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Scenario#: AP077     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Persano, Italy

To fulfill General Dawley's request to close the gap between the Sele-Calore Rivers, General Walker sent his divisional reserve to plug the hole. The 2nd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment was deployed to cover the frontage with the company's HQ in…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome

Scenario#: AP076     Date: 9/13/1943     Location: Persano, Italy

During the afternoon, two German battle groups, the Kampfgruppe ‘Kleine Limburg’ and Kampfgruppe ‘Krüger’, had attacked Persano to the north-west and overrun the 1/157th Infantry before crossing the Sele river to fall on the 2/143rd Infantry and…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #8 Roads Through Rome