Great War Commander

Great War Commander

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A Stand-Up Fight
Minor spring raids against the new American troops produce little. Then on 20 April, the night is misty and visibility is poor. A heavy two-hour bombardment opens against the U.S. 102nd Regiment, 26th “Yankee” Division stationed at Saint Mihiel…

Guillemont Farm
When the 27th US Division arrived in the Bony area to take its starting positions for the combined attack on the St Quentin Canal, the area had not been secured as planned by the British III Corps, and the Americans …

Combler à Combles
As part of the Battle of the Somme, the combined attack of the 6th French Army and the 4th British Army at the end of September 1916, allowed the reconquest of Morval, Gueudecourt and Lesboeuf. On the morning of the …

As part of the "race to the sea", General de Castelnau launched a frontal attack on German positions near Albert (Somme). After a French advance, he had to face the counter-offensive of the German 6. Armee. The fighting remained …

Lost Battalion
Tasked with taking a sector of Argonne Forest from the Germans, the 77th U.S. Division attacked on October 2nd. From the first waves, things went wrong. 1st Battalion of 308th Regiment advanced on the extreme left, the rest of 308th …

Rock of the Marne
Spring-Summer 1918 brought the last German offensives on the Western Front. General Ludendorff's closing effort was against the Marne River line to the south, 56 miles away from Paris. The French there were reeling. Fresh American divisions rushed…

Seizing Bouresches
When French General Joseph Degoutte ordered an attack on Belleau Wood, the American Marines were eager to oblige. Two days earlier, they had succeeded in stopping the German advance at Mares Farm and elsewhere. Starting at positions west of the …

Devil Dogs
With little coordination and notice to the attacking forces, the marines struck at Belleau Wood at 1700 hours. Major Ben Berry's 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, crossed wheat fields and struck at the Woods waist. A creeping barrage was supposed to …

Retreat, Hell
At dawn, exhausted remnants of the French 43 Division continued to pass through the US Marine line set up west of Belleau Wood. The 5th Marine Regiment of the 2nd Division, led by Colonel Wendell Neville, waited. Units of …

Flesh and Iron
By 0900, the French 11 Corps d'Armée comes under heavy pressure, to hold the line at Vierzy-Neuilly Saint Front. To offset the pressure, the Division Marocaine counter attacks as soon as possible in the direction of Parcy-Tigny. A Brigade de …

Over There
First U.S. troops arrived in France in July 1917, but they needed numbers and training. Over the winter-spring not much happened except a German raid at Seicheprey in April. By May, the Doughboys wanted in the fight. The big German …

Moulin de Laffaux
As part of the Nivelle Offensive, VI French Army launches its assault on the Chemin des Dames at 04:45. Here Saint Chamond tanks enter action for the first time in the war. Their orders are to support infantry assaults by …

Iron Ladies
Following extensive development tests, French tanks finally enter the battlefield. There are 128 Schneider tanks from the Groupement Bossut and Groupement Chaubes assigned to the Nivelle offensive on the Chemin des Damos. Hopes run high for a…

Rush the Lines
Fearing for Verdun, the British launched the Somme Offensive early in the morning. French forces south of the river pushed the flank back a few hours later, catching the Germans off guard. It was expected the French would bombard longer, …

Dead Man's Hill
Except for losing Fort Douaumont, French defendcrs do well and slow down the German attacks on the East Bank of the Meuse. To salvage the offensive, 5. Armee commander, Crown Prince Wilhelm, looks to the West Bank Standing in his …

This Is Our Place
Planning a large attack for two months, the Germans finally struck at the French Achilles heel of Verdun. It was a city General Erich von Falkenhayn believed the French would die defending. The attack kicked off on the east bank …

En Avant Les Grelus
After the German Anny pulled back from the Marne, they didn't leave Vimy Ridge. Their defenses extended west of the Ridge and dominated the Artois region. To the east lay Douai Plaine and Lens, a nearby coal center, waiting for …

Chateau Fury
At the climax of the Battle of the Marne, while the German front fought to stabilize, two companies of the 4 Hannoversches IR 164, 20. Division, advanced to seize the crossroads village of Mondement and the nearby cháteau. The position, …

Fix Bayonets
ln a late reaction to the German invasion of Belgium, French Commander Joseph Joffre sent IV and V Armies north to the Belgian frontier. When German 3rd Army forces under Max von Hausen began to turn their east flank at …

Birth of a Legend
After crossing wet terrain and cutting down barbed wire fences along the way, the 124. lnfanterie-Regiment reached attack position at Hill 325. Hidden by a heavy fog, the German troops assaulted directly into the town of Bleid. Bitter street lighting…
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