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Sinai Front: Botzer
At the height of the battle for Chinese Farm the Egyptians rushed reinforcements from both the north and the south into the fray. From the south came the 25th Armored Brigade, one of the premier units of the Egyptian armed …
Scenario Description
At the height of the battle for Chinese Farm the Egyptians rushed reinforcements from both the north and the south into the fray. From the south came the 25th Armored Brigade, one of the premier units of the Egyptian armed forces, driving up the Lexicon Road. The Israelis immediately sent elements of three armored brigades to ambush the Egyptians. One tank battalion from the Israelí 600th Armored Brigade met the Egyptians head on and conducted a skillful delaying action while the two other Israeli groups maneuvered to hit the 25th in its flank and rear. Soon the Egyptians were receiving fire from three directions. Although the Egyptians maneuvered their tanks skillfully in the face of enemy fire, heavy casualties forced them to withdraw back south. The Egyptians lost 86 out of 96 tanks engaged, in addition to other support units. The Israelis only lost 4 tanks and those were to a minefield that the retreating Egyptians lured the pursuing israelis into. The israelis halted their pursuit, thus allowing the remnants of the 25th to escape to the south.
Great Bitter Lake, Sinai
Battle Narrative
The Battle of the Chinese Farm took place during October 15 to October 17, 1973 between the Egyptian Army and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), as part of the Yom Kippur War. It was fought in the Sinai Peninsula, north of the Great Bitter Lake and just east of the Suez Canal, near an Egyptian agricultural research station. The area was known to the Israeli military as the Chinese Farm – a misnomer resulting from the research station's use of Japanese-made equipment. (Japanese Kanji characters on machinery at the farm were mistaken by Israeli observers for Chinese Hanzi.
Narrative Source
