Browse Items (334 total)

Scenario#: D6     Date: 6-Mar-45     Location: Austria

After passing through Bulgaria and Yugoslavia, the Red Army smashed into Austria. A mixed group of Yugoslavs, Bulgarians and Russians met elements of the German force occupying Austria in a night melee.

Squad LeaderThe Dragon Vol. V, No. 7

Scenario#: 102     Date: 17-Aug-41     Location: Panikovo forest, Russia

In order to improve the flow of supplies to the German troops driving on Leningrad, the need for the great Leningrad Highway became apparent. A key position on the highway was the strongpoint prepared at Luga. To take the Luga …

Squad LeaderCross of Iron (Addon)

Scenario#: TS4     Date: 10-Oct-44     Location: Radzymin, Poland

The men of the SS Totenkopf Division had stalled the advance of the Fifth Guards Tank Army in late September. Then, silence. No fighting had occurred for the past three weeks. It seemed like a dream. Time to sleep; time …

Squad LeaderThe General #19,5

Scenario#: 16     Date: 8-Dec-42     Location: Chir River Line, Russia

Following the encirclement of Sixth Army at Stalingrad, the Germans launched a relief effort from their bridgehead at Nizhna Chirskaya, 25 miles from the nearest troops of Sixth Army at Marinowka. The Chir River was to provide the left flank …

Squad LeaderCross of Iron

Scenario#: 4     Date: June 29, 1944     Location: St. Lo, France

Elements of the U.S. 116th Infantry Regiment, supported by elements of the 737th Tank Battalion, attack towards St. Lo against units of the German 3rd Fallschirmjaeger (Parachute) Division and the 12th Sturmgeschutz (Assault Gun) Brigade.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader

Scenario#: 302     Date: 10-Dec-44     Location: Obergeich, Germany

As the Americans advanced across the plains of Germany, the badly outnumbered Germans could not hope to hold a continuous line. Rather than expose themselves, the Wehrmacht troops turned each town or clump of buildings into a small strongpoint. Early…

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 31     Date: April 8, 1940     Location: Stavenger, Norway

Paratroop units descend upon the airñeld to pave the way for the main force.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader Para-Leader

Scenario#: 23     Location: Stonne, France

The French 3rd DCR and the 3rd Motorized Division attack the Gross Deutschland Motorized Regiment and elements of the 10th Panzer Division.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader 1940

Scenario#: O     Date: 6-Jun-44     Location: Saint-Germain-de-Varreville, France

By dawn, Lt. Colonel R.L. Strayer had pieced together a unit composed of men of the 502nd, 506th and 508th Parachute Regiments. Front lines and flanks were meaningless. The officers and men didn't know one another. Radio contact with HQ …

Squad LeaderThe General #20.4

Scenario#: F-4     Date: 2/1/40     Location: Summa, Finland

SUMMA: Russian assault on Mannerheim Line (2/1/40)

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: F-1     Date: 12/11/39     Location: Suomussalmi, Finalnd

SUOMUSSALMI: Destruction of the Russian 163rd Division by the Finnish 27th lnfamry Regíment. (12/11/39)

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: 41     Date: 11-Jul-43     Location: Biazzo Ridge, Sicily

In the early morning hours of July 10th, Colonel James Gavin and the SOS the Parachute Regiment were scattered over much of southern Sicily. Gavin landed 20 miles east of the selected drop zone, while most of his regiment came …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 39     Date: 10-Dec-42     Location: Bordj Toum Station, Tunisia

As the Allies paused to gather their breath and resources for their attack on Tunis, the Germans struck first. The Fifth Panzer Army in an effort to expand its position around Tunis, sent the 86th Panzer Grenadier Regiment supported by …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 35     Date: July 10, 1943     Location: Syracuse, Sicily

The British 1st Air Landing Brigade assaults the Italian city in advance of the invasion.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Panzer Leader Para-Leader

Scenario#: F-6     Date: 3/8/40     Location: Tali, Finland

TALI: Final Russian attack of Winter War, forcing Finland to sue for peace. (3/8/40)

Panzer (AH/MMP)The Grenadier Panssari Salama

Scenario#: 22     Date: '22/10/44     Location: Tarnet, Norway

When Finland dropped out of the war. the German 20th Mountain, operating on the Arctic coast, found it necessary to withdraw into Norway. Soviet forces did not enter Finland but did cross the narrow Russo-Norwegian frontier in pursuit. The Germans,…

Panzer (AH/MMP)Wargamer's Guide to PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: A-7     Date: Some Time in the Future     Location: Tasa, Egypt

Some Time in the Future: Egyptian and Israeli reconnaissance forces engage in combat somewhere between the Suez Canal and Bir Gifgafa.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Arab-Israeli Wars

