scenario#: S-5     Date: June 6, 1967     Location: Jenin, West Bank

At the start of the 1967 war the Jordanian army was deployed into a thin front line all along the border with Israel. Front line battalions regularly covered frontages of up to 10 km, normally a large brigade frontage, so …

Panzer (AH/MMP)Arab-Israeli Wars

Scenario#: CCGA     Date: November-40     Location: Omanville, France

Briefing: Reports have reached British Military Intelligence from French underground sources confirming massive German troop movements into the coastal regions. However, all Allied attempts to obtain detailed information on the new enemy divisional…

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGB     Date: June-41     Location: Courselles, France

Briefing: It has been learned that the major communications center linking Ob.d.H. (Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres) Paris with all German coastal commands from Dunkirk to Ushant is located in a requisitioned French chateau near Courselles. The solid,…

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGC     Date: September-41     Location: Haugesund, Norway

Briefing: The High Command is planning a major divisional-sized assault to sever the iron-ore route near Haugesund. However, other than dated Royal Navy outline maps, information on the topography of and enemy presence in this remote region of Norway…

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGD     Date: October-41     Location: Eletot, France

Briefing: The invasion is to take place at dawn. It is known that to the south of the invasion beaches elements of the 10th SS Panzer Division are refitting and on training maneuvers. Should the SS panzers reach the Canadian …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGE     Date: March-42     Location: Biesbosch, Holland

Briefing: The German occupation force in the Netherlands has, for some time now, been untroubled by the attentions of the commandos. Due to this, Gennan formations once stationed in Holland have been shifted to other coastal zones. To rectify this, …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGF     Date: August-42     Location: Biville, France

Briefing: At Onival on the French coast, a crucial commando raid on a German-staffed research laboratory will be carried out in a few days; the mission's objectives are the capture of blueprints and/or prototypes of a new German airborne radar …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGG     Date: February-43     Location: St D'Hyeres, France

Briefing: In four days time, a British convoy with a heavy escort is to depart Gibraltar bound for embattled Malta, laden with food and munitions absolutely vital for the continued survival of the island garrison. The Allied convoy will be …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGH     Date: July-43     Location: St. Valery, France

Briefing: Near the mouth of the River Seine lies the chateau of St. Valery-en-Caux, "acquired" by Reichsmarshal Goering in August 1940. The Kommandeur der Luftwaffe utilizes the chateau as his residence during his semi-frequent trips to inspect the…

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGI     Date: May-44     Location: Descanneville, France

Briefing: H-Hour is 0715. At that time, on the extreme left flank of the British landings, the troops of the Royal Scots Fusiliers and the Queen's Own Fife and Forfar Yeomanry will come ashore on a narrow strip of beach. …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGJ     Date: June-44     Location: Vire Valley, France

Briefing: Across the fields of the Vire valley from the sector held by the Canadian 4th Armoured Division lay a series of hills. In two days, the 4th Armoured will launch a limited offensive, aimed at breaking through the valley …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGK     Date: August-44     Location: Venraji, Norway

Briefing: A local, limited German counterattack has retaken the village of Venraij. Normally, with the fluid situation at the front, this setback would pose little inconvenience. However, the only supply route to the 7th U.S. Infantry RCT and the…

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGL     Date: October-44     Location: St. Brandon-sur-Aliex, France

Briefing: In a fortnight, the Eighth Army will launch a major offensive, designed to leap three major rivers and shatter the German defensive lines of their Ninety-third Army. A decisive victory could bring Nazi Germany to its collective knees,…

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: CCGM     Date: April-45     Location: Gravelin, Germany

Briefing: Word has reached SHAEF from the leading member of the Gennan Resistance in the OKH-codenamed "Amber"-that 150 Allied officers are being held by the Wehrmacht a few miles from the front lines. Under pressure from Himmler, the OKW has …

Squad LeaderASL Annual 92

Scenario#: D1     Date: June 1942     Location: Russia

Training Scenario: The following scenario will force the development of streetfighting skills for both sides. Tactical doctrine for successful streetfighting depends on the player’s successful use of combined arms (if available).

Squad LeaderThe Dragon Vol. IV, No. 10

Scenario#: D2     Date: April 1942     Location: Russia

Training Scenario: This scenario again pits the Russians and Germans in a street fight, but on a somewhat larger scale. In this scenario, victory is determined by the number of victory points gained by each player and whether or not …

Squad LeaderThe Dragon Vol. IV, No. 11