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Scenario#: RB01     Date: 10/17/1942     Location: Stalingrad, Russia

With the fall of the massive Dzherhezinsky Tractor Works, the Germans turned their attention to the Barrikady and Krasny Oktyabr factories. On 16 October German infantry, tanks and Stukas tried to blast a path into the Barrikady through the remnants…

Advanced Squad LeaderHASL 1 - Red Barricades

Scenario#: M4     Date: 17-Oct-42     Location: Templeton's Crossing, Papua, New Guinea

The Japanese advance along the Kokoda trail had reached its high water mark. The Japanese high command decided to focus first on Guadalcanal, and the forces on New Guinea were in retreat, having extended their supply lines. The Australian 25th …

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #4: New Guinea

Scenario#: 40     Date: 17-Oct-42     Location: Barrikady Gun Factory, Stalingrad, Russia

“Fortress Stalingrad" was living up to its name. On this day, elements of the German 305. lnfanterie-Divísion continued their assault into the ruins of the factory's workshops. The fighting was up close and personal.

Combat CommanderBattle Pack #2: Stalingrad