Scenario#: B-3     Date: October 11, 1973     Location: Kuneitra, Syria

En route to the front, the lraqi 12th Armored Brigade is ambushed east of Kuneitra by the Israeli 19th Armored Brigade.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Arab-Israeli Wars

Scenario#: 110     Date: 19-Apr-45     Location: Muncheberg, Germany

With the Third Reich in its death throes, the Russian juggernaut began to pickup speed. The German defense line on the Oder had been broken. One town after another fell to the Russian armies as they advanced on Berlin, but …

Squad LeaderCross of Iron (Addon)

Scenario#: 209     Date: 20-May-41     Location: Profitilias, Crete

The German assault on the mountainous island of Crete called for airborne landings in four separate areas. But due to inadequate air transport capacities, two airborne assault waves were needed. One objective for the first wave was the capture of …

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom (Addon)

Scenario#: W95     Date: 26-Jul-44     Location: Marigny, France

Combat Command of the U.S. 3rd Armored Division, in support of the U.S. 1st Infantry Division, attempted an envelopment of the German forces in Marigny. Initially slowed by bomb craters and defended hedgerows the American armored forces tried to…

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: H     Date: 21-Dec-44     Location: the Ardennes, Belgium

The key to the German Ardennes Offensive Jay with a quick breakthrough and deep penetration. In the north the success of a breakthrough rested heavily with Colonel Peiper's Kampfgruppe from the 1st SS Division. But the quick victories which had …

Squad LeaderThe General #17.2

Scenario#: W88     Date: 6-May-42     Location: Kestenga, Russia

During the Soviet spring offensive in the far northern reaches obfuscate 8th Ski Brigade and a regiment from the 186th Rifle Division were sent on a wide sweep to the west and south to cut the road behind the town …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: 3     Date: '20/9/41     Location: Vyazma, Russia

Advancing German mobile units scatter remnants of shattered Russian units during the push on Moscow.

Panzer (AH/MMP)PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: D3     Date: 1-Aug-44     Location: Warsaw, Poland

The uprising of freedom fighters of the Polish Home Army in Warsaw, which began on this date, appeared at first to be headed for ultimate, if hard-won, success. Home Army units in Warsaw amounted to 34,000 men and 4,000 women, …

Squad LeaderThe Dragon Vol. V, No. 2

Scenario#: D4     Date: 2-Oct-44     Location: Warsaw, Poland

Steadily, as August passed into September, the Poles were pushed back from the west bank of the vistula until the Germans had them trapped in the center of the city.

Squad LeaderThe Dragon Vol. V, No. 2

Scenario#: 8     Date: 14-Jan-45     Location: Bitche, Germany

Elements of the U.S. l 75th Infantry Regiment have been ordered to continue closing the ring around German forces trapped near Bitche. However, due to poor radio security, the Germans are quite aware of this latest development and have planned …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 22     Date: 30-Nov-39     Location: Kuhmo, Finland

Along the Karelian Front, as the Soviets crossed the borders, the Finnish forces executed a planned withdrawal to the Mannerheim Line. In the north, however, the Finns were ordered to oppose the Russian advance at every opportunity. At Kuhmo, the …

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom

Scenario#: W97     Date: 19-Dec-44     Location: Dom Butengenbach, Belgium

The German efforts to press their Wacht am Rhein offensive were falling behind schedule. After rapid deliberation German General Staff decided that the best way to speed the assault was to increase the maneuver area for the attacking elements. They …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 2

Scenario#: W90     Date: 23-Sep-43     Location: Kanev, Russia

The Soviet offensive had reached the Dnieper north of Kanev. Wishmg to capture the badge m the town the Russians sent a force southwards along the East edge of the river. In their way stood a small German rearguard set …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: W87     Date: 28-Feb-42     Location: Bruneval, France

At Bruneval, north of Le Havre, the Germans had installed an example of the Wurzburg radar system for air defense. British paratroops were briefed to drop into France, steal as much of the equipment as possible and bring it back …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: C     Date: 24-Sep-43     Location: Kiev, Ukraine

In mid September 1943 Manstein's Army Group South initiated a full scale retreat along the entire length of its 600 mile front. The plan was to fall back to the west bank of the Dnieper and redeploy for defense before …

Squad LeaderThe General #15.6

Scenario#: 9     Date: 23-Aug-44     Location: Cannes, France

Generally the American advance through Southern France was so swift that it was rare when the Germans stayed and fought. However, the swiftness of the advance often caused German elements to be cut off and faced with the decision either …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader

Scenario#: 13     Date: 3-Aug-41     Location: Balta, Ukraine

The 11th Army, advancing on the right side of Army Group South, skirted the Rumanian border with the Black Sea port of Odessa as its primary objective. The small town of Balta, located 120 miles northwest of Odessa, had changed …

Squad LeaderCross of Iron

Scenario#: 301     Date: 10-Oct-44     Location: Huertgen Forest, Germany

Day after day of seemingly endless forest. Constant shelling had turned most of the trees to shattered hulks. Advances were truly measured in yards as each step forward increased the threat of yet another sniper or hidden Spandau. Then, near …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 19     Date: '2/43     Location: Russia

THE CONVOY (2/43). A German front line unit is hard-pressed and needs supplies and ammunition. The relief convoy must reach them through partisan infested territory.

