Combat Commander: Battle Pack #6: Sea Lion

Combat Commander: Battle Pack #6: Sea Lion

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Lined in Chalk
The Siege of London had been broken and the invader driven across the Medway. A furious Hitler ordered the 16th Army to cross the channel under the cover of the Luftwaffe and seize what they could of southeast England and …

The Tonbridge Two
In the immediate aftermath of the invasion the recently formed Special Operations Executive (SDE) began recruiting officers for the creation of a British Resistance movement to disrupt the German rear areas. Two such operatives were paradropped…

Foxtrot Uniform
The southern arm of Operation Tremor consisted of a joint Commonwealth and US force. In a bid to deceive Axis forces as to the true size of the Allied counterattack, American forces were tasked with the recapture of R.A.F. Upper …

Let England Shake
Operation Tremor, the Allied counterattack into the overextended German positions West of London, began in earnest on 17 November. With Axis troops committed to the British capital and still unable to control bridgeheads along the length of the River…

The Battle of Trafalgar
After days of street-to-street fighting, the troops of the German 9th Army had secured the Hungerford railway bridge to establish a foothold on the North side of the Thames. Despite capturing the nearby Charing Cross station, Axis troops were unable…

The Man Who Would Be King
German plans for the period following a successful invasion of Britain called for the establishment of a puppet government with Oswald Mosley, aristocratic leader of the British Union of Fascists (BUF) at it's head. Unfortunately for the Germans, at…

Beneath a Steel Sky
After successfully establishing a beachhead at nearby Bognor Regis, the German 9th Army pushed West towards their ultimate goal: the British naval base at Portsmouth. Although most of the Home Fleet had been evacuated under fire to Scapa Flow and …

All Ahead, Full Stop
The British defensive plan in the event of invasion called for the containment of German forces at a series of 'Stop Lines' based around natural defensive features. The most important of these was the Medway Stop Line to the East …

Bloody Bognor
Prior to the invasion the pier at Bognor Regis had been redesignated HMS Patricia, a naval spotting station used to coordinate Home Fleet actions in the Channel. A concerted German attack was launched to knock out the pier and assist …

Keep Calm and Carry On
The village of Brede in East Sussex awoke to the sight of a company of German paratroopers tumblíng out of a late September sky in a daring attempt to cut the supply route to heavily defended Hastings to the south. …
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