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Korean War, 1951-02-11, Operation Roundup Feb 1951.jpg

Korean War, Operation Roundup The X Corps Plan Feb 1951.jpg

Korean War, 1951-02-11, Operation Thunderbolt Feb 1951.jpg

Scenario#: WO42     Date: 01/29/1951     Location: Hill 381, Icheon, South Korea

The Greek Government had sent the Greek Expeditionary Force (GEF), one battalion to assist in Korea. This "Sparta" Battalion was composed of three rifle companies, a HQ company and six vehicles. The men were all …

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2022

Korean War, 1951-04-22, South Korea - UN Counteroffensive Situation 22 April 1951 and Operations since 25 January.jpg

Korean War, 1951-04-21, UN Command Strikes Back January to April 1951.jpg

Korean War, 1951-01-31, Operation Thunderbolt  Jan 1951.jpg

Scenario#: 212     Date: 1/10/1951     Location: Wonju, South Korea

Encouraged by the heavy North Korean losses during the initial UN attacks, Almond again ordered the US 2nd Infantry Division to recapture Wonju on January 9. About four infantry battalions from the US 23rd and 38th Infantry Regiment supported by…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 15 - Forgotten War

Korean War, 1951-01-22, North Korean II and V Corps Attacks Jan 1951.jpg

Korean War, 1951-01-07, Withdrawal to Line D by I and IX Corps Jan 1951.jpg

Korean War, 1951-01-24, UN Command on the Defensive January 1951.jpg

Korean War, 1951-01-01, Enemy Third Phase Offensive The Opening Effort Jan 1951.jpg

Korean War, X Corps Evacuation Plan 11 December 1950.jpg

Korean War, 1950-12-11, Withdrawal from the Changjin Reservoir.jpg

Korean War, 1950-12-23, Eight Army Withdrawal December 1950.jpg

Korean War, 1950-12-04, Concentration at Hagaru-ri.jpg

Scenario#: 211     Date: 12/1/1950     Location: Chosin Reservoir, North Korea

During the nights of 27 and 28 November 1950, the separated elements of the 31st Regimental Combat Team were surrounded and nearly destroyed by elements of the 80th and 81st CVPA Divisions. On 29 November, the regimental units were consolidated on…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 15 - Forgotten War

Korean War, 1950-11-30, the 2nd Infantry Division at Kunu-ri.jpg

Scenario#: AP187     Date: 11/29/1950     Location: Samso-Ri, N. Korea

Even after the heavy casualties inflicted on the 8th Cavalry Regiment at Unsan and Yongbyon, UN Command still thought that the Communist Chinese did not intend to rescue the Kim Il Sung regime. When Chinese forces disengaged in early November, the UN…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #17 - Oktoberfest XXXV

Korean War, 1950-12-01, Battle of the Changjin Reservoir.jpg

Korean War, 1950-11-29,Battle of the Changjin Reservoir.jpg

Korean War, The 31st RCT East of the Reservior.jpg

Korean War, 5th and 7th Marines at Yudam-ni.jpg

Scenario#: 210     Date: 11/27/1950     Location: Yudam-Ni, North Korea

The 1st Marine Division had been cut off by tens of thousands of Communist Chinese regulars who had infiltrated into North Korea and closed the main supply road to the south. Now the Communist Chinese command moved swiftly to overwhelm the high…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 15 - Forgotten War

Korean War, 1950-12-15, North Korea - Chinese Communist Offensive Situation 5 December 1950 Operations to 15 December.jpg

Korean War, Northeast Korea - X Corps Zone Forward Positions.jpg

Korean War, 1950-11-28, The Chinese Communist Forces Offensive November 1950.jpg

Korean War, 1950-11-28, Battle of Ch'ongch'on.jpg

Korean War, 1950-11-26, The Novenber Offense into North Korea.jpg

Scenario#: AP186     Date: 11/6/1950     Location: Yongbyon, N. Korea

The 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 8th Cavalry Regiment barely escaped from Unsan on 2 November, with the 3rd Battalion under Major Robert Ormond acting as rear guard, not yet aware that the area was under attack by the entire Chinese 39th Army. After…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #17 - Oktoberfest XXXV