Panzer (AH/MMP)Wargamer's Guide to PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: M     Date: 29-Dec-41     Location: Staritsa, Russia

The German Army was frozen in place. Bitter cold and deep snow made the thinly clad Wehrmacht dig in and fight first for warmth, then the Russians. The Siberians were well equipped for war in the snow but the Russian …

Squad LeaderThe General #18.5

Scenario#: 18     Date: 19-Jul-41     Location: Luga, Russia

As the panzers drove deeper into Russia, intent on even greater encirclements, many potentially dangerous Russian armored groups were bypassed. The German infantry, being primarily foot or horse bound, was forced to keep up as best they could to…

Squad LeaderCross of Iron

Scenario#: 27     Date: 13-May-40     Location: Houx, Belgium

The Meuse River was the last major obstacle preventing a major armored breakout from the Ardennes. It was imperative that the Germans establish a number of viable crossings before the Allies could regroup. One of three such crossings on the …

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom

Scenario#: 40     Date: 10-Sep-44     Location: Dornot, Germany

With its series of forts and prepared positions, the area around the historic Lorraine city of Metz was to become known as "Fortress Metz" to the U.S. forces fighting in Europe. The first test in the long campaign which was …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 305     Date: 15-Mar-45     Location: Pfaffenheck, Germany

German General Hoehne, LXXXIX Corps commander, had to buy time. Every day the way was clear allowed additional isolated units to filter back towards the Rhine. At a time of frightful manpower shortages, he decided to commit two of his …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory (Addon)

Scenario#: 38     Date: 11-Feb-44     Location: Aprilia Settlement, Italy

As the initial expansion of the Allied beachhead at Anzio drew to a halt, the inevitable German counterattacks began. The main attacks concentrated on the Albano-Anzio highway around the village of Carroceto and the Aprilia farm settlement known to…

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: D5     Date: 7-June-42     Location: Sevastopol, Crimea

By June 7, 1942, General Erich von Manstein had rid the Crimea of Russian troops, except those who still held the fortress of Sevastopol. On that date, Sevastopol was guarded by seven Russian rifle divisions, three marine brigades, 600 guns …

Squad LeaderThe Dragon Vol. V, No. 5

Scenario#: W85     Date: 7-Jul-41     Location: Ulla, Russia

Fifteen days after the beginning of "Operation Barbarossa" the Fourth Panzer Army moved along the southern bank of the upper Divin~ River as it positioned itself for an enveloping attack on Vitebsk. The L VII Panzer Corps being the army's …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: W83     Date: 22-May-40     Location: Cambrai, France

During the latter stages of the Allies retreat to the coast and Dunkirk the British and French tried several times to pierce the infantry held flanks of the "Panzer Corridor" Across France . One such attack took place at Cambrai …

Squad LeaderWargamers Pack 1

Scenario#: 35     Date: 10-Nov-42     Location: Port-Lyautey, Morocco

The first phase of Operation Torch included amphibious landings along the Atlantic coast. Many of the primary objectives included the securing of French airdromes in these areas for use in the second phase: the advance into Tunisia. One such field …

Squad LeaderGI: Anvil of Victory

Scenario#: 207     Date: 2-Jun-40     Location: Spyckar, France

As the last days and hours of the Dunkirk defense passed and the perimeter shrank to within four miles of the city, the British turned their remaining positions over to the French forces. On the western side of the perimeter …

Squad LeaderCrescendo of Doom (Addon)

Scenario#: R214     Date: 22-Aug-43     Location: Kharkov, Russia

As Kharkov fell for the final time, front lines became unclear. Observation posts and defensive lines were held briefly, then abandoned as the Soviets advanced. The front began to stabilize around the Mosh river as units of the Soviet 57th …

Squad LeaderRogue Scenarios

Scenario#: 7     Date: '23/11/43     Location: Kiev, Russia

MEETING ENGAGEMENT DURING THE GERMAN RELIEF OF KIEV (23/11/43). The Russians had just liberated Kiev and were continuing their advance. The Germans made a desperate attempt to drive them back.

Panzer (AH/MMP)PanzerBlitz

Scenario#: 1     Date: 6-Oct-42     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

After an extremely successful summer the Germans came upon the Volga fortress of Stalingrad. Here the Russians had dug in and were determined to make a stand. Sensing total victory, the Germans threw more and more troops into the fighting. …

Squad LeaderSquad Leader