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Scenario#: AP091     Date: 2/21/1942     Location: Thebyuchang, Burma

As the British made a precarious and disjointed withdrawal in front of the relentless Japanese advance, many small actions were fought between the Bilin River and the easily fordable Thebyu River. The Bilin was the last barrier before the Salween…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Action Pack #9 To the Bridge!

Scenario#: A086     Date: 2/21/1942     Location: Kaunas, Timor

By mid-February the Japanese had embarked their invasion force, bound for the south coast of Timor opposite Koepang. At roughly 0830 on 20 February, long-range Japanese aircraft began to scatter paratroopers in small drops all around the city. Their…

Advanced Squad LeaderASL Annual 95 Winter