Scenario#: AP185     Date: 11/2/1950     Location: Unsan, S. Korea

As the First Team blasted its way to the Yalu River and the Chinese border in late October, many of the GIs and Officers believed they might be home in time for Christmas. At the same time, however, units of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #17 - Oktoberfest XXXV

Korean War, 1950-11-24, North Korea - UN Advance to the Yalu River Situation 24 November 1950.jpg

Korean War, 1950-11-01, The Chinese Intervene on the West.jpg

Korean War, 1950-10-24, Advance of the United Natios Command Forces October 1950.jpg

Scenario#: AP184     Date: 10/12/1950     Location: Korangp’o-Ri, S. Korea

In August, General Gay replaced the 5th Cavalry Regiment's aging and near-deaf commander Colonel Carl Rohsenberger with the more dynamic Marcel Crombez. Colonel Crombez had missed most of WWII in stateside training assignments but served in the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #17 - Oktoberfest XXXV

Korean War, 1950-10-26, North Korea - UN Advance to the Yalu River and Initial Chinese Counterattack Situation 26 October 1950.jpg

Korean War, 1950-11-01, UN Forces Advance to the Yalu River October 1950.jpg

Scenario#: AP183     Date: 9/27/1950     Location: Osan, S. Korea

The breakout from the Pusan Perimeter would not be considered successful until Eighth Army linked up with X Corps coming from the Seoul area. To help make that a reality, each regiment of the First Team received fresh troops in early September in the…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #17 - Oktoberfest XXXV

Scenario#: WO32     Date: 9/25/1950     Location: Seoul, South Korea

X Corps landed at Inchon on 15 September and immediately advanced toward Seoul. By the 24th, Col. Lewis “Chesty” Puller’s 1st Regiment crossed the Han River west of the city and jumped off at 0700, but without their usual armor support, as all of the…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2019

Korean War, 1950-09-30, The Pursiut September 1950.jpg

Korean War, 1950-09-28, The Capture of Seoul September 1950.jpg

Korean War, 1950-09-30, Defeat of the North Korean Forces September 1950.jpg

Korean War, 1950-09-26, South Korea - United Nations Offensive Situation 26 September 1950.jpg

Korean War, 1950-09-01, The North Korean Naktong Offensive - US 2nd Division Sector.jpg

Korean War, 1950-09-01, The North Korean Naktong Offensive - US 25th Division Sector.jpg

Scenario#: 209     Date: 8/31/1950     Location: Agok, South Korea

On the night of 31 August, the North Koreans launched a multi-division attack aimed at Taegu. The bulk of the KPA 9th Infantry Division attacked the line of the 9th Infantry Regiment that roughly followed the Naktong River, with an immediate…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL 15 - Forgotten War

Korean War, 1950-09-10, Taegu-Pusan Area - United Nations Defense Situation 10 September 1950.jpg

Scenario#: WO41     Date: 08/20/1950     Location: Gasan, South Korea

The road from Sangju to Taegu wound through a mountain pass nick-named the "Bowling Alley" by the American troops. In mid-August the North Korean drive was losing steam, the North Korean 13th Division was given the task to complete the breakthrough.…

Advanced Squad LeaderWinter Offensive Bonus Pack 2022

Scenario#: AP182     Date: 8/16/1950     Location: Waegwan, S. Korea

Lieutenant General Kim Ung and his KPA I Corps were two weeks behind schedule regarding "Operation Order 121"-to take Taegu and Pusan by 6 August. With Eighth Army getting stronger by the day in its defensive positions behind the Naktong, Ung’s…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #17 - Oktoberfest XXXV

Scenario#: AP181     Date: 8/14/1950     Location: Yongp’o, S. Korea

On 29 July, the increasingly dire situation prompted Eighth Army Commander General Walton Walker to issue to division commanders what became known as his “Stand or Die” order, which read in part "There will be no Dunkirk, there will be no Bataan."…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #17 - Oktoberfest XXXV